Now its the media's fault?


Well-known member
McCain picks an unknown social conservative who is for abstinance only education for VP.

Then three days later they issue a press release that the VP's unmarried 17 year old daughter is knocked up.

The media has the audacity to report on that press release... and now the Washington Elite Media is against her and unfairly attacking the campaign?

Classic Republican move!
I hear that's the new "theme" for the GOP - us against the east coast media elites.

The media has a job in this country, GOP; it's a watchdog, and investigative reporting is vital to this democracy. If they end up vetting crap that McCain's shoddy vetters missed, that's just too bad; we're talking about someone who could be a VP, and President if something happens.
So when the media reports stories the McCain campaign feeds to them, all the sudden its an unfair attack?

I certantly hope middle america is smarter than that!