Not Everyone Favors Nationalized Health Care


Not So Junior Member
Just saw this and must say, I'm blown away. I thought nationalized health care was a 'given' from all I've read in the MSM:

29% Favor National Health Insurance Overseen by Federal Government
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of American adults favor a national health insurance program overseen by the Federal Government. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 39% oppose such a government-led initiative while 31% are not sure.

The survey also found that 46% believe the quality of care would decrease under a national health insurance program while 16% believe that quality would increase. Twenty percent (20%) say the quality of care would remain about the same while 18% are not sure.

At the same time, 42% believe the cost of health care would increase while 25% would expect prices to go down.

While opposing a national program overseen by the federal government, Americans support requiring companies to provide health insurance for their employees. Sixty-three percent (63%) favor such a requirement while 24% are opposed.

An earlier survey found that just 31% rate the U.S. health care system as good or excellent.

At the same time, people give much higher reviews to their own health care coverage.

Another survey found that half of all Americans say they support providing free health care for all citizens. However, support for free coverage drops dramatically if it would require changing to a new insurance program.

The current survey found strong partisan differences on all questions.

Republicans strongly oppose national health insurance by a 59% to 25% margin. Democrats are more evenly divided—35% of Democrats favor, 26% oppose, and 39% are not sure. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 25% favor national health insurance overseen by the federal government. Thirty-five percent (35%) of unaffiliateds oppose such a program while 38% are undecided.

Health care is one of the top issues of Election 2008. It has tended to benefit Senator Hillary Clinton over Senator Barack Obama in the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. Looking to the general election, the economy, the War in Iraq, and National Security are the top issues. At this point in time, Senator John McCain is in a competitive race with both Democrats in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.
One thing for sure the cost of health care will rise.

Remember when HMO's were supposed to fix everything ?

No, I see what he is saying. Nationalized healthcare would most likely be inefficient and counterproductive, not to mention costly to the taxpayer. Universal healthcare however, if removed from its political meaning (synonymous with nationalized care) should be a basic human right.
No, I see what he is saying. Nationalized healthcare would most likely be inefficient and counterproductive, not to mention costly to the taxpayer. Universal healthcare however, if removed from its political meaning (synonymous with nationalized care) should be a basic human right.

So you don't think that people have a basic right to health?

Doesn't life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness apply there?

Where would a right to "health" end?

Could I get a lifesaving heart transplant?

Could I get treatment for my cancer?

Could I get a root canal?

How about getting my teeth cleaned?

Could my girlfriend get liposuction?

How about a boobjob?

You have a right to life. Not a guarantee from the government that you will be "healthy".
Where would a right to "health" end?

Could I get a lifesaving heart transplant?

Could I get treatment for my cancer?

Could I get a root canal?
Dental health has been linked to heart disease, so yes.

How about getting my teeth cleaned?
See above.

Could my girlfriend get liposuction?
Is she so overweight that she needs it to stay healthy?

How about a boobjob?
Does it affect her health negatively to not get one?

You have a right to life. Not a guarantee from the government that you will be "healthy".
Why? Isn't that something better left to the courts to decide?
Universal health care with a single-payer system is great. And if there's a private health insurance sector as well, that works. Your system in the US stinks. Why you don't give it the boot is beyond me, but hey, if you want to live like that, who am I to say anything against it?
Universal health care with a single-payer system is great. And if there's a private health insurance sector as well, that works. Your system in the US stinks. Why you don't give it the boot is beyond me, but hey, if you want to live like that, who am I to say anything against it?
