New Year’s Resolution: Rescue An Addict Every Day


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I wonder how much money organized charities paid FOX to run this horseshit:


I watched a few minutes of the video. I did not have to watch anymore to know what it is about: “Lets all donate money to save the poor drunks, the pill freaks, and the drug addicts. Better yet, lets give billions of tax dollars to charity hustlers every year so they can forgive wealthy addicts.”

NOTE: I do not know if Tucker Carlson covered E-cigarettes, nor do I want to know. I care less about the health of vapers than I care about sober drunks.

Rather than write another message about people that make me sick, the following links pretty much cover my thoughts on addiction itself. Anybody who reads my messages will learn more about the glass crutch than they will learn listening to Tucker Carlson’s paid commercial. The first link is an eyeopener for anyone that is interested in the topic:

Finally, if touchy-feely freaks are so concerned about drunks they should prohibit all the drinking songs. These three are classics:

NOTE: I do not know if Tucker Carlson covered E-cigarettes, nor do I want to know.

I just remembered.

Vapers have two songs in addition to Puff The Magic Dragon. The first one was adopted by Camel Cigarettes:

NOTE: The Casa Loma Orchestra got its name from a failed hotel:

Early in the nineteen-thirties the Casa Loma Orchestra created the sound that became known as the big band sound. That sound signified a transition from the frantic music of the Jazz Age to the sound now known as the big band sound. All of the “Sweet Bands” that formed later on were patterned after the sound of the Casa Loma Orchestra. Why does it matter for anyone to know all of this? Damned if I know, but I am going to offer my interpretation anyway.

First, I want to put this message in a time frame by pointing out that radio and recorded music were relatively new at the start of the Great Depression. Now consider this little known fact: The Casa Loma Orchestra was a joint venture owned by all of the band’s members.

Most Americans at the time thought the band was owned by Glen Gray. The famous bands that came before and after the Casa Loma were owned by their leaders.

It was the collectivist sound of big bands, originated by the cooperative Casa Loma Orchestra, that foretold of the coming of totalitarian government in America. For the first time in history, millions heard and responded within days —— sometimes hours —— to a specific sound, rather than responding to a musical composition over a long period of time. Radio and recorded music made that possible.

It was that artistic collectivism that appealed to a people suddenly thrown into a depression. It is the eternal need to belong to something; a family, a church, an institution of any kind, that enabled the Casa Loma sound to reach so deeply into so many individuals when the world was falling apart. Collectivism only turned evil in America after the government saw the opportunity to impose political collectivism on society as had been done in the Soviet Union a decade or so earlier.

NOTE: Evil collectivism found a home in Hollywood when movie producers sold the idea that movies is an art form. Question: Do you consider motion pictures an art form? If you answer yes then movies must be defined as organized art at worst, or collaborative art at best. So who is the artist? Is it the writer, the director, the actor, the film editor, the cameraman, the producer, the prop man? Also note that the makeup artist used to be the only person in the industry that was listed in the credits as an artist.

. . . show folk are determined to label their efforts an art form. Having that definition accepted is essential whenever “artists” descend on Washington trying to justify their spot at the trough. Everyone knows about the “show” in show business, but how many people know about the business?

All but a few famous big bands disappeared a few years after WWII ended. I believe that much of the popularity accorded to today’s rock stars, rap artists, etc., is a continuing reaction to the big band sound. A scream for the individual to be heard in the face of the move toward even more government-imposed collectivism. Socialists would do well to heed the lesson today’s musicians offer in understanding mass movements, or least in understanding mass acceptance of anything.

Sad to say, very few younger Americans ever heard about the orchestra that influenced the sound of music forever.