No More Affirmative Action as We Know It


Verified User
Being a Moderate, and probably the only one on this Forum, I would like to moderate College entrance Affirmative Action guidelines back to reality. I think that Affirmative Action should be based on the population percentage of Blacks for certain localities, where the college is located. If a college is located in an area where Blacks make up 20% of the population, then up to 20% of the accepted applicants to that college would be Black. If only 5% of that specific local were Black, then only 5% of the Black applicants should be accepted, etc. etc. Of course, there might be exceptions to my rule, but Moderation still rules, and I am a bona fide Moderate.

I'm real sure this is news to you .. but the biggest beneficiaries of AA were white women .. BY FAR.

Thus, the impact of it will affect white households more than black ones.

:0) .. so very funny
BAC, what's your take here? This is my good buddy from high school who posted this on Facebook. He's a great guy who really big on mentoring kids in Oakland and being a positive role model for those kids without fathers. I think things are getting better in this country and not worse but I'm also not a black male.

""The biggest trick the devil ever played is convincing people he does not exist. The repeal of a major piece of the voting rights act and the near death of affirmative action with Clarence Thomas & Ward Connerly to Black men that benefited from both of them being key players in taking them down shows us: The devil is alive and well and racism is alive and well and stronger than ever! Pay Attention and don't fall for it!- Shawn G.""

He followed it up with "If a Black person does the dirty work it is hard to call it racism. Wake up it is racism. And things are not getting better they are getting worse!"
BAC, what's your take here? This is my good buddy from high school who posted this on Facebook. He's a great guy who really big on mentoring kids in Oakland and being a positive role model for those kids without fathers. I think things are getting better in this country and not worse but I'm also not a black male.

""The biggest trick the devil ever played is convincing people he does not exist. The repeal of a major piece of the voting rights act and the near death of affirmative action with Clarence Thomas & Ward Connerly to Black men that benefited from both of them being key players in taking them down shows us: The devil is alive and well and racism is alive and well and stronger than ever! Pay Attention and don't fall for it!- Shawn G.""

He followed it up with "If a Black person does the dirty work it is hard to call it racism. Wake up it is racism. And things are not getting better they are getting worse!"


He echoes the sentiments of a great many black people in this country. Things are not getting better .. for most Americans.
Being a Moderate, and probably the only one on this Forum, I would like to moderate College entrance Affirmative Action guidelines back to reality. I think that Affirmative Action should be based on the population percentage of Blacks for certain localities, where the college is located. If a college is located in an area where Blacks make up 20% of the population, then up to 20% of the accepted applicants to that college would be Black. If only 5% of that specific local were Black, then only 5% of the Black applicants should be accepted, etc. etc. Of course, there might be exceptions to my rule, but Moderation still rules, and I am a bona fide Moderate.

So, what you are saying is you want maximum quotas for minority applicants? What if the college has say, a 50/50 split of white and minority qualified and acceptable applicants, but the college is located in the 95% white community?

What if more minorities than white applicants have better grades and SAT scores in the same scenario? Should the number of minority applicants still only be limited to 5%?
So are you saying there is no more racism in America?

Oh! There’s plenty of racism alright in this country. The vast, vast majority of it is the racist Democrats and especially the black Democrats that accuse others of racism. They’re not only racist, they’re fucking hypocrites and racist.
Oh! There’s plenty of racism alright in this country. The vast, vast majority of it is the racist Democrats and especially the black Democrats that accuse others of racism. They’re not only racist, they’re fucking hypocrites and racist.

Uh, you obviously don't know or understand the meaning of the words racism and racist. Democrats, as a rule, are not racist, while the vast majority of Republicans are, or at least "condone it". Racism denotes the act of feeling superior to another because of their race, and actively or passively engaging in mistreatment and the diminishing of others, based on race. Find a Democrat who fits that bill. Accusing someone of racism does not a racist make. Racism has particular attributes assigned to practitioners of it. Try to keep up.
I'm not a supporter of Affirmative Action, it is a bunch of pure bullshit.
If it was a bill which was passed and if it was taken into effect, lets say a smart little Jewish boy applied to Yale with a 4.0 GPA, all credentials, and he was brilliant, and then they had a black boy who had 2.4 GPA with barely any of the required credentials; he be more likely to get in. It isn't fair at all, if a school is majority non-black, it doesn't mean the school is automatically NOT accepting blacks because they're racist.. The kid just couldn't get in. The civil right groups have to step out of this for a moment, if your kids don't study, then expect them not to get in.
I'm not a supporter of Affirmative Action, it is a bunch of pure bullshit.
If it was a bill which was passed and if it was taken into effect, lets say a smart little Jewish boy applied to Yale with a 4.0 GPA, all credentials, and he was brilliant, and then they had a black boy who had 2.4 GPA with barely any of the required credentials; he be more likely to get in. It isn't fair at all, if a school is majority non-black, it doesn't mean the school is automatically NOT accepting blacks because they're racist.. The kid just couldn't get in. The civil right groups have to step out of this for a moment, if your kids don't study, then expect them not to get in.

Myth #10
I'm not a supporter of Affirmative Action, it is a bunch of pure bullshit.
If it was a bill which was passed and if it was taken into effect, lets say a smart little Jewish boy applied to Yale with a 4.0 GPA, all credentials, and he was brilliant, and then they had a black boy who had 2.4 GPA with barely any of the required credentials; he be more likely to get in. It isn't fair at all, if a school is majority non-black, it doesn't mean the school is automatically NOT accepting blacks because they're racist.. The kid just couldn't get in. The civil right groups have to step out of this for a moment, if your kids don't study, then expect them not to get in.

All you have to do is provide an actual case of what you assert, then you might have a case....shouldn't be too hard, as Affirmative Action has been around for quite sometime.

Also, I have never to date have heard jokers like you bitch and moan about "legacy" placements....which is the rich folks version of affirmative action. George W. Bush (aka "the Shrub") was a recipient of this, don't cha know! :whoa: