Nihilism isn't enlightenment.

Sometimes, when I wander onto these threads, I feel like I've been dropped into a Victorian Salon and I'm overhearing Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw exchanging quips.
Sometimes, when I wander onto these threads, I feel like I've been dropped into a Victorian Salon and I'm overhearing Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw exchanging quips.
at least they were all artists.

these people are straight up diabolical Nazi fuckwits.

art used to be about truth and beauty.

now the cultural marxists have called lies art, and have worshipped demons.

There aren't that many people I honestly feel sorry for, but you are one of them. You seem really fucked up by your hatred and simmering resentment of everyone. Do you have ANY friends? Or are you this miserable a human being in real life?

Lighten up, Francis.

It's just a discussion board.
There aren't that many people I honestly feel sorry for, but you are one of them. You seem really fucked up by your hatred and simmering resentment of everyone. Do you have ANY friends? Or are you this miserable a human being in real life?

Lighten up, Francis.

It's just a discussion board.


Here, try this: nihilism is not enlightenment per se. It makes lesser intellects feel like they are enlightened when they can cast off the constraints of everyone around them and be "contrarian", but it does not mean it is necessarily an elightened position.

Perhaps one can say that enlightenment may lead to nihilism, but nihilism is not enlightenment.


Here, try this: nihilism is not enlightenment per se. It makes lesser intellects feel like they are enlightened when they can cast off the constraints of everyone around them and be "contrarian", but it does not mean it is necessarily an elightened position.

Perhaps one can say that enlightenment may lead to nihilism, but nihilism is not enlightenment.


I'm intrigued now. So you think nihilism is the same as enlightenment? I can't really figure out your position, but since you didn't fight against it I will assume this must be your position.

Why would that be the case? Is it not possible to be a nihilist without any sort of enlightenment? And is enlightenment ALWAYS guaranteed to lead to a form of nihilism? Speaking as a nihilist myself I tend to assume that if I am seeing things more clearly I am probably not going to be seeing a world in which my most intense fantasies are controlling. In fact quite the opposite. But I am only one person so my hypothesis may very well be in error.

If I am in error then it would make no sense for Enlightenment to lead to Nihilism. It could be that when one is enlightened one sees that which was previously hidden. Like how someone can simultaneously be the ONLY PERSON DISCUSSING THE OP and a "troll", while another poster NEVER discusses the OP and ONLY ever posts "troll" and yet they are not a troll.

The world is a mystery worthy of investigation I suppose.