No Flip Flop, Prez Obama being retrained Right way


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Many might call it flip flopping, but I call it using his head the Right way, President Obama is coming around to the middle, slowly butt surely, like I predickted way back. He is not releasing the Gitmo Bass Turds who were responsuible for 911, nor is he allowing the Gitmo prisoner in-terror-gation photos to be exposed, no pun intended. This is just another reason why I believe that our President will gradually move moore to the center. He really needs to sheet can Nancy Policy, she is trying to run this government from the kitchen sink. Do you really think that President Obama wants a veto proof Congress with Nancy Policy and Harry Assinine Reed calling the political shots, forget about it. Also, the Lefties are all Po'ed about my man Obama doing his thing, the Right way, the bloggers are blogging their culos off.