Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rules voters in Arizona who register with the state and do not provide proof of citizenship will be rejected

Arizona the one state--the ONLY state--that currently demands you prove you are a citizen and eligible to vote. Man, the Left's going to be hair on fire mad about this...

Note the suit was brought my MI Familia Vota a radical Leftist 501(3)c non-profit that does "voter education." I turned them into the state in 2020 because I got a text message on my phone from them--meant for someone else but sent to me--asking if I needed help filling out and turning in my ballot. Both acts are voter fraud felonies in Arizona.
It sounds great on the surface...

And then you realize in practice, the Democrats running the show will accept a head nod of "Yes" as Proof-of-Citizenship.

Don't be a Chump!
