No Personal Issues, Just POLICY, Mr. Obama


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Or are your scumbag moron supporters like "sit'n'spin" topspin going to find a Racebaiting, Idiotic Name to call anyone who challenges your Socialist Agenda, like....."CommieBlackHater", or "Afro-StalinHater"! I wouldn't put ANYTHING past that idiot "topspin". I think he's been "spun over" by his boyfriend ONE too many times, Haahaha! I gave some facts that are out there for the WORLD to read about the Empty Resume Barack, and "topspin" DID NOT DENY ONE OF THOSE FACTS. Because he CAN'T. They are all TRUE.

Instead, he tried the "Louis Farrakhan Method". Call all the "Dirty Jews", and "Whites", KKK members, and try to make my disgust for Mr.Obama's (and topspin's) Socialist Policies that will SURELY damage, possibly DESTROY the American Economy for the forseeable future, and Foreign Policy that will PROVE the Well-Known fact that Liberal Democrats are NOT credible Leaders, especially during a time of DANGER for America. I tried to ask the SAME personal background questions that ANY Conservative, or Republican, would be asked, only I did it MORE FAIRLY than the Media, like New York Times did, with McCains RUMOR-MONGERING ON PAGE ONE. So much for "The Paper of Record". But it's nothing new, everytime a Liberal is challenged on his ideology, which in Barack's case is CLEAR for any who wish to find it, the Base Socialist/Collectivist Nature of Democrats causes them to show their PURE HATRED, VISCIOUS EVIL LYING NATURE, for anyone who would DARE challenge Mr. Empty Resume Obama. I guess "topspin" is another of those morons who believe when Empty Resume speakes, the clouds part. Suffice it to say, I do not. I am also proud to say I could CARE LESS if an African American were to become President, in fact, I wish Colin Powell would run, even tough a little Left for me, he has CREDENTIALS, a Man I could have FAITH in. But idiot "topspin" can do nothing more intelligent than call names, bring up "K.K.K" Let's TALK about the Ku Klux Klan, "topspin" ! How do you FEEL that one of YOUR representatives, YOUR LEADER, Senator Robert Byrd, DEMOCRAT, was a Top Lyncher in the K.K.K ! How does it FEEL that one of YOUR TOP DEMOCRATS was a SCUMBAG who WATCHED AND CHEERED, while Black Men were BEATEN, STABBED, AND HUNG FROM A TREE ??? Hmmmmmm, "topspin" ? How does it FEEL, to be a Leftist/Socialist, and know that YOUR Party, with the likes of Senator Robert Byrd, DEMOCRAT, was a KKK Grand Kleagle, and Sen. Ted Kennedy, an Unconvicted Murderer, is responsible for KILLING, some say RAPING, of Mary Jo Kopeckne? YOUR Liberal Party. Now WHO do think can take the "high road"?

Now, maybe I can get to what I ORIGINALLY wanted to write.
I have 3 POLICY questions for Mr. Empty Reume Obama.

1.)What will you DO about the Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorism throughout the world, that has as its STATED GOAL the DESTRUCTION of the United States and Israel?

2.) What will you DO about the 21st Century Policy of Russia and China flexing their muscles, Russia's cracking back down towards Communism, Putin's stranglehold on their people, and China's apparrent Economic Destruction of anyone it sees as competition, and their buying up more and more of America?

3.) Last, but certainly not LEAST, Mr. Obama, where will you GET the almost- ONE TRILLION DOLLARS you are promising in NEW SPENDING, seeing Economic Experts agree that you CAN'T get it by immediatly Surrendering the War on Terror, and "Taxing the Rich", even if you TRIPLE their taxes, which will cause aMass Exodus of Business and Jobs from this Nation.

Now, for idiots like "sit'n'spin", THOSE are POLICY questions, and all the RACEBAITING and RACE-HUSTLING ala Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton will NOT answer those questions. Thank You.
BTW, yes, I don't like false "racist" accusations. I also must disagree with battleborn, I don't think Obama is a Muslim manchurian Candidate, I just think he's a typical, angry-on-inside empty suit with NO experience
As long as Obama can pretend that the Right is focused only on race and false accusations of his being Muslim, he will never have to answer your questions.
"that will SURELY damage, possibly DESTROY the American Economy for the forseeable future, and Foreign Policy that will PROVE the Well-Known fact that Liberal Democrats are NOT credible Leaders"

Republicans have had control for much of the past 7 years.

Glenn Beck (no liberal, he) just wrote that we may be on the verge of a depression.

Our credibility & standing in the world is indisputedly lower than it was 7 years ago.

What was your point again?

Damn alot of people on both sides sure like to quote old Battleborne...they even copy my dry sense of humor...albeit I am mo better...but for the record Obama is a closet Muslim...just a fact of life...I never called him a 'Manchurian' candidate though...some love to put words in others mouths to bolster their argument...carry on... this is so fun!:D
"but for the record Obama is a closet Muslim"

Yeah, but he's a "peaceful" Muslim, unlike McCain, who has been directly tied to Hezbollah, Al Qaida & Sein Fenn, among others...why do you support a terrorist like him?
Well yah...........

"but for the record Obama is a closet Muslim"

Yeah, but he's a "peaceful" Muslim, unlike McCain, who has been directly tied to Hezbollah, Al Qaida & Sein Fenn, among others...why do you support a terrorist like him?

the conservative party is tied to all of the above...albeit they are bent on taking them out...not enabeling and singing Kumbia with question!
I have to admit, I was disturbed when I saw "singing Kum-ba-yah" in Obama's "plan of action" for terrorism, and near the top of the list, too.

It's a very peaceful tune, though. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say...
Why does this site put up with OBVIOUSLY Uneducated or Intellectually Inferior types like "darla", who can't even contribute to an intelligent question-and-answer discussion, except to talk about someone's MOTHER? I mean, it's very possible that by her lack of intellect, "darla's" mother very possibly could have been a crack whore, but I NEVER would have mentioned that BEFORE, it would have been in bad taste, Haaha!
Sorry, not "very possibly", very likely" BTw, "darla", my mother is dead. Is yours, the crack whore, still alive? very true........

Sorry, not "very possibly", very likely" BTw, "darla", my mother is dead. Is yours, the crack whore, still alive?

darla loves to use others family members as well as gender issue to insult with...however if it is returned she always crys prepared for the onslaught of her 'dog pile' minions calling you several dirty names...the first up will probably be Cypress the lonely veternarian without a gal or life! Then Socrotease will try to bully ya with his typical two bit attorney crap!...enjoy!
Why does this site put up with OBVIOUSLY Uneducated or Intellectually Inferior types like "darla", who can't even contribute to an intelligent question-and-answer discussion, except to talk about someone's MOTHER? I mean, it's very possible that by her lack of intellect, "darla's" mother very possibly could have been a crack whore, but I NEVER would have mentioned that BEFORE, it would have been in bad taste, Haaha!

Oh shut up ya lunatic.