Now Dems accuse each other of vote fraud

I just checked every single one of those links and not a one accuses Clinton of vote fraud.

You are the worst named poster on any board I have ever seen.

Your link are almost always bogus and you often pull things right out of your ass.

Are you trying to make your own party look stupid and dishonest?
Someone once said

"It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place."

Is that your problem?

"The fact that superdelegates hold the balance of power opens up the possibility that the superdelegates will vote in a way that is contrary to the popular vote of the people. And that appears to be their purpose. As Senator Webb recently remarked: "If they didn't want the superdelegates to have independent judgment, they wouldn't have created them."

It is this very ability of superdelegates to use judgment and discretion that gives Senator Clinton any chance at all in obtaining the Democratic nomination. She can try to make all kinds of creative arguments, including those based upon the Florida and Michigan primary elections conducted under unusual rules where candidates were told not to campaign and voters were told their votes wouldn't count. Whether or not these arguments will be plausible, especially in the face of an ultimate pledged delegate lead is a question not for us to judge, but for these unelected superdelegates.

If indeed people believe this question should not be in the hands of superdelegates but rather should reflect either pledged delegate totals or the results of the popular vote, then it is time to elminate superdelegates. And if the thought is that the popular vote should be used, then it is also time to eliminate the caucus. Caucus states have much lower participation because of the cost of giving up time to participate. Primary states' votes would be weighted more heavily. And if one really wants to assure equality of voters, even use of pledged delegates is not the way to go, because pledged delegates are weighed according to DNC formulas by prior Democratic turnout.

So ultimately Democrats need to ask what the primary is about. Is it about reflecting the popular will of Democrats (and others, who may participate in open primaries in some states)? Or is it about constructing a system for choosing a candidate to win in the general election? If it is the latter, in this day and age can that ever be a candidate who does not lead in pledged delegates or the popular vote?"

From one of the links that you lied about viewing...

Here's another: read it, and weep - or don't read it, claim you did, and lie about it...
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I just checked every single one of those links and not a one accuses Clinton of vote fraud.

You are the worst named poster on any board I have ever seen.

Your link are almost always bogus and you often pull things right out of your ass.

Are you trying to make your own party look stupid and dishonest?

Lets see. Broken voting machines in African-American neighborhoods, the fact that superdelegates hold the balance of power opens up the possibility that the superdelegates will vote in a way that is contrary to the popular vote of the people, and voting machine issues and the distrust of them...
Lets see. Broken voting machines in African-American neighborhoods, the fact that superdelegates hold the balance of power opens up the possibility that the superdelegates will vote in a way that is contrary to the popular vote of the people, and voting machine issues and the distrust of them...

It really does not matter anyway. It is the super delegates that decide who will be the nominee for the Democrat Party. Who knows Desh, you could be the nominee if the super delegates decide to be so. The votes do not matter anyway.

I guess the point is that I do not trust Hillary and I would bet that Obama does not either.
Which of those articles have democrats quoted as blaming Hillary for vote fraud?

Ill wait for a quote from one proving your claim.
Which of those articles have democrats quoted as blaming Hillary for vote fraud?

Ill wait for a quote from one proving your claim.

If there was voter fraud with the voting machines in the Black districts where Obama would have a clear majority, who do you think would be responsible, McCain?

"Well, they certainly know what they are capable of. If you think there was not some voter fraud in the New York election of Hillary Clinton to the Senate, you just do not really know Hillary Clinton. Obama knows this."

There was no claim, but rather an opinion based on what is known or perceived about Hillary and her aggressive tactics. Do you think that Obama and his staff do not know what Hillary is capable of? Of course they do and they probably take the necessary precautions. Let me ask you this - Do you think they trust Hillary and her people? That is all I was referring to. There is a certain amount of pleasure deemed from the distrust of the two of them behind the scenes despite the artificial civility. Neither trust the other.

Of course, any reference to Democrats and voter fraud is very irritating for many Liberals as we can see from your hysterical reply.
So now you will admitt that the part this doornob said about Dems accusing Clinton for vote fraud was straight out of the guys ass?

Well good then.

Heres the dealio.

The person that can eefect this fraud is the person with access to the machines source code.

Can you tell me who that is?
Im nto going through all those fricking links because you always post crap links that have nothing to do with what you claim.

If you want to prove something quote them and tell us what you are trying to prove.

Im going to go watch a movie now so you have lots of time.
So now you will admitt that the part this doornob said about Dems accusing Clinton for vote fraud was straight out of the guys ass?

Well good then.

Heres the dealio.

The person that can eefect this fraud is the person with access to the machines source code.

Can you tell me who that is?

Is it France, again ?
So now you will admitt that the part this doornob said about Dems accusing Clinton for vote fraud was straight out of the guys ass?

Well good then.

Heres the dealio.

The person that can eefect this fraud is the person with access to the machines source code.

Can you tell me who that is?

Well, that is a tough question. Lets see... hmmm... There are two politicians running against each other - Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. The machines are under the control of the local Board of Elections that is either run or overseen by someone from the Democrat Party. If it happened, it was from someone wanting their candidate to win and unless they did it on their own accord, the orders came from someone else closer to the candidate and Hillary is behind.

"Well, they certainly know what they are capable of. If you think there was not some voter fraud in the New York election of Hillary Clinton to the Senate, you just do not really know Hillary Clinton. Obama knows this."

I never stated that the Dems or anyone else claimed that Hillary committed voter fraud. I inferred that she was not beyond operations of this nature. I stated that I believed that there was some voter fraud in the 2000 election and others have stated this too. I stated that Obama knows of this information. Hillary will lie, cheat, and steal to get what she wants. Perhaps you do not remember anything about her past.

"We have to destroy her."
-- Hillary Clinton discussing Gennifer Flowers and her affair with Bill Clinton

"I want you to do damage control over Bill's philandering... Bill's going to be President of the United States... I want you to give me the names and addresses and phone numbers, and we can get them under control."
-- Hillary Clinton instructing Ivan Duda, a private detective hired to investigate Bill Clinton's girlfriends

"Bimbos, Sluts, Trailer Trash, Rednecks Shit Kickers."
-- Hillary Clinton referring to Bill Clinton's girl friends and other residents of Arkansas

"These women are all trash. Nobody's going to believe them."
-- Hillary Clinton referring to the long list of women who claimed they have had "personal relationships" with then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton

It really comes down to personal integrity. She has very little but she does have a very determined and vindictive character and she is not afraid to do whatever she has to do to get what she wants.