NY Post backs Mcain

Is this early for newspaper endorsements? I would love to see the how many elections in a row the Post has endorsed the Republican and the Times has endorsed the Democrat.
Desh, everyone here knows Murdoch owns the Post hence Onceler's response. It's not surprising the Post endorsed McCain just as the NY Times will endorse Obama as it does every other Democrat.
OMG, the Rupert Murdoch owned NY Post endorsed the Republican?!

It's over! This has never happened before. We might as well as call off the election.
Is this early for newspaper endorsements? I would love to see the how many elections in a row the Post has endorsed the Republican and the Times has endorsed the Democrat.

going to go out on a limb and say they have done so for each of the past 4 Presidential elections.... at least. Given the Reagan and Bush I landslides, I am not sure if the Times stayed Dem in 1980, 84 and 88.
Desh, everyone here knows Murdoch owns the Post hence Onceler's response. It's not surprising the Post endorsed McCain just as the NY Times will endorse Obama as it does every other Democrat.

Oh really, every one knows? Did you see any indication that the f'ing moron who started this thread knows?

and btw - the times has endorsed republicans.
Oh really, every one knows? Did you see any indication that the f'ing moron who started this thread knows?

and btw - the times has endorsed republicans.

When was the last time the New York Times endorsed a Republican for President? I'll bet you it was pre-Nixon.
When was the last time the New York Times endorsed a Republican for President? I'll bet you it was pre-Nixon.

They endorsed Pataki for governor, for sure, and I think rudy for mayor. I'd have to look up the record on presidents, I woudln't expect you to do it when you can just pull stuff out of your butt that "feels like it should be true" and then if someone wants to question it, they'll have to go look it up.
They endorsed Pataki for governor, for sure, and I think rudy for mayor. I'd have to look up the record on presidents, I woudln't expect you to do it when you can just pull stuff out of your butt that "feels like it should be true" and then if someone wants to question it, they'll have to go look it up.

Save the drama I read it before.