Notable Democrats: Marion Barry

Congrats! This is the 1st "notable Democrat" I've actually heard of.

When you find one that killed over 100,000 Iraqi's, caused the deaths of over 4,000 of our own troops, as well as over 30,000 casualties, spent a trillion & destroyed our reputation around the globe, let me know, okay?
You never heard of Ted Kennedy, or Kleagle Robert Byrd?

Odd, since they are the two senior 'Crats currently infesting the Senate.

If I didn't know how uninformed you are, I'd be tempted to call you a liar.

You seem inordinately proud of your ignorance. Is that because you want to be able to say "I didn't know" a la post-war Germans?

Haven't you ever considered delving into the history of the racist, corrupt Jackass Party, or is your curiosity limited to the war on terrorism?
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Can't think of any, huh? Didn't think so!

And yeah; the most disastrous foreign policy decision in modern history (or, as you like to call it, the 'war on terrorism') affects me to a much, much greater degree than the history of the "racist, corrupt Jackass Party."

I can understand why you would want to focus on the latter, or what you perceive as the latter, rather than the former.
Uh-huh. Good luck with that.

History won't show this to be anything but Bush's war, by the vast majority of people.

I can see how you feel about the "success" of the decision, though, judging by how much you want to spread the "credit"...LOL!!!!
I feel good about the progress America has made in Iraq.

If you don't want someone to point out that many Democrats voted for the measures that (in your words) "killed over 100,000 Iraqi's, caused the deaths of over 4,000 of our own troops, as well as over 30,000 casualties, spent a trillion & destroyed our reputation around the globe", well, too bad.

You asked for facts, you got 'em.

Why hasn't the Dem majority in Congress pulled our troops out?

Could it be they don't agree with your opinions?
Of course you didn't. You would have had to answer my question if you had, and intellectually you ain't up to it, are you?

Yep. You got me there. Intellectually, I'm not up for explaining the Constitution to someone, and what the powers of Congress & the President are. And intellectually, I am unable to explain to someone so boneheaded that the Iraq resolution was not a declaration of war.

Spot on, indie...
Congrats! This is the 1st "notable Democrat" I've actually heard of.

When you find one that killed over 100,000 Iraqi's, caused the deaths of over 4,000 of our own troops, as well as over 30,000 casualties, spent a trillion & destroyed our reputation around the globe, let me know, okay?

Have you forgotten about all of the Democrats that voted to give President Bush permission to go back into Iraq?

Where did you get the number 100,000 Iraqis? If you ask CodePINK, that number is more than 1.2 million dead Iraqis.

How did these Iraqis die? Carpet bombing? Or is it your contention that American troops are killing civilians randomly and at will? Do you think or see their job as nothing more that kill all of them and let God sort them out?
He's "not up for explaining the Constitution to someone, and what the powers of Congress & the President are."

And intellectually, he's "unable to explain to someone so boneheaded that the Iraq resolution was not a declaration of war".

Just looking to slam Bush, regardless of the facts.
He's "not up for explaining the Constitution to someone, and what the powers of Congress & the President are."

And intellectually, he's "unable to explain to someone so boneheaded that the Iraq resolution was not a declaration of war".

Just looking to slam Bush, regardless of the facts.

I noticed that he left our the part about the 14 months of debate in Congress, the vote to give President Bush the power to do what he did, and the violation of the 1990 UN Ceasefire agreement with provisions to dismantle the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare programs clearly spelled out within the agreement. It was Saddams violations of that agreement that set the stage for the current situation we are in today.

But lets not confuse the issue with a bunch of "irrelevant" facts.
You guys, like other insufferable hacks (see: Sean Hannity), are in such sad denial about Iraq.

Let me tell you something that you will know is true, even though you won't admit it. If Iraq was a stunning success, and there were few casualties, and it made us safer, and was a thriving democracy in the heart of the Middle East at this point, do you know what you'd be saying about Democrats? You'd be saying how much they opposed Bush from the start, and how wrong they were, and how this was Bush's war & the Dems didn't do anything but fight it & Bush every step of the way, and how they're on the wrong side of history.

It ain't any of that, so all we hear is "it wasn't just Bush! The Dems voted for war!"

Pathetic. You don't just have blood on your hands; you're immersed in it. And it will never come off, because most of us won't forget what really happened.