Not since 2003

Funny thing. Although fear-mongering lefties like to brandish dire warnings about the impending doom overtaking America since we invaded Iraq, nothing has happened.

I'm not suggesting that is the result of any intended US strategy, because we simply don't know.

The people who hate us - that includes you, Dems - are far more decentralized, disorganized and scattered that even the Clinton campaign. This makes it difficult to remove pins from a map.

But, for whatever reason, America has not been attacked since Saddam was deposed, although plenty of other nations have.

How does that fact square with the pillar of liberal wisdom which states "Bush hasn't made us safer; in fact, we're more at risk"?

The Democrats' talking point is that "Al Qaeda" is the enemy, and by diverting resourcs to Iraq and Afgahnistan, Bush has rendered us defenseless.

Really? Do the terrorists know this? Maybe they don't read the New York Times.

The Crats' would have you believe the President acted unilaterally (and criminally) to knowingly invade Iraq against their sage advice.

One glance at the Congressional Record will dispel that cozy myth. I'm willing to give credit where credit is due and acknowledge that the Dems who voted to do the right thing (and still haven't voted to cut off funds for the war) are entitled to their share of approbation for liberating Iraq and Afghanistan.

It doesn't matter what they say, only what they do. And what they do is to continue funding the war on terror.

Islamic extremism takes many forms and has many names. To view Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda as the only agents who can harm American interests is a vapid and provably wrong position.

Put simply, since 9/11, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan have been removed as launch pads for large-scale terrorist attacks against our nation.

The sad thing is that someone reading this is thinking it would be a good thing for an attack on the US to occur so that thay can score a debating point.
So where are the attacks thus predicted?

"The unclassified document said: The increased role of Iraqis in opposing al-Qaida in Iraq might lead the terror group’s veteran foreign fighters to refocus their efforts outside that country."

The operative word being "might".
Ain't happened.

"While Iran and Syria are the most active state sponsors of terror, many other countries will be unable to prevent their resources from being exploited by terrorists."

Time for regime change in Damascus and Tehran?

"The underlying factors that are fueling the spread of the extremist Muslim movement outweigh its vulnerabilities. These factors are entrenched grievances and a slow pace of reform in home countries, rising anti-U.S. sentiment and the Iraq war."

How, exactly, is the Iraq war repsonsible for "entrenched grievances", otherwise known as hatred, intolerance and bigotry? The only place I've seen "rising anti-U.S. sentiment" is in America, from the Democrats.

"Groups 'of all stripes' will increasingly use the Internet to communicate, train, recruit and obtain support."

CodePink,, etc.?