No, Donald Trump Is Not 6’3” and 215 Pounds


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Behind Donald Trump’s most outlandish lie yet.

Donald Trump’s booking documents in Fulton County, Georgia, manage to repeat a familiar untruth about the former president—and even establish a brand-new one. Once again, Trump, whose height peaked at 6’2”, claims to be 6’3”. He’s been doing this for years, even though, as a 77-year-old man, he has surely been shrinking, not growing, and frankly isn’t particularly likely to be 6’2” still.
But Donald Trump’s booking documents also note Trump’s weight, himself: 215 pounds.

Six-three and 215! Those are some impressive stats. Those are “Muhammad Ali in his prime” numbers. As one point of comparison, Trump’s doctor had him at 239 in 2018 (and it’s this guy, so, grain of salt). As another point of comparison, I am 5’9”, and I would say my body shape is comparable to Trump’s. I weigh, like, 240. And I play soccer sometimes, unlike Trump, who never exercises because he believes that his body contains a finite amount of energy, like a battery.

Donald Trump, of course, lies about basically everything. It’s his comfort zone. The mug shot itself is a kind of lie, or at least a very rehearsed performance, one for which he’s surely been preparing for weeks. Where his alleged co-conspirators displayed varying levels of shock, despair, and derangement, Trump glowered at the camera, creating an indelible photo. His allies are already making great use of it. “It will be a more popular image than the Mona Lisa,” Laura Loomer told Reuters. Want a beer koozie with the mug shot on it? That’ll be $15 for a set of two, paid to the Trump campaign.

It is a little funny, at least, that at a jailhouse booking, a place where your privacy is sacrificed on an altar for the public good, where you’re branded with the mug shot that will follow you for life, you are nonetheless allowed to declare your own weight. Yes, you are being thrown into a cell, but if you’ve always wanted to be a buck-eighty, well, now’s your chance. Officer, I didn’t kill that man—and I’m a Size 4.


It is not that Trump lies about his height and weight. Not even that he called shorter people childish names like ' little Marco". It is that he never grew up. He still thinks like a teenage bully. Trump is such a low-level immature person that he should embarrass anyone listening to him. He gives me the creeps.
Nobody can be faulted for being fat, stupid, and old.
We're all subject to both our genes and to time.

That for which we must ALL be faulted
is nominating two geriatrics, one of them a devolved, insane felon,
as the only viable candidates in the upcoming presidential election.

I'm absolution forced by morality itself to vote for Joe Biden,
an admittedly horrible candidate,
because that's what's necessary to block a pigfucking orangutan.

I wish Vice President Harris was running for the big chair.
I believe that that cool broad could potentially be a very good president.
It is not that Trump lies about his height and weight. Not even that he called shorter people childish names like ' little Marco". It is that he never grew up. He still thinks like a teenage bully. Trump is such a low-level immature person that he should embarrass anyone listening to him. He gives me the creeps.
I agree...and just wanted to give these remarks a greater presence in this thread.
I know guys who are around 6'3" and 210 to 220 pounds.

They don't look like Trump.

Some NFL quarterbacks are around 6'3" 215 pounds.

Trump is easily around 280 pounds, and he's no taller than Barack Obama who is 6'1".
Obama and Biden are in good shape and not carrying extra weight like Trump does. Yet neither of them ever talked about Trump's obesity. Trump is the only one who is so shallow and childish.