No Heterosexual Is A Transphobe, We Are Simply Not Homosexuals (LGBT Are The Haters)

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
This extremely and radical hateful group known as the LGBT hate group hate you, the general public, so much that they try and force lies upon the public along with further lying by attempting to slander you the general public as what they prove to be to try and make a blame game out of it to try and hide they have no validity on the foundation of their every issue I address, attempting to detour you from standing against their sick and filthy lies and deceptions while assisting the World Economic Forum with dividing and conquering you which is why they label you the hater, the bigot or having some sort of phobia. It is the LGBT who has a phobia because they have an obvious irrational fear of accepting themselves for what they themselves factually are. It is the LGBT who are the bigots because they do not want to accept themselves for what they are, they do not want to accept anyone else for what we factually are (sex/gender) while they attempt to rob us of the right, freedom and liberty to be what we are and all because the LGBT doesn't even want to accept themselves for what they themselves factually are. The LGBT are the haters because they go around lying too and deceiving the general public while trying to slander anyone who refuses to accept such disgusting filthy and obvious lies and deceptions that they represent.

Not going along with someone's lies and deceptions does not make you a bigot, it does not make you have a phobia, and it certainly doesn't mean you hate anyone, it just means you have the common sense to not allow yourself to be abused with such rubbish.

Facts are not argued, facts are not agreed upon, Facts are either recognized or ignored. Truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs. fact every single time. (try the word honesty instead of truth) Belief and theory are verified or falsified by fact.

3 Primary facts to do with our very human existence.

Every single male on the planet is conceived as xy chromosomes thus are born with a penis.
Every single female on the planet is conceived as xx chromosomes thus are born with a vagina.
Heterosexuality is when someone born with a penis has sex exclusively with someone or more of those born with a vagina (and vice verse: someone born with a vagina has sex with one or more of those exclusively born with a penis) of which thanks to exclusively the significance of what a male is, the significance of what a female is and the significance of heterosexual unions (the sexual unity between the two) we all even exist.
There is no contesting those primary facts with even so much as a shred of validity.

Again, hence the relevance of what a male factually is, what a female factually is and the significance of heterosexual unions (the union of male and female) but compulsive obsessive liars attempt to dictate another lie in the form of claiming that these primary facts are only an opinion and again quite obviously this is because the LGBT are compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers who have no relevance when it comes to the foundation of each fact so like compulsive obsessive weak and pathetic liars and deceivers that they prove to be time and time again and again they try and hide recognition of these primary facts with a weak and pathetic lie because recognition of these facts reveals how insane the LGBT hate group reveals to be with their endless slew of weak and pathetic lies and deceptions.

Fact: A homosexual is someone who has sex with one or more of those exclusively born with the same sex genital that the homosexual them self is born with.

Putting a wig on and having a genital surgically mutilated doesn't change the fact. Breast implants don't change the fact, Adams apple reversal doesn't change the fact, ribs revamped and buttock reshaped doesn't change the fact, being a delusional imbecile doesn't change the fact etc.

Here we have the LGBT trying to make male homosexual males for example out to look like females while attempting to replace the definition of what a heterosexual is with their sick, filthy, weak and pathetic lies and deceptions to state that a heterosexual is someone who has sex with someone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with pretending to be the opposite sex along with hatefully forcing such lies as heterosexuals who are repulsed by homosexuals who pretend to be the opposite sex that they are born thus are for life (no matter what lies and deceptions that the LGBT compulsively and obsessively attempts to force on the public) have some sort of phobia.

Someone wants you to embrace lies and deceptions otherwise try and label you as having a phobia of which what hateful liar wouldn't attempt such obvious oppression on any general public body? Which low life scum bag who wants to divide and conquer your country in modern day wouldn't try and force lies on all of you while attempting to slander all who oppose such rubbish as a hater, a bigot or having a phobia for not tolerating some sick individuals lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer you like a bunch of dummies?! Do you deserve to be lied too? Encouraging the LGBT to continue to exist is you asking to be treated like excrement with a slew of lies and deceptions! Wake up!

What your sex is and what your gender is, is the same thing but the LGBT also tried to replace that with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions by claiming the lie that sex is what someone with gender dysphoria claims to identify as. Of course they do this to assist homosexuals with robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual with these sick and filthy LGBT lies and deceptions while attempting to make criminals out of heterosexuals for not going along with such disgusting rubbish like with the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 here in Canada along with further being slandered with such lies as transphobe.

Heterosexuals have no such phobia, you see we are not homosexuals, we are not bi sexual thus we do not seek to have sex with anyone born with the same sex genital that we, the heterosexual, is born with because again we are not homosexuals, we are not bi sexual, we are heterosexuals.

There is no such thing as a transgender. Humans do not change sex. A male with a mutilated penis stuffed into a cut next to his anus is still a male with a surgically mutilated penis stuffed inside a cut next to his anus. No matter what he does or what lies and deceptions that the LGBT hatefully attempts to thrust on the public, he will always be male until death. A female with a surgically mutilated vagina ripped out of her body is still a female with a surgically mutilated vagina ripped out of her body. No matter what she does or what lies and deceptions that the LGBT hatefully attempts to thrust on the public, she will always be female until death. If anything the LGBT is poisoned with obsessive compulsions to lie and deceive derived from their own irrational fear of accepting themselves for what they themselves are while hatefully attempting to thrust their lies and deceptions upon everyone else.

Sex is not assigned at birth, one is either conceived as xx chromosomes (female) or xy chromosomes (male) thus born as what they factually are and in instances of physical defect at birth the odd person is born with both a penis and a vagina (hermaphrodite) thus are not heterosexual or homosexual, male or female thus are irrelevant to the foundations of any of the issues I discuss within this release and if anyone attempts to try and make hermaphrodites the issue it's because all the LGBT does is lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively and I'll intellectually snap them in half in the crack of a whip upon taking notice of such. Piece of cake, really.

Binary is fact, everything else to do with these issues that the LGBT attempts to feed you is quite obviously a lie.

Oh right they always resort to claiming not going along with their sick behavior leads them to commit suicide. How many heterosexuals have committed suicide after being degraded, humiliated, traumatized and left with feeling ashamed after they realize that some sick homosexual pretending to be the opposite sex got away with treating the heterosexual like excrement while robbing the heterosexual of the right, freedom and liberty to be heterosexual with these sick, filthy, disgusting, inexcusable, unforgivable lies and deceptions? Keep in mind you will never know because what heterosexual before committing suicide is going to want to be remembered for being degraded, humiliated and traumatized and feeling the shame of some sick and filthy homosexual pretending to be the opposite sex?! The LGBT obviously doesn't care because the are a World Economic Forum easily baited sock puppet hate group who does what their puppet masters dictate that they do, it damages us all as a society with war and divide but that is quite obviously what the WEF wants.

They don't care that they even victimize children while hiding behind forcing lies and deceptions upon children as children get baited into having their sexual organs permanently destroyed thus can no longer have kids etc. thus how many of them will commit suicide because of this sick and filthy LGBT lies and deceptions being thrust on them leading to their sexual organs being detroyed? Again the LGBT obviously doesn't care.

So when they claim not allowing their sick behavior leads to them committing suicide, just remember would you rather it be you and your loved ones after being victimized by allowing this sick and filthy LGBT behavior to continue to assist the WEF with dividing and conquering you with a slew of sick and filthy lies and deceptions?!

Let's put an end to the LGBT permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet. Once this is done you will see the WEF divide and conquer plans begin to crumble because what they have been getting away with when it comes to the LGBT hate group, they have been applying to every lie and deception they attempt to try and force on the public to continue to divide and conquer you from what a vaccine is (Sept 10 2021 they replaced the definition of vaccine with their lies) to the climate change hoax of which again they can't even prove that 3% of the worlds surface area populated by humans can raise the atmospheric temperature even 0.000001 degree.

Right like demonstrated in this following video, the WEF goes around having this LGBT hate group labelled as protected so they can continue to get away using them to forcing hateful lies and deceptions upon the public without being questioned or you get deplatformed, banned, slandered, made out to be a criminal etc. Let's not forget between the WEF and their useful idiots policies on the main stream media everyone who opposes their WEF and hate group sick and filthy lies and deceptions gets slandered a hater, a bigot, a homophobe, a transphobe, a racist, an anti vaxxer etc. while they also try and make it look like their sick behavior is in any way shape or form acceptable when it clearly is not unless you are deliberately attempting to assist with dividing and conquering the country you reside within traitor!

I am sick of tyrants, traitors, lies, deceptions, greed, ignorance, WEF, useful idiots, LGBT, CDC, Climate change hoax etc. and am sick of seeing and hearing that all those who oppose such rubbish and standing up for our countries, our freedoms, rights and liberties by opposing WEF sick and filthy lies and deceptions being made out to be the bad guy. Just remember the faces and the voices of those in the main stream media willing to throw all of you under the bus with such rubbish for a pay cheque and even bonuses.

Good to see as well female athletes standing against being robbed for what they are by this LGBT hate group. Be safe all and do such by first eliminating lies and deceptions being thrust upon you the public especially on the foundations of primary issues because lies lead to war and divide which is why those who want to divide and conquer you attempt such so often on so many issues simultaneously these days while they load your country with more people than homes thus more people susceptible to dying from homelessness as well escalates crime and violent crime rates while useful idiots pass legislation to try and make citizens out to be criminals for simply defending themselves from a violent offender because again it's all about divide and conquer, this distracts you from what they are up too as well. Wake up people, I stand strong for you.

"You Will Regret It!" NCAA Swimmer Breaks Her Silence


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
You are such a judgemental jerk. Postulating while using flaming insults in not offering a discussion. You remove that with your slanted and nasty terminology.
Let's put an end to the LGBT permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

You forgot to mention your plan of putting them in work camps and making them wear pink triangles.