Notable Democrats: Gerry Studds


For someone so concerned with prejudice and discrimination, you seem oddly okay with trying to smear the first openly gay Congressman for having a relationship with another adult.

This is your worst attempt yet.

I give this trolling 0/5 stars.
Every other thread you have posted has contained allegations of racism or bigotry against its subject.

Ironic then, that you post a thread showing your own.
Every thread I have posted under the same heading of "Notable Democrats" has contained the name of said Democrat and a link to their Wikipedia page.

Any facts contained in the articles weren't put there by me.

Please point out the difference in this instance.

I'll wait.
Get a life troll. I don't care to refute your Faux-Arguments. You know they're stupid. I know they're stupid.

Your schtick of grabbing some random Democrat from 30 years ago and trying to use it to characterize all Democrats is beyond pathetic.

And I'm telling you this as someone who genuinely dislikes Democrats. You're making us all look as stupid as you.

Either shut the fuck up or get smarter quickly.