Noe-Con Republicans elected Barrack Obama and Congressional Democrate


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The neo-con Republicans elected Barrack Obama and the Congressional Democrats.

George W. Bush and the Republican controlled Congress proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Republicans were the BIG GOVERNMENT Party. Not just that, but Republicans proved they were and are fucking liars. They pay lip service to limited government and the Constitution, then they govern exactly like Democrats. They run up ungodly debt, give us shit like the fucking unconstitutional Drug War and the fucking unconstitutional Patriot Act, more socialist programs and more foreign meddling and unconstitutional wars.

Then the bastard Republicans unconstitutionally bailed out Wall Street. No fucking wonder Americans got sick to death of the BIG GOVERNMENT Republicans and threw their asses out. However being the political morons that American voters are they replaced the BIG GOVERNMENT Republicans with their fucking twin sisters Barrack Obama and the fucking idiot BIG GOVERNMENT Democrats.

We have met the enemy and he is US!!!!!
[QUOTE- New Tactic for PINHEADs ]The neo-con Republicans elected Barrack Obama and the Congressional Democrats.

They pay lip service to limited government and the Constitution, then they govern exactly like Democrats.


Now here is a very innovative way to place all the blame on the Republicans fro everything.....especially for "Obama the Incompetant"....

I mean, the pinheads do it anyway, but this logic is just awesome.....
So then we can put you down as a ”maybe” that Bush/Cheney might have had something to do with getting the incompetent bastard neo-communist Obama into the White House, right?
dude they used your Austrian idiocy as much as they could get away with.

its your idiot ideas Not the Neo cons
dude they used your Austrian idiocy as much as they could get away with.

its your idiot ideas Not the Neo cons

Bullshit! You are completely delusional when it comes to this. Not even your hero would make such a profoundly stupid comment.
the entire push was to free up the corps to do what they wanted.

YOU pretend it wasn't because you don't like that the ideas fail every damned time they are tried
when we deregulate the people get fucked.

LOOK at history

That does not support your assertion. Ron Paul spoke against GLB, there are many reasons to oppose a specific regulation that have nothing at all to do with Austrian economics and they did not deregulate but merely changed the regulations. You have no idea what you are talking about.
The neo-con Republicans elected Barrack Obama and the Congressional Democrats.

George W. Bush and the Republican controlled Congress proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Republicans were the BIG GOVERNMENT Party. Not just that, but Republicans proved they were and are fucking liars. They pay lip service to limited government and the Constitution, then they govern exactly like Democrats. They run up ungodly debt, give us shit like the fucking unconstitutional Drug War and the fucking unconstitutional Patriot Act, more socialist programs and more foreign meddling and unconstitutional wars.

Then the bastard Republicans unconstitutionally bailed out Wall Street. No fucking wonder Americans got sick to death of the BIG GOVERNMENT Republicans and threw their asses out. However being the political morons that American voters are they replaced the BIG GOVERNMENT Republicans with their fucking twin sisters Barrack Obama and the fucking idiot BIG GOVERNMENT Democrats.

We have met the enemy and he is US!!!!!


Took you long enough. Was it the BushPhone, formerly known as the ObamaPhone that showed you that? Was it the BushBailouts formerly known as the ObamaBailouts that showed you that? Was it the lie about the Iraq war that showed you that?

I'll tell you what.....since you are DOESN'T MATTER. The drive behind the current Republican party and the corruption is BIG CORPORATIONS. Bet you haven't heard any Lefty's talk about that lately.........or maybe you did and you called them stupid because anyone but you is stupid yadda yadda. In EVERY one of Bush's bad decisions there was a Corporation that held extreme profit. Even the ones that are currently Conspiracy Theories.

Big Corp runs America because the IDIOTS said Corporations are people. Deal with it and learn from it.