Nuclear Agreement Made With Iran. Was WWIII Avoided On Obama's Watch?


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Link; Western powers reach deal with Iran over its nuclear program

First lets think about Bush's program designed to push war in Iran. The "Iran Freedom and Support Act" that appropriated $10 million and directed the President of the United States to spend that money in support of groups opposed to the Iranian government. Opponents claimed the bill was a first step towards a US-led invasion of the country.

We also heard General Wesley Clark expose that America planned to go to war with Iran

We also heard Romney state that he was willing to go to war with Iran on the O'Reilly even after warned it would spark WWIII show

We also heard Romney state he could wage war WITH IRAN without Congress approval

Everyone saw Joe Biden rip Paul Ryan a new one on foreign policy on this issue.

Simply put, THIS NEGOTIATION AND POSSIBLE RESOLVE IS A BIG DEAL TO AMERICA AND THE WORLD. Kerry simply talking with them was huge, but this possible resolve is epic.

It will be if the Communist & Chief actually manages to distract the attention of the minions from the Obama-Care disaster and the ever growing number of scandals the crooked bastard is involved in.

wwag the fucking dog?

jesus your a real fucking lone nutter clone aren't you.

Remember the last time you fucks said that one?

You assailed Bill Clinton for trying to kill the man who then struck this country on our own soil killing thousands ON YOUR TEAMS WATCH!!!!!!
the republican party WANTS war.

its good for business just ask Halliburtion and killall burn and loot

wwag the fucking dog?

jesus your a real fucking lone nutter clone aren't you.

Remember the last time you fucks said that one?

You assailed Bill Clinton for trying to kill the man who then struck this country on our own soil killing thousands ON YOUR TEAMS WATCH!!!!!!

Let's see, you get banned from half of the threads here and I'm the "lone nutter?" How do you come up with such brilliance?
yeah its all about who on a fucking chat site bans me because they cant handle the real facts.

That's why Bush couldn't get bin ladin huh
call me what you will clowns

Im the one who got it right and you fucks were wrong

white phosphorous in fallughia

the economic crash caused by a housing market gone mad

voting machines that were insecure.

you shits getting Robmoney and liking it

to name a few
ill take you idiots calling whatever you want to call me and Ill keep the facts in my corner and watch you idiots scramble for lies that make you feel safe and filling your head with non facts to make your decisions with
Thanks for clearing that up Fatty, now I understand everything, everybody is a fucking nut-case but you.
facts in means good decisions out.

lies means your making your judgments on false information.

bad information in means bad decisions out.

It will only kill your party
Gods... This is inane. The world is telling the US, "That's one crappy agreement, Dudes." and here's the left... Cheering on more mediocrity and failure.
Yeah, and dirty water and polluted air and to starve the school kids....hooooooooray!

Correction. The Right does want to pollute the air and water. But they don't want to starve the schools, they want McDonalds in the schools. The Left wants health food in schools which the Right argues "starves the children" lol........basics.
Kerry: "peace in our time"...

Obama: "if you like your nukes, you can keep your nukes".

Obama stated "If you like your nukes, you can keep your nukes, period. " huh? Sounds like you are yet again a small brain that fell for Right Wing propaganda. I mean, I don't want to sell you short. I said again when it should be more of a constant, not a separated "again".