No More Pussyfooting


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I will bet that less than one percent of Americans —— and no U.N. refugees at all —— know what the Grande Dame really stands for. This is why those foul words in The New Colossus are a colossal lie:

To hell with changing the words:

Ken Cuccinelli, the acting head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, on Tuesday tweaked the poem etched on the Statue of Liberty to defend the Trump administration's new policy that could force immigrants to decide between accepting public services or accepting a green card.

Cuccinelli cited part of Emma Lazarus's famous poem, changing the language to argue that the U.S. wants immigrants who can "stand on their own two feet" and be "self-sufficient."

"Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge," Cuccinelli said on NPR's "Morning Edition" when asked if Lazarus's poem, "The New Colossus," was part of the American ethos.

Lazurus's original poem reads, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The Trump administration on Monday rolled out a new policy that expand's the government's ability to reject green cards, visas and entry into the U.S. for individuals deemed likely to use public services.

The "public charge" rule will connect a person's immigration status to their income and use of programs including Medicaid, food stamps and housing subsidies.

"If they don’t have future prospects of being legal permanent residents without welfare," Cuccinelli said, "that will be counted against them. That is the point of the rule. It doesn’t seem too much to ask that we have Americans here who aren’t likely to go on welfare and become public charge."​

Hell yes, take the damn thing down.

Asked on Monday whether the words on the Statue of Liberty should come down because of the rule,

Take it down —— or stop pussyfooting around the single, most destructive, sonnet ever written. Removing it would be a good start in knocking the props out from under the philosophical garbage every illegal alien cites in their sleep.

Cuccinelli said that he "certainly" wasn't prepared "to take anything down."

"We have a long history of being one of the most welcoming nations in the world on a lot of bases — whether you be an asylee, whether you be coming here to join your family, or immigrating yourself," he said.

Several states and advocacy groups have vowed to sue the administration over the new rule.

“Under this rule, children will go hungry; families will go without medical care. I am committed to defending all of New York’s communities, which is why I intend to sue the Trump Administration over this egregious rule,” New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) said in a statement.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services did not immediately respond to a request for further comment from The Hill.

Top Trump immigration official: 'Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet'
By Justin Wise
08/13/19 09:16 AM EDT

Finally, the president has the authority to remove anything that defaces a national monument. Should Trump remove Lazarus’ plague I suggest he order the U.S. Navy to take that parasite philosophy and drop it in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench.

p.s. I would love to see the next Democrat president attempt to profane Lady Liberty’s true meaning with a replacement.
I will bet that less than one percent of Americans —— and no U.N. refugees at all —— know what the Grande Dame really stands for. This is why those foul words in The New Colossus are a colossal lie:

To hell with changing the words:

Ken Cuccinelli, the acting head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, on Tuesday tweaked the poem etched on the Statue of Liberty to defend the Trump administration's new policy that could force immigrants to decide between accepting public services or accepting a green card.

Cuccinelli cited part of Emma Lazarus's famous poem, changing the language to argue that the U.S. wants immigrants who can "stand on their own two feet" and be "self-sufficient."

"Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge," Cuccinelli said on NPR's "Morning Edition" when asked if Lazarus's poem, "The New Colossus," was part of the American ethos.

Lazurus's original poem reads, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The Trump administration on Monday rolled out a new policy that expand's the government's ability to reject green cards, visas and entry into the U.S. for individuals deemed likely to use public services.

The "public charge" rule will connect a person's immigration status to their income and use of programs including Medicaid, food stamps and housing subsidies.

"If they don’t have future prospects of being legal permanent residents without welfare," Cuccinelli said, "that will be counted against them. That is the point of the rule. It doesn’t seem too much to ask that we have Americans here who aren’t likely to go on welfare and become public charge."​

Hell yes, take the damn thing down.

Asked on Monday whether the words on the Statue of Liberty should come down because of the rule,

Take it down —— or stop pussyfooting around the single, most destructive, sonnet ever written. Removing it would be a good start in knocking the props out from under the philosophical garbage every illegal alien cites in their sleep.

Cuccinelli said that he "certainly" wasn't prepared "to take anything down."

"We have a long history of being one of the most welcoming nations in the world on a lot of bases — whether you be an asylee, whether you be coming here to join your family, or immigrating yourself," he said.

Several states and advocacy groups have vowed to sue the administration over the new rule.

“Under this rule, children will go hungry; families will go without medical care. I am committed to defending all of New York’s communities, which is why I intend to sue the Trump Administration over this egregious rule,” New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) said in a statement.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services did not immediately respond to a request for further comment from The Hill.

Top Trump immigration official: 'Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet'
By Justin Wise
08/13/19 09:16 AM EDT

Finally, the president has the authority to remove anything that defaces a national monument. Should Trump remove Lazarus’ plague I suggest he order the U.S. Navy to take that parasite philosophy and drop it in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench.

p.s. I would love to see the next Democrat president attempt to profane Lady Liberty’s true meaning with a replacement.

you old cracka goyim are having delsuions , new yorkers would turn those who try to change The poem on the statue of liberty into chop meat
you old cracka goyim are having delsuions , new yorkers would turn those who try to change The poem on the statue of liberty into chop meat

To guno: Asshole. The majority of people in New York, and in this country, are Americans with no love for illegal alien parasites who believe the philosophy expressed in The New Colossus is a constitutional Right.

For your information The New Colossus was and is a piece of propaganda that does not belong on a national monument:

Paul Auster wrote that "Bartholdi's gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but 'The New Colossus' reinvented the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world."

The Statue of Liberty was never meant to be a symbol of hope for the world’s parasites.

The New Colossus became justification for illegal aliens demanding access to welfare state programs. Obama’s illegal alien aunt made no bones about her Rights:

The original poem says, "huddled masses yearning to breathe free." The flood of immigrants today are not yearning to breathe free, but are yearning for welfare and socialism, and are therefore antithetical to our freedom. It's also the "Statue of Liberty", not the statue of free stuff.

The poem was not the choice of the American people, nor is it American law, so what it says means little.

The US is being invaded by an enemy out to destroy the America our ancestors created.