Norman Thomas, a six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America


Loyal to the end
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

"The difference between Democrats and Republicans is: Democrats have accepted some ideas of socialism cheerfully, while Republicans have accepted them reluctantly."

"I no longer need to run as a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."
And you know what? The people fucking love it!

Where do you go from here? I mean, Obama is so popular that the effect of branding him a Socialist is to increase the popularity of Socialism. Do you call him a Nazi? A fascist (that's definitely coming)? Do you say he eats late term aborted babies by the bowl-full?

Where did I mention Obama? :)

In my opinion "we" don't have to go anywhere else, as long as you liberal Democrats openly embrace socialism, like you just did. Keep up the good work!
What I have been saying all along. No massive conspiracy, just the gradual acceptance of socialism by the populace.

Massively unfortunate, but all of you 'fiscally conservative Republicans' let it happen year after year allowing more and more bullshit programs to continue.

You dug your own grave by not listening to the libertarians. Enjoy socialism.
What I have been saying all along. No massive conspiracy, just the gradual acceptance of socialism by the populace.

Massively unfortunate, but all of you 'fiscally conservative Republicans' let it happen year after year allowing more and more bullshit programs to continue.

You dug your own grave by not listening to the libertarians. Enjoy socialism.

For the record this Conservative has never approved of any federal program or spending not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
And you know what? The people fucking love it!

Where do you go from here? I mean, Obama is so popular that the effect of branding him a Socialist is to increase the popularity of Socialism. Do you call him a Nazi? A fascist (that's definitely coming)? Do you say he eats late term aborted babies by the bowl-full?

People love it..!!!
But I don't where you come up with the rest of that shit....
What about the Air Force?

This is actually a really good point about how we ended up in this predicament.

Conservatives are willing to turn a blind eye toward liberals transgressions of the Constitution (federal assumption of state powers, federally-administered public welfare programs, etc).

But only so long as...

Liberals, in return, turn a blind eye toward conservative transgressions of the Constitution (huge military industrial complex, unlawful searches and seizures, and morality laws).
What I have been saying all along. No massive conspiracy, just the gradual acceptance of socialism by the populace.

Massively unfortunate, but all of you 'fiscally conservative Republicans' let it happen year after year allowing more and more bullshit programs to continue.

You dug your own grave by not listening to the libertarians. Enjoy socialism.

I'll be happy too. TY.

Conservatives have done more than anyone else to damn the name of capitalism, by putting their loony version of it into practice. The public no longer listens to you retards.
And you know what? The people fucking love it!

Where do you go from here? I mean, Obama is so popular that the effect of branding him a Socialist is to increase the popularity of Socialism. Do you call him a Nazi? A fascist (that's definitely coming)? Do you say he eats late term aborted babies by the bowl-full?

what we DO, is bide our time, lay low a little, and when the fabric of socialism starts to unravel and those that haphazardly accepted that socialism start to fight back on the political battlefield, we watch. we watch and see how the government reacts. we watch and see if the 'people' retain soveriegnty, and if they don't, then we wrench it back by deposing the socialists.