Not Fair!



This is the new DNC ad against McCain. I'm very upset about it. By showing John McCain saying it wouldn't bother him if we were in Iraq for 100 years, they have not played fair. And the reason is because they cut it off before he added the caveat that once he was in office Iraqi's would stop wanting to kill American soldiers in Iraq, and the occuptation would only cost a dollar and fifty cents a day. And the crowd first didn't believe what they had heard. "Did he say a dollar and fifty cents a day?" one after another asked their neighbor. "Yeah, he said, iraq is only gonna cost a dollar and fifty cents a day".

And then they gave him a standing ovation.

But i want my republican friends to know that I have written a very strong email to the DNC about this! Oh that's right, I have no republican friends.

Ok, in that case, to tell the truth I didn't. But I did send a donation.
This is an outrage. I'll be the first to say the Demoncrat Party isn't playing fair, by making an ad out of the 100 years in Iraq comment. I've heard enough crying from McCain fans here about the 100 years war comment, that diaper clean up patrol is almost warranted.

Give old man McCain a break. He caved into the north vietnamese, cooperated with the enemy, trashed his country in propaganda films, and flinched at the most benign interrogations at that Hanoi Hilton the commies held him at. We're dealing with a weak, and broken man here. Its sad. Its almost on par with beating up on the autistic kid. DNC should go easy on him, and play with the utmost fairness in mind.
Cypress got some good drugs on vacation and I'm jealous.
The DNC and Obama have to just get out of Mckeating5's way, he's sounding more Reaganaltzhimer's ish every day.
This shit is going to get SNL comical before November assuming he doesn't die of a heart attack first.
Cypress got some good drugs on vacation and I'm jealous.
The DNC and Obama have to just get out of Mckeating5's way, he's sounding more Reaganaltzhimer's ish every day.
This shit is going to get SNL comical before November assuming he doesn't die of a heart attack first.

Yeah the old man is doing satire now. "Obama is insensitive to poor people". Old folks never are that funny, but it's cute when they try.