Note to conservatards

Note to liberaltards

Quit defending child molestors and illegal immigrant drug smugglers and gang members!
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money”

-Alexis de Tocqueville
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money”

-Alexis de Tocqueville

Well hell, if de Tocqueville is the one who said that he is certainly not a moron. We are seeing the proof of that now. And we have been for a couple of decades.
Alexis de Tocqueville was an elitist who destroyed European liberalism and who has been proved wrong at every step in history. He voted against freedom of the press and freedom to assemble. He voted for colonisation. It's something only a conservative would love.

If the American republic has been "paying the people with the peoples money" for the last 100 years, it sure as hell has not ended it. Proof upon first gazing that the quote is irrelevant. But conservatives like to say it over and over again to self masturbate themselves with the though "ZOMG LOL TEH SOCILAIST ARE DSETROY EVERTHING!"

The fact is that we are not "bribing the people with the peoples money". We are keeping the rich from starving the poor. Alexis was an aristocrat who was quite comfortable with starving people, a moron who didn't stand a day in the reality of not knowing how he will eat tomorrow.
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Alexis de Tocqueville was an elitist who destroyed European liberalism and who has been proved wrong at every step in history. He voted against freedom of the press and freedom to assemble. He voted for colonisation. It's something only a conservative would love.

If the American republic has been "paying the people with the peoples money" for the last 100 years, it sure as hell has not ended it. Proof upon first gazing that the quote is irrelevant. But conservatives like to say it over and over again to self masturbate themselves with the though "ZOMG LOL TEH SOCILAIST ARE DSETROY EVERTHING!"

The fact is that we are not "bribing the people with the peoples money". We are keeping the rich from starving the poor. Alexis was an aristocrat who was quite comfortable with starving people, a moron who didn't stand a day in the reality of not knowing how he will eat tomorrow.

And both political parties are quite adept at using this phrase. Perhaps the democrats don't quote it, but they certainly try and blame the rich for everything. In the last several elections the dems have said "vote for us, the republicans will squander your social security money".
Politicians have likely used [pork since the beginning of societies. And it will never end I suspect.
Dictators do the same thing.

A Republican business philosophy. Never use your own money, always use someone elses money.
Pork is something uniquely American.

It is compounded by our insistence on single member districts, our refusal to pass a single subject law where the entire debate would be considered laughable in most nations, and the weakness of our parties and the massive amount of power belonging to a few arbitrarily selected individuals in our legislatures.
Alexis de Tocqueville was an elitist who destroyed European liberalism and who has been proved wrong at every step in history. He voted against freedom of the press and freedom to assemble. He voted for colonisation. It's something only a conservative would love.

If the American republic has been "paying the people with the peoples money" for the last 100 years, it sure as hell has not ended it. Proof upon first gazing that the quote is irrelevant. But conservatives like to say it over and over again to self masturbate themselves with the though "ZOMG LOL TEH SOCILAIST ARE DSETROY EVERTHING!"

The fact is that we are not "bribing the people with the peoples money". We are keeping the rich from starving the poor. Alexis was an aristocrat who was quite comfortable with starving people, a moron who didn't stand a day in the reality of not knowing how he will eat tomorrow.

Right, he was a real 'moron.' Somehow this 'idiot' gave a glimpse at the next 150 years of so of world history, (btw, he coined the word 'superpowers'). The following are the ending paragraphs of Book 1, Democracy In America:

Many ages must elapse before the divers offsets of the British race in
America cease to present the same homogeneous characteristics: and the
time cannot be foreseen at which a permanent inequality of conditions
will be established in the New World. Whatever differences may arise,
from peace or from war, from freedom or oppression, from prosperity or
want, between the destinies of the different descendants of the great
Anglo-American family, they will at least preserve an analogous social
condition, and they will hold in common the customs and the opinions to
which that social condition has given birth.

In the Middle Ages, the tie of religion was sufficiently powerful
to imbue all the different populations of Europe with the same
civilization. The British of the New World have a thousand other
reciprocal ties; and they live at a time when the tendency to equality
is general amongst mankind. The Middle Ages were a period when
everything was broken up; when each people, each province, each
city, and each family, had a strong tendency to maintain its distinct
individuality. At the present time an opposite tendency seems to
prevail, and the nations seem to be advancing to unity. Our means of
intellectual intercourse unite the most remote parts of the earth; and
it is impossible for men to remain strangers to each other, or to be
ignorant of the events which are taking place in any corner of the
globe. The consequence is that there is less difference, at the present
day, between the Europeans and their descendants in the New World, than
there was between certain towns in the thirteenth century which were
only separated by a river. If this tendency to assimilation brings
foreign nations closer to each other, it must a fortiori prevent the
descendants of the same people from becoming aliens to each other.

The time will therefore come when one hundred and fifty millions of men
will be living in North America, *q equal in condition, the progeny of
one race, owing their origin to the same cause, and preserving the same
civilization, the same language, the same religion, the same habits, the
same manners, and imbued with the same opinions, propagated under the
same forms. The rest is uncertain, but this is certain; and it is a fact
new to the world--a fact fraught with such portentous consequences as to
baffle the efforts even of the imagination.

[Footnote q: This would be a population proportionate to that of Europe,
taken at a mean rate of 410 inhabitants to the square league.]

There are, at the present time, two great nations in the world which
seem to tend towards the same end, although they started from different
points: I allude to the Russians and the Americans. Both of them have
grown up unnoticed; and whilst the attention of mankind was directed
elsewhere, they have suddenly assumed a most prominent place amongst the
nations; and the world learned their existence and their greatness at
almost the same time.

All other nations seem to have nearly reached their natural limits, and
only to be charged with the maintenance of their power; but these are
still in the act of growth; *r all the others are stopped, or continue
to advance with extreme difficulty; these are proceeding with ease and
with celerity along a path to which the human eye can assign no term.
The American struggles against the natural obstacles which oppose
him; the adversaries of the Russian are men; the former combats the
wilderness and savage life; the latter, civilization with all its
weapons and its arts: the conquests of the one are therefore gained by
the ploughshare; those of the other by the sword. The Anglo-American
relies upon personal interest to accomplish his ends, and gives free
scope to the unguided exertions and common-sense of the citizens;
the Russian centres all the authority of society in a single arm: the
principal instrument of the former is freedom; of the latter servitude.
Their starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same;
yet each of them seems to be marked out by the will of Heaven to sway
the destinies of half the globe.

[Footnote r: Russia is the country in the Old World in which population
increases most rapidly in proportion.]
Right, he was a real 'moron.' Somehow this 'idiot' gave a glimpse at the next 150 years of so of world history, (btw, he coined the word 'superpowers'). The following are the ending paragraphs of Book 1, Democracy In America:

Anytime someone predicts something, it is luck, not genius.

Take a look at USCitizen for an example.
Anytime someone predicts something, it is luck, not genius.

Take a look at USCitizen for an example.

Not when they use the facts at hand as the logic behind their prediction. In this case, it turned out correct. If on the other hand, he'd picked a 'winner', that might have not turned out as well, based on his prejudices. :cof1:
Anytime someone predicts something, it is luck, not genius.

Take a look at USCitizen for an example.

In my case definately not genius, just seeing a broader picture than most.
Plus I have a lot more experiences to consider than most on here.