No, Sorry, THAT wasn't the Question.


New member
What I wrote, about Repeat Rapists of 5yr olds being let out EARLY, as result of Connecticut Liberal Democrat "Leadership"
A sex offender recently released from prison brazenly invaded a home, shot two women meeting for morning coffee and abducted one of them, whose body was found about 10 miles away, police said.

Leslie Williams, 31, told police that he entered the unlocked home Sunday morning looking for money and a car, but that when two women inside saw his face, he had no choice but to shoot them, according to an arrest warrant.

Carol Larese, 65, was seriously wounded while her visiting friend, MaryEllen Welsh, 61, was abducted.

According to the arrest warrant, Larese offered Williams $20 and Welsh gave him her car key, but Williams ordered the two into the basement and shot Larese. The warrant does not address the shooting of Welsh.

Larese told police she pretended to be dead, then stayed in her basement for an hour to make sure the intruder had left. She went to a neighbor's home across the street for help.

Williams appeared in court Monday but did not enter a plea to charges of criminal attempt to commit murder, robbery, kidnapping with a firearm and other crimes related to the attack on Larese. A judge set bail at $5 million.

Prosecutors said they were preparing to file more serious charges connected with Welsh's death but did not know when that might happen.

Police in Waterbury, where Williams lived before he went to prison, said he was convicted of sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl he knew in 1998.

Welsh, a nurse, was battling cancer in the past year, but her friends had helped take care of her, said neighbor Albert Carrier.

"She was a very, very good person, beautiful person to be neighbors with," Carrier said. "She was like part of my family."

What I tried to explain to asshat, about Culture War:

Most Conservatives in America are not Donald Trump! They are either Middle Class, or Working Poor people in the Heart of the Nation, that are TIRED of Liberal Policies that RELEASE VIOLENT CRIMINALS EARLY, BECAUSE THE ANIMALS WILL BE "UNCOMFORTABLE" WITH OVERCROWDING, and "We must understand them".
They are TIRED of Liberal Policies that tell Parents that The Schools, and Abortion Clinics, can teach and do things to their kids without THE PARENTS KNOWLEDGE!
They are TIRED of Liberal Policies that say it's OK for SOME people to be Hateful and Bigoted and Anti-American, if they are a Left-Wing Ultra-Liberal, as long as they give Pretty and Flowery, Yet Meaningless Bullshit Speeches! I was referring more toward the CULTURE of Victimhood, and NOT taking RESPONSIBILITY for ANYTHING.
Once again, this weekend, a 30 yr.old Urban Animal, with prior convictions for Drug Sales, Armed Robberies, and mort recently, a SEXUAL ASSAULT ON A FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL. The Animal, Leslie Williams, an African-American piece of Human Feces, killed this church-volunteering, loved-by-all-her-neighbors 62-yr.old White woman, with NOMORE THOUGHT THAN STEPPING ON A BUG.

It is THIS kind of behaior, asshat, that I was referring to, when I talk about Class Warfare, turning Rich against Poor, White against Black, etc., and it it THIS kind of thing that HAPPENS, when you have the Liberal Culture of Victimhood, which Barack Obama and his Party subscribe to. Where you have Repeat Offenders, Serial Rapists, Repeat Child Molesters, and LIBERALS WANT TO KEEP LETTING THEM OUT OF JAIL. Liberals say "We must UNDERSTAND them" "We must UNDERSTAND that they had a rough childhood."

We had a little thing once called the Depression, ALL OVER AMERICA, and people, kids and adults, were STARVING, but they DID NOT COMMIT the KINDS, and AMOUNT of crimes that todays criminals do. Why? Well, one reason began in the 60's. Instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE'S OWN ACTIONS, a New Kind of Parenting became popular, where you become "best freinds" with your child, instead of a PARENT, and EVERYTHING they do WRONG can be explained away, as either the PARENT'S fault(not enough love), or "Environmental Factors", but NEVER the Child's Fault, NEVER "rub their nose in it", hold them RESPONSIBLE, which is the way CHILDREN WERE RAISED FOR CENTURIES. But in the 60's, we had a lot of people doing drugs, getting "mellow", and basically, being LAZY. Foregoing the DIFFICULT part of Parenting, like DICIPLINE!

NOW, FINALLY, after three recent Home Invasions, followed by the Rape and Murder of a Beloved Mother, her 2 daughters, by WHITE MEN, this has NOTHING to do with race, FINALLY, even the Liberal "soccer moms" are forcing the Democrat Legislature to change the "Convict-Freindly" Laws they have been passing for the last 40 years, afraid to hurt the "feelings" of the Murerers, Rapists, and Armed Robbers.

What Asshat said, in return:
I like dirt! Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 8,359

Wow. Coffee really is bad for you.
No, Asshat, I was asking YOU, and ALL Liberals here, if their "Culture War", that they've been battling since the 60's, has HELPED America. If the TYPES and VOLUME of CRIME, of the SENSELESS BUTCHERY has gone DOWN, or UP?
Maybe when we say it's OK for old people to be killed, to make more room in the hospital, for their Children, who are TIRED of caring, to make taht decision, to BUTCHER unborn babies by the MILLIONS, if these things send a GOOD message. Liberal Policies.
No, Asshat, not COFFEE, but Liberal Policies are bad for me, and if I was a bad man, I would say, "Maybe YOUR Wife, Daughter, or Sister, should be carjacked, or kidnapped, raped, and murdered. Maybe THEN you will UNDERSTAND what Conservatives are TALKING about, which you now so cavalierly make jokes about. The sanctity of HUMAN LIFE." But I'm not a bad man. So I would NEVER wish this Heartache of a beloved wife and grandmother BUTCHERED like a PIG, on YOU, or on ANY Liberal on this site. Because I have RESPECT for Innocent Life.

But MANY in the Democrat Party DO NOT. Just take one look at your Party's nominee, Barack Obama, and his weekend Speech, "I have 2 daughters, 9 and 12. And I DON'T want them to be PUNISHED, WITH A BABY!" "PUNISHED"? With the Greatest Gift from God, a baby? "PUNISHED"? But it's not surprising, considering his statement, the day the Supreme Court made a ruling against "Partial Birth Abortion", a term used by Guilty "doctors" and Liberals for the butchery of taking a baby out of its mother, leaving the head inside(because they think those 3 inches will give them forgiveness from God, because with the head inside, it's "legal"), then stab the baby's brain with a sharp, pointed scooper, and suck the baby's brain out, to make it "easier" for the evil "mother" that ALLOWED this to go on. Barack Obama said, the Day the Supreme Court ruled AGAINST this disgusting evil "procedure", "I am disappointed at this very bad decision made by the Supreme Court". That statement, along with the one about his 2 daughters being "PUNISHED" with a baby, speaks VOLUMES. To think it's "wrong" to rule AGAINST this butchery, but think that Evil, Raping, Child-Murdering and Molesting SCUM should NOT get the Death Penalty!

Destroy innocent life, Save and Pamper Evil Warped Criminals. The Modern, Progressive, Liberal Way.