NY Mario Cuomo 7 Round Magazine Ban is Unconstitutional


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95% of all semiauto handguns in the US have magazine capacities greater than 7 rounds, therefore Cuomo's ban is a direct assault on our Second Amendment Rights since it indirectly bans handguns, and the Supreme Court will rule as such. Will you sneaky Gun Grabbing Libs ever get it, we will never give in to a bunch of non-shooting Lib girleymen and Feminazis who just want to enslave US to their will after first taking away all our guns. They can deny this on this Forum all they want, but the truth is the truth. Does anyone really think that Mario Cuomo could ever win the US Presidency after this, forget about it. O, he did throw out some crumbs to US, with his ban on the public publishing of gun owners names and addresses, thanks to the gun toting New Yorker Sean Hannity demanding action. Did anyone see what I saw, that Mario Cuomo acted like a real dingbat during the signing of that anti-gun bill in NY, someone needs to turn him in as mentally challenged, he acted like someone on "speed", all nervous and sheet? Again, no one is banned from this post, so let's hear it, that is if you got the huevos, or huevas.
95% of all semiauto handguns in the US have magazine capacities greater than 7 rounds, therefore Cuomo's ban is a direct assault on our Second Amendment Rights since it indirectly bans handguns, and the Supreme Court will rule as such. Will you sneaky Gun Grabbing Libs ever get it, we will never give in to a bunch of non-shooting Lib girleymen and Feminazis who just want to enslave US to their will after first taking away all our guns. They can deny this on this Forum all they want, but the truth is the truth. Does anyone really think that Mario Cuomo could ever win the US Presidency after this, forget about it. O, he did throw out some crumbs to US, with his ban on the public publishing of gun owners names and addresses, thanks to the gun toting New Yorker Sean Hannity demanding action. Did anyone see what I saw, that Mario Cuomo acted like a real dingbat during the signing of that anti-gun bill in NY, someone needs to turn him in as mentally challenged, he acted like someone on "speed", all nervous and sheet? Again, no one is banned from this post, so let's hear it, that is if you got the huevos, or huevas.

You are looking at this the wrong way. Per the Constitution, Congress shall make no law. There is nothing prohibiting New York from doing this and the founders would agree. I say let NYers live with the consequences of their actions
Actually m, the 2nd is the rare Amendment that doesn't specify an entity, such as Congress. Since Barron v. Baltimore limits the Bill of Rights to the Federal Government, that's where we assume who we are protected from in gun matters. Until full incorporation...
Actually m, the 2nd is the rare Amendment that doesn't specify an entity, such as Congress. Since Barron v. Baltimore limits the Bill of Rights to the Federal Government, that's where we assume who we are protected from in gun matters. Until full incorporation...

Full incorporation happened in McDonald v. Chicago.

And I fully support the NY laws, because they apply to cops as well (at current).
You are looking at this the wrong way. Per the Constitution, Congress shall make no law. There is nothing prohibiting New York from doing this and the founders would agree. I say let NYers live with the consequences of their actions
My son married a nice Sicilian girl from a Conservative family on Long Island. There are many pro-gun Conservatives living on Long Island, so we need to throw Cuomo's 7 round magazine limit in the sheetcan just on general principles, just because we can. You cannot let the gun grabber Libs get a foothold, Liberalism is like a Cancer, you need to cut out the tumor early on to survive it, because once it gets a hold, it just gets bigger and bigger.
New York's law is no more unconstitutional than the rights of victims of gun violence. Change is coming, and soon. Either jump on the bandwagon or find a country willing to take you and your guns. Good luck.
My son married a nice Sicilian girl from a Conservative family on Long Island. There are many pro-gun Conservatives living on Long Island, so we need to throw Cuomo's 7 round magazine limit in the sheetcan just on general principles, just because we can. You cannot let the gun grabber Libs get a foothold, Liberalism is like a Cancer, you need to cut out the tumor early on to survive it, because once it gets a hold, it just gets bigger and bigger.

I don't disagree. It is just not unconstitutional. You can no more pick and choose what the Constitution means than the libs. States are free to restrict gun rights. The people of NY can deal with.
I don't disagree. It is just not unconstitutional. You can no more pick and choose what the Constitution means than the libs. States are free to restrict gun rights. The people of NY can deal with.
Cuemo is another Mussolini, trying to act all bad and sheet, doing his thing, barking out orders, but of course he is guarded by high capacity magazine guards. If Cuomo banned handguns altogether, and declared that all handguns be turned in or go to jail, would that be against the 2nd Amendment? Well, banning magazines over 7 rounds makes most handguns innoperative, which is the same as flat out banning handguns. Except for the old 911 .45, and Walther PPK, they do not make 7 round magazines for 95% of all the Semi-auto handguns, which most people have, capisce? It is a backdoor gun grab by a slick Lib.
I don't disagree. It is just not unconstitutional. You can no more pick and choose what the Constitution means than the libs. States are free to restrict gun rights. The people of NY can deal with.
most state constitutions also have arms rights clauses in them, even NY.

Bill of Rights, Article II Section 4

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed

so these will eventually be ruled unconstitutional and NY, like DC, will eventually have to pay millions after they lose.
most state constitutions also have arms rights clauses in them, even NY.

Bill of Rights, Article II Section 4

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed

so these will eventually be ruled unconstitutional and NY, like DC, will eventually have to pay millions after they lose.

That is a separate issue. He may have violated his state constitution, but not the US Constitution, not in it's strictest interpretation at least
That is a separate issue. He may have violated his state constitution, but not the US Constitution, not in it's strictest interpretation at least
I disagree. Considering that 95% of the currently owned and available guns out there do not allow 7 round mags due to manufacturing, the mag capacity law becomes a de-facto ban, thus unconstitutional.
You are looking at this the wrong way. Per the Constitution, Congress shall make no law. There is nothing prohibiting New York from doing this and the founders would agree. I say let NYers live with the consequences of their actions
The 14th amendment applies the protections of the bill of rights to actions by the states - in context, this means the states cannot violate the right to arms any more than the federal government can.