No denying it any longer


U. S. NAVY Veteran
Pretty much makes it official....Democrats = Communists,2008-06-18
Urgent: House Democrats call for nationalization of refineries

Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

House Democrats responded to President's Bush's call for Congress to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling. This was at an on-camera press conference fed back live.

Among other things, the Democrats called for the government to own refineries so it could better control the flow of the oil supply.

They also reasserted that the reason the Appropriations Committee markup (where the vote on the amendment to lift the ban) was cancelled so they could focus on preparing the supplemental Iraq spending bill for tomorrow.

At an off-camera briefing, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said the same. And a senior Republican House Appropriations Committee aide adds that "there were multiple reasons for the postponement" including discussion on the supplemental. But the aide said there was the thought that Democrats may wish to avoid a debate today on energy amendments.

Here are the highlights from briefing

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling


We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market.

Hinchey on why they postponed the Appropriations markup
Let's take 'socialism' as the word. Is it the best way to address what it going on?
Taking control of critical industries in a time of war has been done before.
Not that I think that is what should be done.
I am more for a form of regulation similar to what the govt did with public utilities for many years. Monitor the oil companies, regulate profit at a reasonable level and make sure they can justify any price increases.
Taking control of critical industries in a time of war has been done before.
Not that I think that is what should be done.
I am more for a form of regulation similar to what the govt did with public utilities for many years. Monitor the oil companies, regulate profit at a reasonable level and make sure they can justify any price increases.

Why not allow the oil companies to do their business? If they abuse the public, then deal with it? No industry has been so observed by the powers that be of the government, after all the inquiries, no abuse found, so why not allow to do their thing?

Oh, just because they have so much wealth? Really, is that justification?
Why not allow the oil companies to do their business? If they abuse the public, then deal with it? No industry has been so observed by the powers that be of the government, after all the inquiries, no abuse found, so why not allow to do their thing?

Oh, just because they have so much wealth? Really, is that justification?

The problem is that also have too much influence in our govt and courts to properly watch over them in an unregulated situation. It would be difficult enough in a regulated situation considering their political power.
Why not allow the oil companies to do their business? If they abuse the public, then deal with it? No industry has been so observed by the powers that be of the government, after all the inquiries, no abuse found, so why not allow to do their thing?

Oh, just because they have so much wealth? Really, is that justification?

I'd have to look at this proposal in more detail; my first reaction, just on its surface, is that it's not a very good idea. That said, I don't think that oil is comparable to just any other industry. At this point in our life as a country, it is tied in a huge way to our economy, our national security and our way of life like no other commodity or product. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. We're seeing now just what a fragile balance we hang on, and how integral oil & the price of it is to that balance; it goes well beyond letting the free market just work things out if things are at a crisis or near-crisis level.
I'd have to look at this proposal in more detail; my first reaction, just on its surface, is that it's not a very good idea. That said, I don't think that oil is comparable to just any other industry. At this point in our life as a country, it is tied in a huge way to our economy, our national security and our way of life like no other commodity or product. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. We're seeing now just what a fragile balance we hang on, and how integral oil & the price of it is to that balance; it goes well beyond letting the free market just work things out if things are at a crisis or near-crisis level.

yes and it will get worse it appears. Our dependence on oil and the increasing price can easially put this country on it's butt.
Any way we go it is going to be painful, and why should only the consumers bear the pain ?

Remember consumers contribute 1/3 more to the economy than does industry now, we should have 2/3 say in what goes on.
Urgent: House Democrats call for nationalization of refineries

The Fox News title you posted, is a lie.

There's no call for nationalization. I went to the actual bill, and it took me ten seconds to learn more about it, than Fox News could tell you in a whole article.

The proposal is for the government to purchase or reopen some closed refineries, so in case of national emergency refined stockpiles from strategic petroleum reserve can be rapidly used, for the military and the cushion consumer price shocks due to catostrophic disasters. The refined product won't be sold on the market, during the course of normal business cycles.
The Fox News title you posted, is a lie.

There's no call for nationalization. I went to the actual bill, and it took me ten seconds to learn more about it, than Fox News could tell you in a whole article.

The proposal is for the government to purchase or reopen some closed refineries, so in case of national emergency refined stockpiles from strategic petroleum reserve can be rapidly used, for the military and the cushion consumer price shocks due to catostrophic disasters. The refined product won't be sold on the market, during the course of normal business cycles.

Lies and decsption seems to be all the right has going right now.
pathetic. Heck even Dixie is all huggy and kissy trying to make up.
taxes would just wind up being paid by the consumer, reasonable regulation is the only viable answer.

Not necessarily the case. That tends to happen when you cut their profit margins to questionable levels. Lowering their profit from 4 billion to 3 billion isn't going to mean they have to start laying people off or passing along the "cost."
Lies and decsption seems to be all the right has going right now.
pathetic. Heck even Dixie is all huggy and kissy trying to make up.

Fox News and Bravo would like you to think its a communist power grab.

Anybody who can use google, would learn that the bill appears to be nothing more than a modest attempt to set up emergency refinery capacity, so that in the case of catastrophic refinery capacity reduction, the military can still function with refined fuel products, and consumers are cushioned against catostrophic price shock. Which could happen if there's a terrorist attack on refinieries, or some massive natural disaster.
Seems like a good idea, now that we know the full story.

Yeah it does.

In case of a natural catastrophy or terrorist attack that wipes out some refineries, we would need some emergency refinery capacity.

And that's a job for the government. The oil companies, out of the goodness of their hearts, aren't going to refine a bunch of excess fuel and sit on it. They respond to current supply and demand, their business model is not to prepare for possible, unforseen emergencies and contingencies. That's what a government is supposed to do.

In short, this "communist power grab" fear mongering was all bullshit. Which is to be expected from Bravo, Fox News, et al.
And how can someone be so dumb that they don't know the difference between communism and socialism? You should have to pass a test to post on this site. Seriously.