nobody gets my humor


Junior Member
IHG... lol if i don't have a bagger i bag my groceries... i found a purse today in the lobby and turned it in... i bring the carrage to the drop off location...

i think lady T and grind might be the only people who get my humor...
I admit sometimes I take things to seriously.

I'm not this way in person but in person I can also see the expression on a persons face.
See thats the thing I never know with Rob. Obviously stealing sunglasses is more reprehensible than not bagging your groceries but I'm supposed to know he's the type to steal glasses but wouldn't wait for the cashier to bag his groceries. ????

Is the drunk driving thing a joke too?

Rob is quite an enigma.
Well ladyT, even baggers have to start somewhere. I was once a novice bagger, there is some skill involved. Such as not putting canned goods in with a loaf of bread :( I hate my loaf to get smooshed.
And unfortunately bagging groceries is the highest job some can aspire to.

When I lived in FL they had an autistic pesron bagging groceries and it was a chore for her, but she got better. The manager apologized to me one day for her. I told him I was grateful and liked shopping there because they would give the handicapped a chance. I told him anyone that complained about her was a jerk.
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Well ladyT, even baggers have to start somewhere. I was once a novice bagger, there is some skill involved. Such as not putting canned goods in with a loaf of bread :( I hate my loaf to get smooshed.

Its funny because, bagging groceries is bagging groceries. There's really two things to do:
try not to crush things and bag them as fast as possible.

When you start to imply there's an expert level its funny. I'm not laughing at baggers.
But you get faster and better at it do you not ?
this to me indicates different skill levels.
Hoeing corn is hoeing corn, but how much can you do in a day ? And how good of a job do you do ? ie how much corn do you cut down and how many weeds do you leave.
All jobs no matter how menial have skill levels involved.
Sure even hammering nails works this way. It takes me like ten hits to get a nail in. Some guys I've seen do it in two.
you two need to lighten up. it really wasn't that serious.

I'm not saying you can't get good at doing anything, however, when one thinks of skillset levels such as novice and expert, grocery bagging doesn't come to mind which is why its funny.
IHG... lol if i don't have a bagger i bag my groceries... i found a purse today in the lobby and turned it in... i bring the carrage to the drop off location...

i think lady T and grind might be the only people who get my humor...

I get your humour Rob, but you're not exactly Oscar Wilde though, are you?
Yup here in Florida Publix has the mentaly retarded bagging groceries... they do a great job...

My mother has this friend, he is kinda whacky but a nice guy, anyway he is rich but his wife requires he have a job to keep him out of her hair so he bagged groceries at Publix. Once we were at a party at my mothers house and there was this very booring conversation going on.

The guy who bagged groceries was talking to a physics professor from USF, the Guy who bagged groceries said he has a position at Publix but had left. The professor said, ohhh you and management did not agree? (Assuming the bagger was some sort of executive as he was well dressed and all) The bagger said... well it was something about putting watermelon in the same bag as bread... The professor was very confused... maybe you had to be there, but it was very funny at the time!
Jarod, the reference I made was at Food lion. but I liked publix better, more chicks in bikinis came in there. The only part of not living in FL that I miss :)
Imagine a bikini clad chick checking out the bannanas, while I ran into an old blue hair lady because of not watching where I was going.....
Jarod, the reference I made was at Food lion. but I liked publix better, more chicks in bikinis came in there. The only part of not living in FL that I miss :)
Imagine a bikini clad chick checking out the bannanas, while I ran into an old blue hair lady because of not watching where I was going.....

Funny, yes I do like to go to the Publix close to the beach for that very reason!