Niels Bohr vs. Werner Heisenberg


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The two long time collaborators and fathers of quantum mechanics met in Copenhagen in September 1941, in a meeting which ended their friendship and professional collaboration forever.

What transpired at the meeting has never been disclosed, but it is known that Heisenberg was working on Hitler's atomic weapons program, and it is inferred that Heisenberg went to see his old friend Bohr to ask for guidance. Bohr was visibly upset after the meeting and it is rumored that the Jewish Bohr told Heisenberg to fuck off.

The play Copenhagen, presented in three acts, presents three different interpretations of what happened at the Bohr-Heisenberg meeting:

1) Heisenberg was a willing collaborator with Hitler and as a result completely alienated Bohr.
2) Heisenberg was an unwilling collaborator with Hitler, having been coerced into Nazi service by threat and intimidation.
3) Heisenberg was a heroic resistance figure who sabotaged Hitler's nuclear program from within.

In a clever play on quantum mechanics dynamics, the play Copenhagen implies all three scenarios are in a quantum state of superposition, and all three scenarios could thus all be true at the same time.
The lesson for Nazis and Deplorables is that bigotry and xenophobia are impediments to scientific progress.

The Nazi ideologues considered general relativity and quantum mechanics to be Jewish science, and they dismissed Jewish physicists from German universities and drove them to emigrate. Something which apparently left Heisenberg appalled.

This scientific purge probably hindered Nazi progress on the atomic bomb.

USA scientific premminence has been ensured by drawing the best scientific minds from across the world, regardless of creed or ethnicity, based on relatively liberal immigration policies.

Science in the US is built on immigrants. Will they keep coming?