now r's say its a family's business but


Junior Member
they sure had no problem getting into the Clinton's business when he banged monica. they wanted every detail.
No they wanted him to come clean about it under oath. If you want to bitch about that bitch about the fact that the investigation was supposed to be about a land deal in Arkansas, that after all the MILLIONS spent by Ken Starr all he could come up with is a blow job and that Clinton lied about it under oath in a deposition.
Rosemary Kennedy


Family should be left out of it.
There is also a HUGE difference between probing into the actions of the President of the United States and what was done in the oval office, and the actions of a child of a vice-presidential candidate.

I also seem to recall that the biggest issue was not that he got a blowjob, but that he lied about it.

I'm all for the POTUS getting head any chance he gets. I want the man with his finger on the button of the largest nuclear (or nucular) arsenal on the planet to be relaxed.
The office BJ of Clinton only became important because he was, at the time, being investigated for sexual misconduct, and the court had determined that the event was a legitimate probe in establishing pattern of conduct.

Sorry, guys, but misusing one's position to gain sexual favors from those who work for or with them is NOT, nor has it ever been a matter of personal privacy.

Now impeaching the guy for it was absolutely ridiculous. What should have happened is they should have tabled the matter until Clinton was out of office, then if any criminal charges were appropriate, charged him as a private citizen.

But to equate Palin's daughter to Clinton's indiscretions is as ridiculous ad equating her to Chappaquidik.
I agree the child should be left alone, but here is the problem:
We have a very big debate in this country about sex education vs abstinence only. Palin is a big advocate of abstinence only.
That’s legit.
I agree the child should be left alone, but here is the problem:
We have a very big debate in this country about sex education vs abstinence only. Palin is a big advocate of abstinence only.
That’s legit.

And I agree that we should argue and debate about this topic until every school has a quality sex education class.

But does anyone really think the girl got pregnant because she was unaware of how it works?
I have a question for all those who are critical of Palins (supposed) stance on sex education. While you are obviously critical (and rightfully so) of abstinence ONLY education, would you also oppose the idea of an abstinence PREFERRED approach to sex education?

(BTW: as I understand it Palin was not opposed specifically to sex education about contraceptives, she opposed schools providing contraceptives as part of the curriculum.)
And I agree that we should argue and debate about this topic until every school has a quality sex education class.

But does anyone really think the girl got pregnant because she was unaware of how it works?

oddly enough, when I was in school... they did not teach us about the use of contraceptives... yet somehow I learned. I know, I know.... amazing feat for someone not educated on the topic by the wonderous public school system.... but it did indeed occur.
I have a question for all those who are critical of Palins (supposed) stance on sex education. While you are obviously critical (and rightfully so) of abstinence ONLY education, would you also oppose the idea of an abstinence PREFERRED approach to sex education?

(BTW: as I understand it Palin was not opposed specifically to sex education about contraceptives, she opposed schools providing contraceptives as part of the curriculum.)

I don’t know what abstinence preferred consists of, so I’d have to look at it. I wouldn’t want anything that made RELIGIOUS judgements.

But, I would like to see something that spoke with girls especially about self-esteem and how it can’t be gained at the end of a penis.
I don’t know what abstinence preferred consists of, so I’d have to look at it. I wouldn’t want anything that made RELIGIOUS judgements.

But, I would like to see something that spoke with girls especially about self-esteem and how it can’t be gained at the end of a penis.

While most RR types certainly believe abstinence is the best/preferred method... that doesn't make abstinence a religious judgement. Abstinence is only way to guarantee pregnancy doesn't occur. Contraceptives are not 100% and even surgical options(tubes tied, vasectomy) have been known to fail.

Abstinenance preferred, means you provide kids with reasons why it is important to abstain. BUT you also provide them with the knowledge that if they CHOOSE to have sex that contraceptives can prevent STDs as well as pregnancy... though they are not 100% effective.
While most RR types certainly believe abstinence is the best/preferred method... that doesn't make abstinence a religious judgement. Abstinence is only way to guarantee pregnancy doesn't occur. Contraceptives are not 100% and even surgical options(tubes tied, vasectomy) have been known to fail.

Abstinenance preferred, means you provide kids with reasons why it is important to abstain. BUT you also provide them with the knowledge that if they CHOOSE to have sex that contraceptives can prevent STDs as well as pregnancy... though they are not 100% effective.

SF, you want to force women to bear their rapist’s child, and also believe that that’s a mainstream position which only “women like me” disagree with” (boy are you in for a shock) I’m not interested in your twist on anything like this. Again, I’d have to see the program in question for myself before making a judgment.
SF, you want to force women to bear their rapist’s child, and also believe that that’s a mainstream position which only “women like me” disagree with” (boy are you in for a shock) I’m not interested in your twist on anything like this. Again, I’d have to see the program in question for myself before making a judgment.

Where in the hell did I state that it was a mainstream position for women?

I do have conflicting feelings in the case of rape as it is not by the choice of the woman to get pregant, yet at the same time it is not the fault of the child either. That is the one part of the abortion argument where I do waver a bit as neither is an acceptable option to me, yet one of them has to take place.

That said, trying to use the extreme cases where rape is a factor is quite sad. What percentage of abortions are done due to rape vs convenience???

Side note... if you do not wish to hear my positions on abortion, then DON'T bring abortion into the thread with your comments on abortion directed at me. This thread was about abstinence policies. If you weren't so obsessed with my position on abortion, you might have noticed that.
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While most RR types certainly believe abstinence is the best/preferred method... that doesn't make abstinence a religious judgement. Abstinence is only way to guarantee pregnancy doesn't occur. Contraceptives are not 100% and even surgical options(tubes tied, vasectomy) have been known to fail.

Abstinenance preferred, means you provide kids with reasons why it is important to abstain. BUT you also provide them with the knowledge that if they CHOOSE to have sex that contraceptives can prevent STDs as well as pregnancy... though they are not 100% effective.
Exactly correct. Contraceptive use and other facts of sexuality are included in abstinence preferred sex education.

But the focus is on advising abstinence. The reason for preferring abstinence are multiple, to include the facts that not one contraceptive method prevents the transmission of herpes nor HPV and that no method is 100% effective against pregnancy even when used correctly.

Such programs would use a lot of statistics, such as if a contraceptive method is 99% effective (when used properly) then having sex once a week for two years brings the probability of an unplanned pregnancy to unity. Then they add the fact that contraceptives are used correctly less than 50% of the time over a year period.

And, Darla, the concept of self esteem in determining the decision to have sex is most definitely included in the program I have seen, as it is an essential aspect in the decision of a young woman to become sexually active. They also talk about self esteem in young men, and how it affects their decision to become sexually active.

In fact a lot of the focus of abstinence preferred is on the decision to become sexually active, the reasons teens do become sexually active, the psychological ramifications and effect of becoming sexually active, etc. Self esteem and how it plays to the decision is a LARGE part of that.

Now, I admit the program I am familiar with was written and presented by my church - a fact you probably won't like. But I can also honestly say it was written with very few religious overtones which could easily be removed if such a program were to be modified for public school use. If you look into this, try to judge the programs you find (as most abstinence preferred programs are church-written) by their content and effectiveness rather than their source.