New Zealand: A Liberal Paradise

If I may, I think that what's really different about the New Zealand tax system is that they actually enforce it. There, someone at the 40% tax rate probably pays 40%. Here in the U.S., almost no one actually pays 39.5%: I actually pay about 12% in federal tax and I don't even try to shelter my income.

I'll bet you that's why their rates are about the same on paper yet government income is a much higher percentage of GDP.
gun control, universal healthcare, huge public expenditures on education, public pensions, and education. Progressive environmental policy regulation. Signatory to Kyoto agreement.

You mentioned taxes Damo: New Zealand taxes exceed anything the american Democrats have proposed:
However they aren't nearly as high as actual liberal paradises. I provided a link. Pretending that the actual information has no bearing on reality is the only way to pretend that the GDP information provided has some sort of link to reality.

The reality is New Zealand's healthcare system in some ways is more "left" than the US and in others more "right", that their taxation, while higher, are not punitive as they are in other "liberal meccas". That they are working to build a higher per capita GDP by smart immigration rather than just amnestying whomever might come in illegally as we are here is far more "right" than current US policy.

Less intrusive personal laws and relatively smaller population makes such a place appealing to me...
If I may, I think that what's really different about the New Zealand tax system is that they actually enforce it. There, someone at the 40% tax rate probably pays 40%. Here in the U.S., almost no one actually pays 39.5%: I actually pay about 12% in federal tax and I don't even try to shelter my income.

I'll bet you that's why their rates are about the same on paper yet government income is a much higher percentage of GDP.


American conservatives or libetarians would have a heart-attack over NZ tax rates.

NZ's 40% bracket starts at 60k (NZ $ = maybe 90k US $).

Our 40% tax rate doesn't even kick in until around 350k US $, I think.
Damo, I don't think I've ever claimed NZ is the number one, most liberal country on the planet.

Broadly speaking though, their social, environmental, tax, and economic policies are more liberal than the United States.

I agree with you, that the most appealing factor is its size and rural character. That's why I'd live there too.

American conservatives or libetarians would have a heart-attack over NZ tax rates.

NZ's 40% bracket starts at 60k (NZ $ = maybe 90k US $).

Our 40% tax rate doesn't even kick in until around 350k US $, I think.
That depends on if they enter with open eyes. Were I to move there it would be with an understanding of those rates. I would prefer those rates to the rates of Germany and many other "liberal meccas" where Universal Healthcare actually means Universal Healthcare....
What are the emmigration requirements? COuld I qualify to get citizenship? If I did not have so much family here in Florida, I might consider it!
What are the emmigration requirements? COuld I qualify to get citizenship? If I did not have so much family here in Florida, I might consider it!
I seriously doubt they have a dearth of Lawyers. So, you would have to have assets that were very high indeed. They also have currently passed laws that make it a moving target so that it is difficult to know if you would be allowed to immigrate unless you had specific skills they are searching for and therefore recruiting for.
I seriously doubt they have a dearth of Lawyers. So, you would have to have assets that were very high indeed. They also have currently passed laws that make it a moving target so that it is difficult to know if you would be allowed to immigrate unless you had specific skills they are searching for and therefore recruiting for.

How would you find out such a thing? I would also consider Denmark, but its soo cold!

Funny how the VERY liberal nations are the ones so hard to get into!
How would you find out such a thing? I would also consider Denmark, but its soo cold!

Funny how the VERY liberal nations are the ones so hard to get into!
I think you'd find that Denmark is the most conservative -- or least progressive, if you prefer -- of the Scandinavian countries. If you want really liberal, try Sweden.

Now, I wonder what Holland's immigration policy is like . . . .

I think you'd find that Denmark is the most conservative -- or least progressive, if you prefer -- of the Scandinavian countries. If you want really liberal, try Sweden.

Now, I wonder what Holland's immigration policy is like . . . .


HOlland is very strict, ive looked into it, so is Sweeden's. All the Scandanavian nations are!
New Zeland has alot easier time controling illegal imigration than us seeing as how they are an Island without anything around then except the Aussies
I think you'd find that Denmark is the most conservative -- or least progressive, if you prefer -- of the Scandinavian countries. If you want really liberal, try Sweden.

Now, I wonder what Holland's immigration policy is like . . . .


Just stay away from New Zealand. I don't want any american gringos hogging the immigration waiting list, and bumping me to the back of the row!
What Conservative nations have trouble with people wanting to emmigrate? Saudi Arabia? Iran? ohhh maybe uzebeckistan? Nope the conservative nations dont have trouble with people wanting to move it!
Go to NZ as an asylum

NZ is very strict about immigration, as are Australia. Its even hard for Brits, even though we own the bloody places... :)