No Level Of Dislike Is Hate / What Hate Is & It Is Not What Dislike Is

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Hate and dislike are two entirely different things. Even I find hate to be a complicated thing to describe as a definition but for now what I will do is share examples of hate.

An example of hate is the thought of killing someone and getting satisfaction and pleasure out of thinking about killing someone without remorse. An example of hate is killing someone and getting satisfaction and pleasure out of killing someone without remorse.

An example of hate is: A liar doesn't want to accept themselves for what they themselves are so they force lies through legislation attempting to dictate that it is law that everyone has to not only have to accept them for what they are not and never will be but you have to lie for them or you get sued or punished for not doing it and in turn the liar gets satisfaction and pleasure out of knowing they are forcing oppression upon everyone else to continue to get away with forcing lies upon the public. (Take the World Economic Forum who use hate groups to assist them with divide and conquer like the LGBT hate group for example, as well various religious groups throughout history for example threaten to kill people for opposing their factually proven foundation of religious lies that the selfish and the greedy use for power and control over the many which is forcing hateful tactics upon everyone else to get away with continuing to lie freely.

The World Economic Forum and their useful idiots turn their hateful tactics against countries they want to divide and conquer with lies and deceptions so they create hate groups like the LGBT of which the LGBT is a hate group used by those within the WEF to hijack the homosexual movement while using it to try and force lies and deceptions upon the public initially under the guise of homosexual Joe wants to be with homosexual Justin and just wants to be left alone to gain sympathy from the public for the hate group they created meanwhile they push homosexual Barrack doesn't want to accept himself for what he is, wants to pretend to be what he is not and never will be so he can go around robbing everyone else of the right to be what we are. Hence why it is not the LGB (which for the most part accept themselves for what they are and do not pretend to be what they are not so they can go around robbing others of the right to be what we are. The hateful WEF and their useful idiots suppress the main stream media into using them to slander anyone who opposes the LGBT factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions such as the LGBT ignoring the fact that what makes a male a male is that the male is born with a penis, such as the fact that what makes a female a female is that the female is born with a vagina and instead lies by calling those facts a mere opinion while referring to the LGBT's lies a fact. It's that cheap, hateful and pathetic. Furthermore they force these infuriating lies and deceptions into schools by only funding school boards that will force such lies upon children and after children have been abused by such lies and deceptions while being scorned by leftist radicals not to oppose such disgusting and hateful behavior as abusing children by forcing lies upon them also guilt innocent, impressionable and vulnerable children into adopting the hateful ways of the LGBT and then they turn around attempting to claim anyone disgusted with our schools supporting such disgusting and hateful behavior thus opposing such disgusting and hateful behaviour in our schools is what is abusing children because again all this hateful group does is lie and deceive all because they do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves are and try and force everyone else to accept them for what they are not and never will be to assist the WEF with dividing and conquering with lies and deceptions. The hateful LGBT also robs women of sports titles with their sick behavior. The LGBT hate group also puts women in prison in danger by placing men (anyone born with a penis) into women's prisons where women are man handled and raped thanks to this hate groups lies and deceptions. Then the WEF has their useful idiots from country to country have their hate group as protected in attempt to have them freely continue to force their hateful rubbish upon everyone else while using them to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are and again all because this LGBT hate group doesn't want to accept themselves for what they themselves are and lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively. They obviously get pleasure out of doing it because they keep forcing such obviously hateful ways on others and have no remorse because they keep doing it.

You want to prevent violence, stop lying too and deceiving people especially on the foundations of primary issues like I encourage, you want war and divide you force lies and deceptions especially on the foundations of primary issues like the WEF and their hate groups do.

Not hate: Let's say a person driving down the street has their windshield collide with a bird and it distracts them and they hit and kill someone. They then get scared and take off while someone else sees but can't get the licence plate. That person goes somewhere, washes their car, bangs out the dent and matches any chipped paint so you can't tell they hit anything as they feel terrified and remorseful. When confronted the person lies claiming it wasn't them. They killed someone but it wasn't out of hate and they lied out of fear from the heat of that moment without realizing the bird smudge would likely absolve them facing harsh penalty. I am not advocating that people hit and run but this is just an example of not hate.

Not hate: If someone kills a murderer on a murder spree and saves lot's of lives chances are they will get satisfaction out of killing the murderer and they might even say it is their pleasure that they saved lives but there would be no pleasure in the act of killing someone itself and one must live with it on their conscience.

This came to my attention because I watched a video by 2everagedudes on youtube asking who hates Justin Trudeau and they read the definition of which the so called definition is ridiculous because dislike is not hate. If someone repulses you, you obviously dislike them and do not want them in your life. The WEF knows this so they thrust hateful garbage like the LGBT upon the public while trying to label you opposing their hateful behaviour as hate. Calling any degree of dislike as hate is technically a lie and a trap made by liars these days to use to claim anyone opposing genuinely hateful behavior as the LGBT exemplifies or serial murderers exemplify is what hate is because again these hateful types abuse society with lies and deceptions because they get pleasure out of dividing and conquering because greed selfishness and ignorance has consumed them. They are quite obviously sick.

I do not hate anyone or anything but that doesn't mean I have to like you, that doesn't mean your actions do not disgust me and not does it mean that your ignorance doesn't infuriate me and any degree of dislike I have for those who repulse me, disgust me, infuriate me etc. certainly doesn't qualify anyone else to falsely label me a hater for such.

In general haters have no remorse from wronging people and they get pleasure out of wronging people which in a nut shell is what hate is. Perhaps I will touch upon this subject again in the near future.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

The LGB is no where near as radical or sick as the LGBT but I do have one reservation when it comes to them that I know they are not going to like (already intellectually slaughtered them and everyone on this issue in the past) however they too are going to start having to accept themselves for what they themselves are in lieu of the following. I have no problem with homosexuality / lesbianism of those who accept themselves for what they are legal and I have no problem with civil unions but other than that everything else needs to be criminalized and removed from school boards, legislation and policy of any sort to remove the hate for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet. The following is a release of mine from last year, continue enjoying a genuine education.

Not Anyone Had Any Business Voting On Marriage To Begin With & How Globalist Mentalities Work

It's like voting on whether or not the Sun gives off light.

It's like voting on whether or not trees only grow at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

It's like voting on whether or not rocks grow legs, run like the wind and hurl themselves through the air at globalists back sides in a heroic effort to attempt to prevent Justin Trudeau's face from becoming extremely intimate. As much as some people would like to imagine such happening it just doesn't happen whether you vote on it or not just like voting doesn't and never will change the fact that thousands of years of exclusively heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves beyond any shadow of doubt that marriage is about honouring exclusively the significance of heterosexual unions because thanks to heterosexual unions we all even exist which is worth honouring with marriage as thousands of years already proves beyond any shadow of doubt. Opinion does not contest the fact, political party trade offs do not contest the fact, The USA handing it to their Supreme Court of Mockery does not contest the fact, there is no argument when it comes to the fact, the fact is not believed, the fact is either recognized or ignored. That any official fell for such rubbish and actually participated in voting on such is a revealed complete mockery of our political system and shame on all of those who coted to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage.

The way globalist head cases weak and pathetic yet selfish, greedy and ignorant as well extremely redundant mentalities work:

For example they will claim that the Sun does not give off light then they'll want countries around the world to have a vote on whether or not the Sun gives off light. They come up with some lame brain story of, for example, how the moon creates the light and the moonlight reflects off of the Sun and the Sun is like a magnifying glass with a mirror behind it and sends the reflected moonlight to the Earth. They then hire hate groups (like lgbt, antifa or blm) to go around trying to shame anyone claiming that the Sun gives off light while demanding that governments make it criminal to claim that the Sun gives off light thus that the governing bodies of the world vote on it. They then use that they bought the main stream media around the world to try and shame anyone who opposes their narrative while also trying to make their hate groups out to be heroes while they lobby officials to side with their shady narrative while also under threat of being slandered by the main stream media for opposing to cast a vote on something so ridiculous that succeeding would assure forcing oppressive rhetoric on the public by simply voting that the Sun does not give off light. Once passed they then try and make it criminal to oppose them by claiming that the Sun gives off light in attempt to prevent o make their so called vote irreversible, they threaten big tech with endless law suits for not DE platforming and or not shadow banning people that claim that the sun gives off light. They then use their useful idiots within governing bodies to defund public education who claim that the sun gives off light while also throwing bonuses to pathetic excuses for educators for claiming that the Sun does not give off light. They also then start demanding that the governments of the world start funding and supporting their hate groups while also further finding ways to make it criminal to claim that the Sun gives off light. They then start fining people for saying that the sun gives off light while calling them Nazis, haters, white supremacists, and what ever other slanderous lies they can come up with. They then come up with some ridiculous story that the moon is going to burn out if they do not visit to replenish the moons energy while creating a tax so that the countries of the world go further into deficit to pay for such rubbish. They claim such things as there can't be as many farmers because it takes too much energy for the moonlight to serve all of the farmers. Meanwhile the next generation gets dumbed down with such pathetic rhetoric as the moon is the source behind the light that some of them actually believe it thus further divides society over lies and deceptions and keeps citizens distracted with such rubbish while countries go broke, famine begins and many start to die over globalist lies and deceptions just like they are doing with their hate groups and narratives in days of now like their climate change rhetoric, their vaccine rhetoric, their blm rhetoric, their antifa rhetoric which all began as a formula they got away with, with their lgbt rhetoric to use obvious lies to force oppression upon the public.

They ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else just like all of their hate groups like blm, antifa and the lgbt do as well to try and force oppression while turning citizens against one another, making countries fund their rubbish so they get richer and everyone else gets poorer, slander those who oppose etc. It's transparent, cheap and pathetic and my pleasure to play a key role in exposing while intellectually slaughtering such imbeciles as globalists / the World Economic Forum etc. permanently and globally. Again globalists can't stand a level playing field because they have no validity, they just want to continue to steal, starve off and make oppressed slaves out of those they target thus treating everyone else like we are a bunch of stupid idiots who deserve no better than to cater to their sick and filthy mentally redundant and transparent shady narratives.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Acting poorly towards others in response to one's dislike is hate. I don't like a lot of people but I'm not an asshole about everything they do.