New Twist On An Old Game


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Rigging elections is as American as apple pie. Watch The Great McGinty if you want to see the greatest political movie every made:

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
By Rowan Scarborough
Monday, June 19, 2017

Illegal aliens voting is only one crime that never was. Proof that Obama took more than a hundred million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from foreigners in 2008 was laughed away. Exposing voter fraud is still alive even though the lying sack of shit is out of office.

QUESTION: Will future presidential historians include two stolen elections in the Chicago sewer rat’s legacy? ANSWER: Stealing an election does not rate a footnote.

Here are two links for anybody trying to understand how a man the majority clearly did not want ended up winning anyway:

November 8, 2012
Voter Fraud Redefined
By Matthew Vadum


Did this dirty trick get Obama re-elected?
President didn’t win single state that required Voter ID
Published: 11/08/2012 at 7:36 PM

The Parasite Class need not panic just yet. The fact that nothing was done about Obama’s ineligibility in the first place taught most Americans not to expect anything from Congress, or the High Court, when a leading parasite is challenged. A second term legitimized the fraud. Television mouths, and the Beltway power structure, wanted Obama to win and that is all there was to it.

NOTE: Amending the Constitution could not have abolished the Eligibility Clause more effectively than did Obama’s second term.

Media barons set it up for Hillary Clinton to win, but she was so arrogant she did not bother to steal enough votes to take the Electoral College in enough states.

Incidentally, President Trump still refuses to dump all of the parasite maggots Obama empowered. Trump can, and should, fire every one of them on the day after he wins a second term instead of dumping on Jeff Sessions. Trump will not unload Democrats because he is afraid of offending the press barons who controlled everything the parasites did to this country under Obama.

Finally, the wealthy class have been Communism’s villains since the day dirty old Karl Marx laid the philosophical foundation for this country’s Parasite Class. One of the biggest jokes the God of Politics ever played on Americans transformed the Parasite Class into today’s wealthy class. Election fraud protected and encouraged by television had a big hand in the transition —— a controlling hand in perpetuating election frauds.

Last edited:
p.s. There is plenty of time for the Federal Election Commission to announce ‘Mail-in ballots will not be counted whether or not the country is open for business before election day.’

Rigging elections is as American as apple pie.

Fifty years ago, on January 17, 1962, Federal employees first obtained the right to engage in collective bargaining through labor organizations when President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10988, "Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Sector." Executive Order 10988 issued as result of the findings of the Task Force on Employee-Management Relations in the Federal Service, which was created by a memorandum issued to all executive department and agency heads by President Kennedy on June 22, 1961. In this memorandum the President noted that, "The participation of employees in the formation and implementation of employee policy and procedures affecting them contributes to the effective conduct of public business," and that this participation should be extended to representatives of employees and employee organizations.

50th Anniversary: Executive Order 10988

The best reason of all to rescind JFK’s EO:

Despite his cognitive challenges, the leftist power-craving cabal that hijacked the Democratic Party is confident they can elect Joe Biden president. How?

They plan to unionize the November election and "manufacture" a Biden victory.

They plan to impose nationwide voting by mail, and more than 93 percent of those mail-in ballots would be carried, unsupervised, to the counting place by a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), AFL-CIO, which represents 277,000 active and retired letter carriers.

This labor union in 2018 made political contributions to federal candidates of $1,342,000, of which 77 percent went to Democrats. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts pocketed $10,000 from NALC, as did South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, who single-handedly saved Biden's sinking presidential primary campaign by urging African Americans to vote for him. No wonder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now proposes spending $25 billion more for the U.S. Postal Service.

Most letter carriers are honest, decent, hardworking people who would not destroy absentee ballots from Trump-supporting neighborhoods. But pundits tell us that the November election could be decided by very few votes in key states.

If Pelosi gets her way, blank absentee ballots will flood every American mailbox, and Democratic operatives will also be able to "ballot harvest" them by the millions in a political environment where no voter IDs are permitted, all non-citizen and fake ballots count, and vote fraud will overwhelm all future elections.

Our democratic republic, as in California in 2018, will perish in a blizzard of dishonest paper ballots and be buried in a stuffed ballot box. The tombstone will read: "American Government Of We The People. Born 1776-Died 2020."

Can Democrats 'mail in' Joe Biden's election?
Exclusive: Lowell Ponte warns of letter-carrier union's influence on those who'd deliver ballots
By Lowell Ponte
Published May 28, 2020 at 7:15pm
Right now the polling looks grim for President Trump, but the Democrats aren’t taking any chances. Much as the Russia hoax was their “insurance policy” in 2016, voter fraud is their ace in the hole this year.

In recent cycles voter fraud has been institutionalized as part of the Democrats’ electoral strategy, but now it is being elevated to a new high. Or low. The current drive, in many states, for voting by mail is simply an attempt to facilitate fraud by causing millions of ballots to be mailed out to non-existent, dead, moved or unqualified voters. Some of those ballots will be filled out by Democrats and will make their way into the electoral count. The Democrats’ concern for COVID is touching, but their purpose here is not to protect frail and elderly voters, it is to facilitate fraud on a grand scale.

Posted on June 26, 2020
by John Hinderaker
Voter Fraud: The Democrats’ Ace in the Hole

Rigging the election is the only thing Democrats have.

How the Democrats are Well on Their Way To Stealing Election 2020
By Judi McLeod
June 28, 2020

Senile Joe Biden’s last vestige of reality tells him he dare not debate President Trump face to face. In fact, Democrats do not care if brain dead Biden tanks in a debate, they will vote for him. Nor are Democrats worried that law-abiding American voters know how corrupt mail-in ballots really are. Stealing another one is all that counts to sure losers.

Democrats are secure in the knowledge that television mouths started rigging the election for Senile Joe on the day he announced he was running. That is why Democrats know they can get away with mail-in voting:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin [UNCONFIRMED QUOTE]

Adding mail-in votes to Biden’s anemic total will be a piece of cake for television’s liars.

Even if forged ballots make their way up to the Supreme Court in a year or two there is not a chance 5 justices will overturn a presidential election. In fact, the entire court will legitimate the voting rights of every box of bones in every cemetery —— in addition to creating the Right to Vote for millions of illegal aliens.

Indeed, the Nifty Nine will attest to a mannequin.

Trump would cream Biden in a fair election, while Trump has only one chance of winning a rigged election:

p.s. There is plenty of time for the Federal Election Commission to announce ‘Mail-in ballots will not be counted whether or not the country is open for business before election day.’

Democrats dropped their strategy to abolish the Electoral College because it is no longer necessary. Casting so many illegal mail-in ballots will give catatonic Biden the Electoral College as well as the popular vote.

Finally, once again “This is the most important election in our history.” is being heard across the fruited plain.

It was true for Americans in 2008, and 2012 when the lying sack of shit won. It was true in 2016 when Hillary Clinton lost anyway. This time it is only true for swamp creatures. Either they steal this one, or they give up all of the gains they made in the past hundred years.

Parenthetically, Trump signed legislation that gave the Parasite Class trillions of tax dollars. It remains to be seen if he will show more guts in a second term than he exhibited in his first term. Urging people that despise him is no substitute for political courage:

Trump Administration Urges Supreme Court to Scrap Obamacare in Full
Kevin Daley
June 26, 2020 3:10 PM
It was true for Americans in 2008, and 2012 when the lying sack of shit won. It was true in 2016 when Hillary Clinton lost anyway. This time it is only true for swamp creatures. Either they steal this one, or they give up all of the gains they made in the past hundred years.

They just hate that we have elections.

To StoneByStone:
He is why AMERICANS hate rigged elections:

Senile Joe never had an original political thought in his life. So there is no doubt that Biden’s swamp creatures will overturn President Trump’s gains in order to resurrect the Chicago sewer rat’s policies:

1. Iran Nuclear Deal.

2. Paris Climate Framework.

3. Police “Reform.”

4. Biden’s Vice President.

5. & 6. The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, and overall policy toward Israel.

7. International Criminal Court.

8. Trade Deals.

9. China.

10. Slavery reparations.

11. Federal judges. Biden must overcome the 200 Trump judges the Senate ratified.

Before it’s too late,
the Trump campaign will have to be seriously focused, and deadly serious, about sharing its vision of the fate of the nation in President Biden’s hands. Yes, the message can be funny. But maybe better, scary—and for sure, always, plausible. And the ten matters raised above are good places for Team Trump to start.

Otherwise, the Biden campaign, with its own pat answers in hand, might well lull Americans into not worrying about the prospect of a Biden presidency. And so far, if the polls are to be believed, Biden’s strategy is working.

If Trump campaigners are truly in it to win it, they will have to start, yes, defining Biden—and doing it in a most tangible way, so that Americans can truly get a sense of what an actual Biden presidency would be like. If the Trumpians can do so, then, the current dismal polls notwithstanding, they still have a solid fighting chance.

Pinkerton: Ten Things that Will Happen in a Biden Presidency
by James P. Pinkerton
It's good news that the Democratic AG caught the GOP council members rigging the election.

It would be the same even if the Democratic AG caught democratic riggers.

Why don't GOP AGs catch anyone?
Can we really consider you American, though? One of the main foundations of America is Democracy.

To StoneByStone: Asshole, democracy is the foundation of the Parasite Class.

Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government.

If you want Fascism, then you're not really American.

To StoneByStone: Every time you open your mouth you prove what a stupid Asshole you really are! AMERICANS want the constitutionally limited Republic government the Founders created.

See this thread and learn what the Founders thought about democracy before you take it upon yourself to define ‘American’:

11. Federal judges. Biden must overcome the 200 Trump judges the Senate ratified.

Published 16 hours ago
Matt Schlapp: Trump's federal court legacy — how these judges will make a difference
The lasting impact of these appointments to the federal court cannot be overstated
By Matt Schlapp

At best, legacy cuts both ways:

President Eisenhower gave the country Earl Warren, and William Brennan.

“I made two mistakes and both of them are sitting on the Supreme Court.” Dwight Eisenhower

Regardless of all the other judges Ike put on federal benches, Warren and Brennan will always define his legacy.

Following is a list of all Article III United States federal judges appointed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower during his presidency. In total Eisenhower appointed 184 Article III federal judges, including 5 Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States (including one Chief Justice), 45 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, 129 judges to the United States district courts, 2 judges to the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 2 judges to the United States Court of Claims and 1 judge to the United States Customs Court.

Eisenhower was no worse at picking judges than the other presidents when you evaluate everything federal judges did to this country since the FDR years. The judges President Senile Joe Biden would send to the courts is enough to make strong men cringe in terror.

Parenthetically, in the real world John Roberts would be just another shyster lawyer if he was not the Chief Justice.

One final observation. Judges in the U.K. wear wigs to cover their empty heads. Judges in the U.S. wear halos so they can sanctify their sins.
Parenthetically, Trump signed legislation that gave the Parasite Class trillions of tax dollars. It remains to be seen if he will show more guts in a second term than he exhibited in his first term. Urging people that despise him is no substitute for political courage:

Ol’ Yellow Stain is throwing another trillion at Democrat parasites to buy their votes in November:

The White House expects the next coronavirus relief package will cost up to $1 trillion, Marc Short, the chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, said Tuesday.

“There’s obviously been a lot of stimulus put in the system over the last couple bills, and so, the price tag for us would be that," he said in an appearance on Bloomberg Radio.

This is a developing story.

White House eyes about $1 trillion for next pandemic relief bill
by Jay Heflin, Business Editor |
July 07, 2020 10:44 AM

How many trillions will that NY bum give the parasites in his second term?
Got another thread where the poster is talking to himself, often the case with this one

Little tip for you there, no one wants to, and few do, read your copy and pasted extended posts that ramble on endlessly, and heavily sourced with right wing blogs. Two to three paragraphs citing the source with a personal comment or preferably a question is the recipe if you want to initiate an exchange. This ain’t talk radio, it is meant to be two way communication
Right now the polling looks grim for President Trump, but the Democrats aren’t taking any chances. Much as the Russia hoax was their “insurance policy” in 2016, voter fraud is their ace in the hole this year.

In recent cycles voter fraud has been institutionalized as part of the Democrats’ electoral strategy, but now it is being elevated to a new high. Or low. The current drive, in many states, for voting by mail is simply an attempt to facilitate fraud by causing millions of ballots to be mailed out to non-existent, dead, moved or unqualified voters. Some of those ballots will be filled out by Democrats and will make their way into the electoral count. The Democrats’ concern for COVID is touching, but their purpose here is not to protect frail and elderly voters, it is to facilitate fraud on a grand scale.

Posted on June 26, 2020
by John Hinderaker
Voter Fraud: The Democrats’ Ace in the Hole

Rigging the election is the only thing Democrats have.

How the Democrats are Well on Their Way To Stealing Election 2020
By Judi McLeod
June 28, 2020

Senile Joe Biden’s last vestige of reality tells him he dare not debate President Trump face to face. In fact, Democrats do not care if brain dead Biden tanks in a debate, they will vote for him. Nor are Democrats worried that law-abiding American voters know how corrupt mail-in ballots really are. Stealing another one is all that counts to sure losers.

Democrats are secure in the knowledge that television mouths started rigging the election for Senile Joe on the day he announced he was running. That is why Democrats know they can get away with mail-in voting:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin [UNCONFIRMED QUOTE]

Adding mail-in votes to Biden’s anemic total will be a piece of cake for television’s liars.

Even if forged ballots make their way up to the Supreme Court in a year or two there is not a chance 5 justices will overturn a presidential election. In fact, the entire court will legitimate the voting rights of every box of bones in every cemetery —— in addition to creating the Right to Vote for millions of illegal aliens.

Indeed, the Nifty Nine will attest to a mannequin.

Trump would cream Biden in a fair election, while Trump has only one chance of winning a rigged election:

Democrats dropped their strategy to abolish the Electoral College because it is no longer necessary. Casting so many illegal mail-in ballots will give catatonic Biden the Electoral College as well as the popular vote.

Finally, once again “This is the most important election in our history.” is being heard across the fruited plain.

It was true for Americans in 2008, and 2012 when the lying sack of shit won. It was true in 2016 when Hillary Clinton lost anyway. This time it is only true for swamp creatures. Either they steal this one, or they give up all of the gains they made in the past hundred years.

Parenthetically, Trump signed legislation that gave the Parasite Class trillions of tax dollars. It remains to be seen if he will show more guts in a second term than he exhibited in his first term. Urging people that despise him is no substitute for political courage:

Trump Administration Urges Supreme Court to Scrap Obamacare in Full
Kevin Daley
June 26, 2020 3:10 PM

Just dreadful, isn't it? I'm NOT worried about President Trump getting re-elected. I truly believe he WILL win, in a landslide. I can't see ANY Dim Dems winning more than 15 states against our wonderful president. And thanks, AGAIN, for a fine post, Flanders. You ROCK.
Got another thread where the poster is talking to himself, often the case with this one

Little tip for you there, no one wants to, and few do, read your copy and pasted extended posts that ramble on endlessly, and heavily sourced with right wing blogs. Two to three paragraphs citing the source with a personal comment or preferably a question is the recipe if you want to initiate an exchange. This ain’t talk radio, it is meant to be two way communication
