New study says yes we got screwed again.



Is it any surprize?

U.S. Failed to Oversee Corps on Iraq Work, Agency Says

Published: January 30, 2008
A federal report released Tuesday says the Army Corps of Engineers charged the government hundreds of millions of dollars for supervising projects in Iraq that have been identified as having failed or fallen behind schedule specifically because oversight was lax or nonexistent.
Although the corps’ practice of charging such fees is not limited to its work in Iraq, the report points out that its rates were on average more than twice as high as those charged by an Air Force office that has also been active in Iraq reconstruction. But the Air Force projects have come under much less criticism than their Army Corps counterparts for shoddy workmanship and delays.
Don’t these types of stories make you realize how incompetent the government is? They are so incompetent they cant even oversee things property and you want them to oversee our healthcare?

Ill say it again. Government jobs are the bottom of the barrel.. pay is significantly lower then what you can get in private sector, the people that take these jobs are one of the following:

1) Lazy – not wanting to work a lot.. do half assed jobs.
2) Bottom of barrel.. cant get job in private sector
3) Looking for fringe benefits
4) Actually want to make a difference.

I know we have some #4’s out there but I do believe it’s a minority.