NotreDame University of Maryland extends Invitation to Former President of PP


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I hope to reach some good old fashioned Catholics who believe abortion is still a mortal and refuse to allow any providers of abortion to speak at any of their universities to condone or promote abortion.

A situation has developed with the Notre Dame University of Maryland where their president, Dr. Marylou Yam extended an invitation to the former president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards to speak at their annual “Women of the World Festival” on March 7th.

I was so outraged I not only wrote Dr. Yam but sent a copy to the Archbishop of the Diocese of Baltimore condemning such action under pain of excommunication. Here is a copy of that letter with the e-mail addresses of both Dr. Yam and the archbishop. I truly hope that some of you will be moved to appeal to both parties to stop immorality and return to the teachings of the Church fully supported the Holy Bible. Here is the copy of that letter:
Dr. Marylou Yam
Notre Dame University of Maryland
Baltimore, Md.

Dear Dr. Yam:
How dare you invite the former president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, to speak at a Roman Catholic University, hosting their annual “Women of the World Festival” on March 7th.What in the world is wrong with you? Have you been possessed by the very devil himself? Making such an invitation flies against all Roman Catholic doctrine which considers such an invitation a grave mortal sin and which the Bible calls an abomination before the Lord and according to the Roman Catholic Church it is a grave mortal sin and which the Holy Bible declares to be an abomination before the Lord.

Ms. Richards is a first degree murderer of the most helpless of the helpless, the human baby inside the womb. Their blood drips from her hands and stains the very clothing she wears. That is the way she appears before Jesus, the very Prince of Life itself.
What is wrong with your university to allow such a thing? You fly in the face of the sisters of The Poor who are willing to lose everything they have rather than be forced to supply contraceptive pills for the patients under their care. What an example of real sainthood they are compared to you whose only interest probably is to make money and fame for your university

I will tell everyone I know to boycott your university and if I were a prelate in your diocese I would excommunicate you on the spot.

Repent and believe in the Gospel before it is too late for your soul


Richard W. Firth

CC: Rev. William Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore