Not that it matters....

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty
This election is now in the bag for Obama, but I thought this article was still interesting....

I thought this paragraph was an exceptionally good point....

"On spending, Obama now says -- as with taxes -- he may defer some of it because of a poor economy. But didn't he consider the spending "investments" that are "fully paid for"? If they are investments that "don't cost" anything, why put them off because of a bad economy? If Obama's been telling the truth, the ideal time to spend and to raise taxes is precisely when things are bad, unless they a) are not paid for and b) are not investments that will "jump-start our economy.""
A) the election isn't really in the bag. Gallup had Obama +2 today.
B) the following is a complete mischaracterization:

"But didn't he consider the spending "investments" that are "fully paid for"? If they are investments that "don't cost" anything, why put them off because of a bad economy?"

Totally partisan, stupid interpretation, on a few levels. First of all, he said every one of his plans is paid for; while most I would consider as having ROI, particularly with education, energy & small business, I don't think Obama has characterized it that way, and has said that some will be paid for by higher taxes on those earning above $250K and on closing corporate loopholes.

Beyond that, a poor economy MIGHT well mean that, even if something will return on investment, it might not be the best time to put that investment in. That's like telling a business they should hire 100 new salespeople today because when you put money into sales you inevitably get money back. Investment is much more complex than that, and the country, like a business, needs to invest wisely & somewhat within its means to see its business grow in a sensible way.

What a stupid article.
You hate the idea of President Obama don't you?

Well get used to it he's had the election in the bag all along.

Come January with his big majorities in the Senate House there will be a lot less Rightwinger BS. Fairness Doctrine will see to that, bet on it!

And then when the old Fasist Judges die off President Obama will apponit the best ones for LIFE!!!

Racism is HISTORY!
mccains creeping back. Florida back up for grabs. VA will be as well.

Should tighten up nicely for Nov 4th.
Of course Obama is dead assed lying about his programs. But it's what the brain dead like to hear, so that's what he says. His policies will tank an already floundering economy.

Correct policies carefully initiated could minimize the current situation to 2-3 years of severe recession. However, neither Obama nor McCain are proposing correct policies - though both have a couple good ideas out of their total packages. IMO, Obama's proposed policies are the worse of a whole bunch of bad ideas.

The real crux, however, is congress. A democratic congress would have been a strong mediating force on the proposed policies of McCain, thus minimizing the damage of a poor overall economic package. But a strong democratic majority in congress - possibly even a filibuster proof majority - will spell outright depression when Obama's fucked up policies are given the fast track. It'll be damned good the middle class are (supposedly) scheduled for significant tax breaks - the money will at least somewhat reduce the loss of purchasing power in the coming control-by-positive-feedback disaster waiting in the wings.
Of course Obama is dead assed lying about his programs. But it's what the brain dead like to hear, so that's what he says. His policies will tank an already floundering economy.

Correct policies carefully initiated could minimize the current situation to 2-3 years of severe recession. However, neither Obama nor McCain are proposing correct policies - though both have a couple good ideas out of their total packages. IMO, Obama's proposed policies are the worse of a whole bunch of bad ideas.

The real crux, however, is congress. A democratic congress would have been a strong mediating force on the proposed policies of McCain, thus minimizing the damage of a poor overall economic package. But a strong democratic majority in congress - possibly even a filibuster proof majority - will spell outright depression when Obama's fucked up policies are given the fast track. It'll be damned good the middle class are (supposedly) scheduled for significant tax breaks - the money will at least somewhat reduce the loss of purchasing power in the coming control-by-positive-feedback disaster waiting in the wings.
Past history has shown your wrong. The key element to Obama's policies, which is absent McCains is Paygo. Republicans eliminating Paygo in favor of partisan tax cuts was one of the most irresponsibles acts in my life time.

With Paygo they have to find the funding for any program. They cannot borrow the money as irresponsible "borrow and spend" republicans have done.

Either they find the money by defunding existing programs or they wear the odium of raising taxes and have to meet their constituents to explain such tax hikes.

That was the one thing in the debates many independants were wanting to hear that Obama committed to. Reinstituting Paygo, where as Republicans would rather watch our republic die than balance the budget and there by, god forbid, risk a tax hike.
Past history has shown your wrong. The key element to Obama's policies, which is absent McCains is Paygo. Republicans eliminating Paygo in favor of partisan tax cuts was one of the most irresponsibles acts in my life time.

With Paygo they have to find the funding for any program. They cannot borrow the money as irresponsible "borrow and spend" republicans have done.

Either they find the money by defunding existing programs or they wear the odium of raising taxes and have to meet their constituents to explain such tax hikes.

That was the one thing in the debates many independants were wanting to hear that Obama committed to. Reinstituting Paygo, where as Republicans would rather watch our republic die than balance the budget and there by, god forbid, risk a tax hike.
When did REPUBLICANS eliminate PayGo? Are you truly so fucking partisanly ignorant to deny we have been using deficit spending since before WWII? Past history has been deficit spending under both democratic and republican president and congresses. True paygo has not existed since before WWI. The Great Depression was, in part, an economic adjustment to the (necessary) deficit spending that occurred in fighting WWI.

Raising taxes where Obama keeps promising not to raise taxes on incomes lower than 250K is EXACTLY the area I believe him to be flat assed lying. Unless he is existing in a drug induced fantasy, he knows that he will have to raise taxes on everyone above subsistence income to fund all his ideas - or even half of them - and even then it will not be enough because the slumping economy will result in declining revenues no matter how high he shoves the tax rates.

Additionally, PayGo or not, Obama's proposed policies of raising taxes on investment income, dividend income, corporate taxes, etc. coupled with proposed protectionist style modifications to trade treaties is EXACTLY what Carter tried to instill under very similar economic circumstances (rising unemployment, oil prices, supplies of crude limited, bank troubles, etc. - though the situation when Carter was sworn in was not nearly as bad.) The only thing he has NOT proposed is induce price freezes, and when his policies shove inflation even higher than it is already headed, I would not be surprised to see him try that, too.

Why is it Obama (and seemingly, you) expect different results from the same types of actions under similar bad economic conditions? With the starting situation being significantly worse, the economic reaction to poor economic policies will be correspondingly worse.

McCain's ideas, if implemented, won't do a damned bit of good. But neither will they make things any worse than they will get if nothing is done.
Even if McCain wins Florida and Va AND NC he can't win. And RCP has it 52-44 for Obama.

I had honestly given up on Florida and written it off as unwinnable. The fact that he's so far ahead there right now speaks volumes. And new polls came out from ND - it's now tied. I didn't expect anyone to validate the old polls again (they looked like a fluke, b/c there's no way Obama's five points up), but the fact that a very reputable firm like Rasmussen has come out and said it's tied also says a lot.