North Carolina: Another Cruz Takeover

dw dw were going to win on the first ballot anyway. Btw if your worried about the down ticket trump is the only one who can save it.
Democrats everywhere are laughing. Cruz is even more unelectable than Trump.

based on polling averages Cruz is either within the margin of error, winning, tied, or just barely losing to Clinton whereas Trump loses in basically a landslide in all major polls. The democrats want Trump as the GOP nominee. There is far more ammunition to throw at Trump based on his history than Cruz, and there's probably so much more out there about him that hasn't been exposed yet. Most of Cruz's baggage is already known for the most part.
I think it is funny that the libtards think Hillary is their best candidate. The only thing that has changed since they last rejected her is she has more frequent flier miles.

She has unfavorable ratings almost as high as Trumps.
based on polling averages Cruz is either within the margin of error, winning, tied, or just barely losing to Clinton whereas Trump loses in basically a landslide in all major polls. The democrats want Trump as the GOP nominee. There is far more ammunition to throw at Trump based on his history than Cruz, and there's probably so much more out there about him that hasn't been exposed yet. Most of Cruz's baggage is already known for the most part.
You need to look at the State level polling Nora. Cruz winning is nearly a ten to one underdog. The polling shows that Trump would win one swing state, North Carolina and Cruz would not only lose NC but would bring GA into play for Dems. The nation is simply not going to vote for a far right wing Southern populist. The fact that Kasich is viewed by the base, given his record, as too liberal shows simply how far from the mainstream nationally the GOP base has drifted.

This election cycle has been the best opportunity in 8 years for the GOP to gain the White House and they are blowing it by advancing two candidates that are far more flawed than the Dems.

If Trump wins the GOP nomination you're looking at a Dem victory of around 310 to 190 EV. 350 to 140 if Cruz is nominated.
I think it is funny that the libtards think Hillary is their best candidate. The only thing that has changed since they last rejected her is she has more frequent flier miles.

She has unfavorable ratings almost as high as Trumps.

Yet the nation will choose her warts and all over Cruz or Trump.
She has unfavorable ratings almost as high as Trumps.
almost. but that shows just how crappy they both are.
Still Clinton beats anyone but Kasich, and Bernie beats them all
You need to look at the State level polling Nora. Cruz winning is nearly a ten to one underdog. The polling shows that Trump would win one swing state, North Carolina and Cruz would not only lose NC but would bring GA into play for Dems. The nation is simply not going to vote for a far right wing Southern populist. The fact that Kasich is viewed by the base, given his record, as too liberal shows simply how far from the mainstream nationally the GOP base has drifted.

This election cycle has been the best opportunity in 8 years for the GOP to gain the White House and they are blowing it by advancing two candidates that are far more flawed than the Dems.

If Trump wins the GOP nomination you're looking at a Dem victory of around 310 to 190 EV. 350 to 140 if Cruz is nominated.

Well I guess we will see but in my opinion Trump would be a disaster for the GOP, the country, and for a true conservative movement focused on the constitution. If we lose with Cruz atleast we lose with our conscience in tact, at least I do, in my opinion.
You need to look at the State level polling Nora. Cruz winning is nearly a ten to one underdog. The polling shows that Trump would win one swing state, North Carolina and Cruz would not only lose NC but would bring GA into play for Dems. The nation is simply not going to vote for a far right wing Southern populist. The fact that Kasich is viewed by the base, given his record, as too liberal shows simply how far from the mainstream nationally the GOP base has drifted.

This election cycle has been the best opportunity in 8 years for the GOP to gain the White House and they are blowing it by advancing two candidates that are far more flawed than the Dems.

If Trump wins the GOP nomination you're looking at a Dem victory of around 310 to 190 EV. 350 to 140 if Cruz is nominated.

Let's just ignore the nearly 70% unfavorable rating that Trump has. If you don't believe it exists, then neither do I. :cof1:
You need to look at the State level polling Nora. Cruz winning is nearly a ten to one underdog. The polling shows that Trump would win one swing state, North Carolina and Cruz would not only lose NC but would bring GA into play for Dems. The nation is simply not going to vote for a far right wing Southern populist. The fact that Kasich is viewed by the base, given his record, as too liberal shows simply how far from the mainstream nationally the GOP base has drifted.

This election cycle has been the best opportunity in 8 years for the GOP to gain the White House and they are blowing it by advancing two candidates that are far more flawed than the Dems.

If Trump wins the GOP nomination you're looking at a Dem victory of around 310 to 190 EV. 350 to 140 if Cruz is nominated.

When is everyone going to realize......we do not live in a "democracy" we live in a "represented republic".....its not the PEOPLE or their polls that elect presidents, its the Delegates that have been empowered by the people and the party, that's the only poll that matters. As of today....there is only one candidate that KNOWS HOW and IS WORKING THE SYSTEM to their advantage. In the primary its the ground work to win Delegates not the the general its ground work to win the electoral college.

Its no wonder Trump does not have a clue as he keeps touting the number of public votes he is ahead of the field....when NY ALONE, his home state would provide such a numerical fact....but its not a numbers game state by state as some state have far superior population....its a DELEGATE GAME that was established to make the playing filed equal to representation of ALL STATES regardless of population.

The name of the game in a REPUBLIC is STATE REPRESENTATION as it is 50 states and a few territories that make up the REPUBLIC....and the political game is tailored for the STATE who all have a CONSTITUTION.

I laugh every time I see some ignorant jerk like TRUMP speak about DEMOCRACY......when he should be concerned about REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLES not social democratic principles. Anyone that ignorant deserves to get the surprise that is awaiting him in Cleveland Ohio. If he can't anyone number of the people of the people he has previously loud mouthed TRASHED in public to support him in Cleveland...i.e., like the others who hold more delegates than him COMBINED (a clear majority as Trump tops out at less than 50% nationally and it takes a 50 plus 1 majority to win the nomination).....GAME OVER
When is everyone going to realize......we do not live in a "democracy" we live in a "represented republic".....its not the PEOPLE or their polls that elect presidents, its the Delegates that have been empowered by the people and the party, that's the only poll that matters. As of today....there is only one candidate that KNOWS HOW and IS WORKING THE SYSTEM to their advantage. In the primary its the ground work to win Delegates not the the general its ground work to win the electoral college.

Its no wonder Trump does not have a clue as he keeps touting the number of public votes he is ahead of the field....when NY ALONE, his home state would provide such a numerical fact....but its not a numbers game state by state as some state have far superior population....its a DELEGATE GAME that was established to make the playing filed equal to representation of ALL STATES regardless of population.

The name of the game in a REPUBLIC is STATE REPRESENTATION as it is 50 states and a few territories that make up the REPUBLIC....and the political game is tailored for the STATE who all have a CONSTITUTION.

I laugh every time I see some ignorant jerk like TRUMP speak about DEMOCRACY......when he should be concerned about REPUBLICAN PRINCIPLES not social democratic principles. Anyone that ignorant deserves to get the surprise that is awaiting him in Cleveland Ohio. If he can't any number of the peoples he has previously loud mouthly TRASHED in public to support him in Cleveland...i.e., like the other candidates who hold more delegates than him COMBINED (a clear majority as Trump tops out at less than 50% nationally and it takes a 50 plus 1 majority to win the nomination).....GAME OVER
Where the hell is the edit ? Typos will be nothing but duplicates