New society without taxes

New society

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All people complain that they don´t have enough money. They complain, that little earn, that rich people have more and more, that everything is expensive, that in socialism, people have better social conditions, that government spends a lot of money from our taxes, that there is corruption, everyone complains that pays high taxes, the government complains that cannot collect enough money from taxes and must make debts. What will solve all these problems?
In every society there are three main groups: people, companies and government.
People are working and receiving a salary, from which pay to companies money for products and services, which they need for live - food, housing, clothing, transportation, etc.
Companies provide work to people and pay them salaries and provide to people products and services necessary for life.
Both of groups pay taxes to the government, and government pays from this money other services necessary for the functioning of the country, such as police, justice, authorities, education, culture, environment, military, transport, research etc.
Companies finance country so, that pay to people salaries and pay taxes to the government.
This is the system, which we have now. And how we could change it?
If we want to change it, that everyone complains, that have to pay a lot and gets little, companies should have the choice, whether they want to pay to people salaries and to government taxes, as it is now, or they want directly pay to other companies and institutions for services and products, which the government buys now for collected taxes and people for salaries.
E.g. some companies provide to people lunch. So people do not get money in salary and pay for lunch, because they directly have lunch.
Some companies pay people's pensions. So again, people do not pay part of the salary, which they would pay to social insurance so to the government, which pays the pensions to the current retirees.
Some companies pay employee´s taxes directly to government, and they are presented as part of salary.
When we look at the structure of salary using, we see that it is used for paying taxes and insurance, food, housing, clothing, transportation etc.
Companies can provide certain services or products directly to people and then they don´t need to pay for the equal part of the salary. For example, the company will pay the doctor to the employees and will not pay the equal part of the salary for health insurance.
In this way the company, if wants, could take over all payments, which are part of the salary and may not pay people salaries, and people could work without the salary, but may have from company everything, what they are paying from salary for.
The same means for the taxes, that companies pay to the government for which the government finances the functioning of the country.
For example, a company will pay and ensure the education of children in any district and will not have to pay a percentage of the taxable amount, which is equivalent to the share of education funding in the state budget.
Such a transfer of responsibility and funding from governments to companies could be carried out across the entire spectrum of paid taxes. Because in taxes are included also costs for police, justice, offices, culture, education, environment, military, transport, research etc. Such change will be able to choose companies their self and it will be advantageous for them because the costs for country life will be more effective and will be lower, because the company is still trying to reduce costs.
No matter, whether companies are owned by the state in socialism or by owners in capitalism.
In the past people paid taxes to the king and it was unfair for the people and the reason for revolutions. After revolutions in democracy people again pay taxes, even to democratic voted government. But anyhow there was not created system of the fair money redistribution from government back to the people. And this is the problem which put democratic society back to kingdom before revolutions, where are unfair big differences between reach and poor people. But now in society there are companies, which give to people salaries and to government taxes. This all money in society comes from companies anyhow.
People every time need certain things for their lives. Society has been developed such way, that these things obtain people their self and some things obtain government. Companies finance these needs through taxes and salaries. If main groups of society – people, government, companies are not satisfied with the redistribution of money in the country now, they could be satisfied then, when the responsibility and actions to procure the necessities of the people lives will shift to companies. They will take care for the people lives in all.
Everyone will be happy. Companies will not pay taxes or less, will not pay salaries or less, people will have everything, what they need for their lives, and the government will not have to worry about the people and will not need to indebt, only will control society, how is working.
Sanders made a new proposal this week which would completely eliminate taxes.........instead, your entire paycheck would be sent by your employer to the government, which would then award you a weekly bonus check commensurate with your needs.........