newest attack on Obama: botched interview


Abreast of the situations
Its already being talked about on the republican talk shows:

(CNN) – Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign Wednesday pounced on a recent television interview with a surrogate of Barack Obama who was unable to identify a single accomplishment in the Illinois Democrat's Senate record.

"My good friend Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones from Ohio represented me on one of the TV programs in the last day or two— some of you may have seen her," Clinton said during a speech at Hunter College in New York City Wednesday. "And she was on against someone representing my opponent and for the first time, actually, the host, asked the representative of my opponent to name one accomplishment."

The interview in question was with Tubbs Jones and Texas State Sen. Kirk Watson on MSNBC Tuesday night. Host Chris Matthews asked Watson, a supporter Obama, to name the Illinois senator's chief legislative accomplishments.

"Well, I am not going to be able to name you specific items of legislative accomplishment," Watson said.

Asked if it was a problem he was unable to name any of Obama's accomplishments, Watson said, "Well no I don't think it is. Because I think one of the things that Sen. Obama does is he inspires. He's able to lay out a vision, he's able to lay out solutions."

The Clinton campaign called the interview "Must See TV," and e-mailed a clip of it to reporters Wednesday morning — shortly before the New York Democrat mentioned it in her speech.

“That is all we’re asking," Clinton also said of the interview in her speech. "We’re asking to compare our records. We’re asking to compare our years of service. We’re asking to compare our ideas, our solutions."

Also in her speech Wednesday, Clinton maintained her campaign is moving forward.

“It is time to get real, “ Clinton continued, “to get real about how we actually win this election…It is time to move from good words to good works – from sound bites to sound solutions.”

Commenting on Obama's 10 straight victories, Clinton also conceded the Illinois senator "has had a couple of good weeks."
Penn: Hillary Will Mount a Commander-In-Chief Offensive [Byron York]

On a conference call, top strategist Mark Penn just told reporters that in the next two weeks Hillary Clinton will go after Barack Obama on the issue of who is better qualified to be commander-in-chief — and Penn suggested that Clinton would be a better commander of the nation's armed forces than both Obama and John McCain. "She is the only person in this race who is both ready to be commander-in-chief and would end the Iraq war and start to bring troops home within 60 days, compared to both Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain," Penn told reporters.

Later, Penn made it clear that Clinton will push the commander-in-chief issue in coming days. "The Republican nominee has extensive credibility in this area, and the Democrat is going to need to be commander-in-chief," Penn said. Obama has "relatively no experience in national security," Penn continued, an issue that "is going to be reflected in the debates that we have over the next couple of weeks."

UPDATE: Later in the call, the Clinton team was asked whether the not-qualified-to-be-commander-in-chief criticism of Obama was going too far, given that it would be used by Republicans against Obama if Obama is the Democratic nominee against John McCain. "We don't believe that he is the one who will face John McCain," Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said. "This is a legitimate question that Sen. Obama would face if he were the nominee, and it is a question that he is facing as a result of criticism from Sen. McCain now, so I think it's perfectly appropriate."
hillary is a spoil sport. she wants to win so bad shes willing to jepordise the democrats presidential hopes for 08. in her mind either she wins or shed rather mccain won so she gets another crack in 4 years.. very obvious.
Just saying you'll bring home troops in 60 days from Iraq don't make you a good commander-in-chief. I agree we need to get the hell out of there, but Obama has a better stance on the War on Terror in general.
hillary is a spoil sport. she wants to win so bad shes willing to jepordise the democrats presidential hopes for 08. in her mind either she wins or shed rather mccain won so she gets another crack in 4 years.. very obvious.

Political cannibalism. The dems are excellent at it.
Just saying you'll bring home troops in 60 days from Iraq don't make you a good commander-in-chief. I agree we need to get the hell out of there, but Obama has a better stance on the War on Terror in general.

I'll take that candidate any day.
I watched this exchange and it was done by Mathews. Olberman turned to mathews after is was over and asked him if he could name one accomplishment done by ANY senator and Mathews said "No". He then said "But this is hardball" to which Olberman replied no its not its MSNBC election coverage. The room exploded in laughter.

The crew split a gut.
I should say 'START' to bring home troops within 60 days, to be more specific. That doesn't really tell me when we will be out of there, just says the process begins.