New York Ballots: Barack Osama


That's one way to keep New York in play:

TROY — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's last name is spelled "Osama" on hundreds of absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County.

The misspelling, which elections officials on both sides of the aisle insist was simply a typo, is causing embarrassment for the county.

''No question this is an honest mistake innocently done,'' said Edward McDonough, the Democratic commissioner. ''We catch almost everything.''

''This was a typo,'' said Republican Commissioner Larry Bugbee. ''We have three different staff members who proof these things and somehow the typo got by us.''

Officials say the flawed ballots were sent to approximately 300 voters. On row 1A Barack Obama's name is spelled Barack Osama.

Unbelievable. And whoever those three idiots are that missed the "typo" should be fired immediately.
That's one way to keep New York in play:

Unbelievable. And whoever those three idiots are that missed the "typo" should be fired immediately.
Yeah seems like an idiot.
But out of curiousity have there been any other typos with his name? If the S key wasn't near the A key then this would 100% certainly be intentional.
The odd thing is New York would go Dem even if he was named Osama, so you'd have to wonder why bother?
Yeah seems like an idiot.
But out of curiousity have there been any other typos with his name? If the S key wasn't near the A key then this would 100% certainly be intentional.
The odd thing is New York would go Dem even if he was named Osama, so you'd have to wonder why bother?

Totally agreed.

In other news its notable that the "C" on the keyboard is near the "F" and the "I" is near the "L", are in McCain, so what if they typod out McFail? LOLZOMG I'm sure Dano would consider it to be equally as non-issual and worthy of sweeping under the rug as spelling a candidates name like that of the biggest terrorist on the planet.

Yep, I'm sure of that one.
Shouldn't there be a single template that is being reproduced all accross the state? How are some good and some bad. Sounds like a lousy way to run a Department of Elections, but then I'm from King County, WA and shouldn't really speak on the matter...
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Yeah seems like an idiot.
But out of curiousity have there been any other typos with his name? If the S key wasn't near the A key then this would 100% certainly be intentional.
The odd thing is New York would go Dem even if he was named Osama, so you'd have to wonder why bother?
REally you would accidently hit the S when you were going for the B type the word and tell me that going from O to B to A has ANY chance of hitting the S by accident. Do you type using the home row? Do you know where the fingers go. I can type Obama all day long and NEVER be tempted to replace the B with the S. The best you could say was that a mispelling of Obama as Obasma or Obvama are possible because you finger could hit two keys at the same time.
REally you would accidently hit the S when you were going for the B type the word and tell me that going from O to B to A has ANY chance of hitting the S by accident. Do you type using the home row? Do you know where the fingers go. I can type Obama all day long and NEVER be tempted to replace the B with the S. The best you could say was that a mispelling of Obama as Obasma or Obvama are possible because you finger could hit two keys at the same time.

No, the S is near the A. So if you miss the B and press the A with hitting the S at the same time then it would happen. And don't assume everyone types properly, I type very fast but with 6 fingers, I've seen plenty of 2 finger typers.

It is HIGHLY unlikely that this happened and then got by 3 people almost impossible, I'm just saying there is a slim possibility and wondered if there were other misspellings of his name or was this JUST the one reported.

For some reason I'm reminded of when Desh misspelled her own name when she moved from to and called herself desrubinator instead of deshrubinator. Remember that?

I know Tiana and I think a couple of other people have called blackflag - blackfag by accident, that's pretty much the only misspelling of his name I've ever seen, maybe the brain works in weird ways where you misspell based on something that is a real word or name rather than garbage.

Actually just thought of a quick way to test this, I'm going to do a search on "Barack Oasma" (same thing with hitting A and S at same time and missing B ). Got one hit, so yes I agree it was done on purpose.

Wow what a waste of a post.
why just 300 ballots - i think someone slipped them in as a prank or a serious breach

but, the person who said that 'ny will go dem and 300 ballots would not make any difference' is correct

ca and ny have been in the dem win column for a long time - i wonder why mc even bothers to come to ca, unless it is just to raise money