New York governor's ex-aide charged as Chinese agent


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A former deputy chief of staff to New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been charged with acting as an agent of the Chinese government.

Linda Sun, 41, "acted at the order, direction, or request" of Beijing in return for millions of dollars in kickbacks, special home deliveries of salted duck and other perks, according to a federal indictment.

When did it happen before?
Eric Swalwell and his honey pot, Fang Fang...?

Or, we can go to Pakistani's and Debbie Wassermann-Schultz and her computer tech guys...

Wassermann-Schultz had the Awan brothers / family on the payroll as their IT support. Even though they were foreign nationals of a semi-hostile nation--Pakistan--they were given unlimited access to 35 Democrat House and Senate computer systems including any and all classified files without ever getting a security clearance. This came to the attention of the FBI et al., after a US military officer purchased the Awan brother's home and found the garage full of US government hard drives, computers, etc.
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So many of the elites are tied to is interesting who the Regime takes out on those charges....and wondering what they did to piss off the Revolution.
Remember that the Regime goes to enormous effort to make sure that they have dirt on everyone, so that they can easily take out anyone they decide to take out.......that is what the Epstein operation was all about.
This revolution is very diligent about keeping people in line....both carrots and sticks are employed.....the carrots are often enormous wealth ( I saw a report of someone being offered $100 million to do one thing)......the sticks are reputation destruction, unemployment, ruination of life, and even death.
"Eric Swalwell and his honey pot, Fang Fang...?"

He did not employ her.
Between 2011 and 2015, a suspected Chinese intelligence operative, Christine Fang, developed relationships with Swalwell and a number of other American politicians, particularly in the Bay Area, as part of a Chinese political intelligence operation, a year-long Axios investigation found.

Fang, believed to have been acting at the behest of China’s Ministry of State Security, helped fundraise for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign and helped place at least one intern in the California Democrat’s office.

For over a year, Axios has been investigating a suspected Chinese intelligence operative who cultivated extensive ties with local and national U.S. politicians, including a sitting congressman.

So, a Chinese spy ring was embedding themselves with un-Democratics across the Bay Area in California. That's politically an area where Republicans are as rare as hen's teeth.
Wake the fuck up!!! That just one of many.

Diane Feinstein employed. Chinese spy for decades.

On July 27, 2018, reports surfaced that a Chinese staff member who worked for 20 years as Feinstein's personal driver, gofer and liaison to the Asian-American community was caught reporting to China's Ministry of State Security
Hardly the first, and certainly not the last, un-Democratic to have a Chinese spy on the payroll...
And who caught and charged her? It was the Dems. Trump has Chinese people wandering around Mira Lago. They caught a Chinese woman with electronic devices in the basement. Many Chinese people have had free access to Trump and his personal collection of classified documents,
And who caught and charged her? It was the Dems. Trump has Chinese people wandering around Mira Lago. They caught a Chinese woman with electronic devices in the basement. Many Chinese people have had free access to Trump and his personal collection of classified documents,
Irrelevant to the discussion. Swalwell had a Chinese spy as a mistress / girlfriend and Chinese spies on his staff as a result.