Now They Call It Artificial Intelligence (AI)


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The firm uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse films and TV episodes for space where the ads or objects can be subtly inserted.

Product placements may soon be added to classic FILMS: Scientists develop technology to add subtle ads to
blockbusters including Casablanca and The Great Escape
Daily Mail (UK), by Jonathan Chadwick
Posted by OhioNick
4/21/2021 4:27:50 PM

but it is still subliminal advertising:

Subliminal messages are visual or auditory stimuli that the conscious mind cannot perceive, often inserted into other media such as TV commercials or songs. This kind of messaging can be used to strengthen or heighten the persuasiveness of advertisements, or to convey an altogether different message entirely.

True subliminal messages cannot be observed or discovered by the conscious mind, even if you’re actively looking for them. This is because stimuli to which we respond every day – the things we see and hear around us – are above the threshold of conscious perception, unlike subliminal messages, which are below this threshold.


The FCC (The Ministry of Propaganda) banned product subliminal advertising in 1974:

The effectiveness of subliminal advertising was questionable in its early years (late fifties). The FCC banned subliminal advertising although no legislation was enacted making it a criminal offense. Since 1974, television made tremendous strides with subliminal political messaging.

The FCC never did a thing to prohibit subliminal political messaging; hence, LOVE AN ILLEGAL ALIEN MURDERER is an example of subliminal political messaging controlled by Democrats because Democrats control television and movie content. Think about it the next time you watch TV.

Subliminal messaging is the technique of inserting a message into a television transmission or a theatrical movie. This is how it works:

One frame containing the message is inserted in television transmissions every few minutes. Those single frames are not visible to the naked eye, but the message registers in the subconscious mind.

Now assume the single-frame message “Love Obama” was inserted multiple times in every TV hour. TV viewers absorbing that message hundreds of times a day would account for much of the devotion exhibited by the Chicago sewer rat’s cult-like followers.

When it comes to passing a law every president is either a salesman for, or an opponent of, proposed legislation.

The number of laws the American people despise did not stand a chance of becoming law without subliminal messages dictating public opinion.

On the other hand, Congress can pass anything it wants to pass regardless of laws the majority of Americans oppose. In my opinion the ACA was so despised by the American people it became law because of years of countless overt sales pitches reported as news coupled with thousands of subliminal political messages. I cannot name another subliminal political message became law after it was overwhelmingly rejected in the court of public opinion. In short: Nobody wanted socialized medicine except the Parasite Class.

QUESTION: How much subliminal advertising did television parasites use to sell socialized medicine to the public? ANSWER: A lot —— but not as many they are transmitting to convince Americans the ACA is now loved by one and all.

Finally, it occurs to me that President Trump should exert his authority to transmit subliminal messages on television to finally repeal the ACA the public hates more today than they hated it in 2010.

p.s. Before television came along showing a product’s name in motion pictures was prohibited.