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Fascism, classically, is an economic system in which the power elite, variously termed the oligarchy, plutocracy, or ruling class, employ the police power of the State to enforce the economic domination of privately owned cartels and corporations, industrial and financial. From its inception in 1922, under Mussolini, through the Reagan and Thatcher '80s, fascism has been associated with nationalism, since fascist states (including the "friendly" or "fireside chat" version practiced in the U.S. since Roosevelt's New Deal) have continually relied upon patriotic nationalism to enforce enthusiasm from the people.

Anarchists in Barcelona who participated in the revolution in Catalonia in 1936-37 during the Spanish Civil War, realized that the Third International (Commintern), and the financiers of European fascism both had headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. They found it went even deeper than that. At the top, key members of the Genevan oligarchy and other Internationalists presided over a kind of interlocking directorate. The Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalists described the effect of this pincer movement in Spain as two millstones, Communism and Fascism, grinding the Spanish people like corn.

A careful analysis of the money trail shows that the driving force behind the push for world government today is the power of multinational cartels: media, food, grain, industrial, mineral, oil and pharmaceutical, and their interlocking international prime banks operating through the Trilateral financial centers of London, New York and Tokyo, globally operating from the smaller hub of Basel-Zurich-Geneva.

Since 1990, when George Bush brought the phrase "New World Order" out of the closet (it was Adolf Hitler's pet phrase first) we have entered a new phase. The push for world government of, for, and by the transnational cartels is on in earnest. The globalists, being thoroughly multi-partisan, have continued to implement the agenda of their New World Order under Clinton, even while utilizing the right-wing in America to attack Clinton as a "socialist." This scenario has had the net effect of moving the whole dialectic further in the direction of universal fascism.

The multinationals have co-opted the language of Internationalism and are hastening the demise of nationalism because they wish to "globalize" the economies of all nations and "Balkanize" nation-states, breaking them down into provinces or bio-regions, the better to loot them of their mineral resources. This is the real explanation for the horror that has overtaken the former Yugoslavia.

Oil profits and mineral revenues are not all that is at stake. Iraq was targeted in the Gulf War because the Globalists must divide, conquer, or co-opt the Arab nations, who form the main bloc of resistance to the implementation of their intended new global money-system.

This will be a dollar-denominated, computer-monitored, debit-card, bar-code credit system, further institutionalizing the myth of the international debt structure and binding the peoples of the world to fascistic economic bondage. No one will be able to buy or sell without a credit number. The First World finance capitalists are out to impose "dollar imperialism" and the hegemony of the multinational cartels upon the whole world. Liberals, who look to the UN as a panacea, are largely ignorant of the economic realities of the World Bank/IMF, the core financial institution under the UN umbrella. The capital pool of the IMF, the prime banks of the First World, are privately owned corporations which have franchised themselves to create "credit money" out of thin air. These banks utilize the IMF as a front to exact interest back in raw materials from the Third World-a sophisticated development of paper neo-colonialism in the electronic age.

The "New Age" movement is being promoted as a "soft" or counter-cultural wing (essentially, the spiritual liturgy) of the New World Order in order to co-opt elements of society who are concerned with environmental issues and are opposed to imperialist aggression, but who have accepted the dialectic that globalism is the positive antithesis to nationalism, and that nationalism, not finance, is the cause of all wars.

Stanford Research International (SRI) in Menlo Park, the largest think tank on the West Coast, does contract research for the CIA, Bechtel, Kaiser, and 400 other corporations. SRI is actively promoting "New Age" consciousness. SRI was founded in 1946 by Stephen Bechtel of Bechtel Corporation, the biggest military-industrial contractor in the world. Bechtel also funds the Hoover Institution at Stanford, which promoted Ronald Reagan for president. The symbiotic relationship between SRI and the Hoover Institution, as the "left" and "right" wings of Bechtel is an example of how the power elite, through their co-opted think tank academics, are employing the Hegelian method (thesis-antithesis-synthesis) to create conflict and change, and implement by degrees their "New World Order," also called the "New Age." This is what is known as dialectics.
