NY voters split...

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

"New York voters remain split on who they think Gov. David Paterson should appoint to the state's vacant Senate seat. According to a new Quinnipiac survey, 33% want Caroline Kennedy to be the next senator and 29% want Atty. Gen. Andrew Cuomo. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand is preferred by 4%, while 24% want someone else and 10% are undecided.

The biggest question surrounding the situation is whether Kennedy has the credentials worthy of an appointment. The poll (Dec. 17-21, 834 NY RV) found voters split on this as well, with 40% saying Kennedy is qualified and 41% saying she is not. Still, 48% believe Paterson will name her the next senator anyway."

Apparently not quite the huge lead anymore for Caroline.
I am willing to give her benefit of doubt after some thought and see what she does in the senate before I rip on her any further. I don't change my opinion its rediculous that a governor appoints replacements to an elected position. There should be special elections within 90days of vacancy.

"New York voters remain split on who they think Gov. David Paterson should appoint to the state's vacant Senate seat. According to a new Quinnipiac survey, 33% want Caroline Kennedy to be the next senator and 29% want Atty. Gen. Andrew Cuomo. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand is preferred by 4%, while 24% want someone else and 10% are undecided.

The biggest question surrounding the situation is whether Kennedy has the credentials worthy of an appointment. The poll (Dec. 17-21, 834 NY RV) found voters split on this as well, with 40% saying Kennedy is qualified and 41% saying she is not. Still, 48% believe Paterson will name her the next senator anyway."

Apparently not quite the huge lead anymore for Caroline.

I think it has always been fairly close, hence "still split."
I am willing to give her benefit of doubt after some thought and see what she does in the senate before I rip on her any further. I don't change my opinion its rediculous that a governor appoints replacements to an elected position. There should be special elections within 90days of vacancy.
There are in some places. However since it is a state position, the state constitutions apply in each case. So, if your state has something you disagree with then you should start working towards that in your state.
There are in some places. However since it is a state position, the state constitutions apply in each case. So, if your state has something you disagree with then you should start working towards that in your state.

Don't get him started on that one. Please. I beg you.

good article on this....

"Suppose in 2002 the Kennedys (or another "political dynasty") had a son or daughter or cousin they wanted to slip into Illinois' contested U.S. Senate seat. You know the arguments: powerful family, name recognition, can raise bags of money. Done deal. Do not try to resist.

If that had happened, there would be no Barack Obama. He of the deceased mother, vanished father and wife whose dad worked at the city water plant wouldn't have had a chance. He had no powerful uncles to pick up the phone and plug him into a Senate seat. Obama's considerable charisma notwithstanding, the television cameras would have made a bee-line for whatever Kennedy. Remember, Obama was only a state senator at the time. "

"For a while, I thought that only "Saturday Night Live" could save us from this absurdity, but then Politico burst through the nonsense with the perfect headline: "Nepotism Nation: Dems embrace dynasty politics." The story lumped Caroline in with plans to save Vice President-elect Joe Biden's Delaware Senate seat for his son and to give Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar's job to Salazar's brother.

How many promising Democrats are being locked out of this dance? Makes Obama's rise seem a total miracle. "
I was referring to Darlas comments that it was a done deal and that Caroline had a huge lead (10 points) over Cuomo. Which is why I stated that it wasn't quite the huge lead anymore.

Actually, if you want to go back and check that thread I think you will find that Darla said that Kennedy would win in a primary and that she had a 10 point lead among Democrats. According to that metric Kennedy is gaining ground, not losing it. From the survey in your link:

Democrats back Kennedy 41 - 27 percent


Don't get him started on that one. Please. I beg you.

LOL oh you mean how the dem legislature in MA changed the law prior to romney taking office so that the governor couldnt appoint and it had to be election (in fear of john kerry leaving office).. and now are trying to change it back before Kennedy croaks so that duval can appoint?

IM all about state rights.. but not when your state is so corrupt that it needs a federal umbrella law.
Actually, if you want to go back and check that thread I think you will find that Darla said that Kennedy would win in a primary and that she had a 10 point lead among Democrats. According to that metric Kennedy is gaining ground, not losing it. From the survey in your link:



I'll take your word for it, cause I really don't feel like searching for the thread where she stated that. If she qualified is as just Dems, then fine. Great catch. Thanks.

Bottom line... more NY voters think she is not qualified and would prefer someone other than Kennedy by almost 2 to 1. Yet they do appear to realize that what they the voters want does not matter.
I'll take your word for it, cause I really don't feel like searching for the thread where she stated that. If she qualified is as just Dems, then fine. Great catch. Thanks.

Bottom line... more NY voters think she is not qualified and would prefer someone other than Kennedy by almost 2 to 1. Yet they do appear to realize that what they the voters want does not matter.

By your reasoning they would prefer someone other than Cuomo by a larger margin and would prefer either Kennedy or Cuomo over someone else by an even larger margin. Of the names being floated she polls the best. Spinning that as a negative against Kennedy is really strange.
By your reasoning they would prefer someone other than Cuomo by a larger margin and would prefer either Kennedy or Cuomo over someone else by an even larger margin. Of the names being floated she polls the best. Spinning that as a negative against Kennedy is really strange.

She is polling the best because the political elite are eliminating any competition so that she may be annointed. 41% don't think she is qualified. 67% don't want her. This in spite of the efforts by the elite to favor their kind. She can't even get to 40%?
She is polling the best because the political elite are eliminating any competition so that she may be annointed. 41% don't think she is qualified. 67% don't want her. This in spite of the efforts by the elite to favor their kind. She can't even get to 40%?

But 71% don't want Cuomo. And 76% don't want someone other than Kennedy, Cuomo or Gillibrand.

You can create all the various justifications for your spin that you want to satisfy yourself but you are just being unreasonable.
But 71% don't want Cuomo. And 76% don't want someone other than Kennedy, Cuomo or Gillibrand.

You can create all the various justifications for your spin that you want to satisfy yourself but you are just being unreasonable.

It is not unreasonable you friggin moron. If the vast majority don't want either of the two, then that should tell you that your two annointed families are not cutting it with the voters. Find someone else.

Again, if more people think the 'leading candidate' is unqualified than qualified, that should tell you that there is a problem.

But enough of this, you are a die hard Dem without any ability to see how f'ed up this is. Just as it is in Delaware if they hold the seat for Bidens son or give Salazars seat to his brother. As stated in the article I posted, this type of dynasty crap has the ability to eliminate any future Obama's from the system.

"New York voters remain split on who they think Gov. David Paterson should appoint to the state's vacant Senate seat. According to a new Quinnipiac survey, 33% want Caroline Kennedy to be the next senator and 29% want Atty. Gen. Andrew Cuomo. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand is preferred by 4%, while 24% want someone else and 10% are undecided.

The biggest question surrounding the situation is whether Kennedy has the credentials worthy of an appointment. The poll (Dec. 17-21, 834 NY RV) found voters split on this as well, with 40% saying Kennedy is qualified and 41% saying she is not. Still, 48% believe Paterson will name her the next senator anyway."

Apparently not quite the huge lead anymore for Caroline.

Not that he speaks for all liberals but I suppose the head of the Daily Kos carries some clout and he was quoted in the S.F. Chronicle as being completely against Kennedy for the much stated reason of the family dynasty.

And for Darla yes I realize he/she is in Berkeley and not New York and therefore has no say over New York politics and whose opinion is therefore meaningless.
It is not unreasonable you friggin moron. If the vast majority don't want either of the two, then that should tell you that your two annointed families are not cutting it with the voters. Find someone else.

Again, if more people think the 'leading candidate' is unqualified than qualified, that should tell you that there is a problem.

But enough of this, you are a die hard Dem without any ability to see how f'ed up this is. Just as it is in Delaware if they hold the seat for Bidens son or give Salazars seat to his brother. As stated in the article I posted, this type of dynasty crap has the ability to eliminate any future Obama's from the system.

But the vaster majority dont want someone else. Hence, the title of the blog entry you linked to. New Yorkers are split.

And I understand why people are upset about it, but let's not pretend that the fact that the New Yorkers are split on the issue but prefer Kennedy over Cuomo or someone else means that New Yorkers don't want Kennedy. That makes no sense.

As I have said previously, my preference in these situations is the Delaware route: appoint a placeholder that has no real aspirations for the office and let everyone fight it out at the next election. (Aside: I find it interesting that you throw this common sense approach in with the dynasty problem when, in fact, it is anything but that).
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"New York voters remain split on who they think Gov. David Paterson should appoint to the state's vacant Senate seat. According to a new Quinnipiac survey, 33% want Caroline Kennedy to be the next senator and 29% want Atty. Gen. Andrew Cuomo. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand is preferred by 4%, while 24% want someone else and 10% are undecided.

The biggest question surrounding the situation is whether Kennedy has the credentials worthy of an appointment. The poll (Dec. 17-21, 834 NY RV) found voters split on this as well, with 40% saying Kennedy is qualified and 41% saying she is not. Still, 48% believe Paterson will name her the next senator anyway."

Apparently not quite the huge lead anymore for Caroline.

It doesn't matter what non-Democrats think, they aren't voting in the primary.
There are in some places. However since it is a state position, the state constitutions apply in each case. So, if your state has something you disagree with then you should start working towards that in your state.

Yes, because he wasn't just naming a policy position he supported, he was talking about the appropriate way to implement said policy.
I'll take your word for it, cause I really don't feel like searching for the thread where she stated that. If she qualified is as just Dems, then fine. Great catch. Thanks.

Bottom line... more NY voters think she is not qualified and would prefer someone other than Kennedy by almost 2 to 1. Yet they do appear to realize that what they the voters want does not matter.

They prefer someone other than Kennedy as a first pick, true, but almost all the Cuomo voters prefer would Kennedy second over a Republican. So the point is moot. If there were an IRV election Kennedy would win. If there were a plurality election, she'd still win.
But the vaster majority dont want someone else. Hence, the title of the blog entry you linked to. New Yorkers are split.

And I understand why people are upset about it, but let's not pretend that the fact that the New Yorkers are split on the issue but prefer Kennedy over Cuomo or someone else means that New Yorkers don't want Kennedy. That makes no sense.

As I have said previously, my preference in these situations is the Delaware route: appoint a placeholder that has no real aspirations for the office and let everyone fight it out at the next election. (Aside: I find it interesting that you throw this common sense approach in with the dynasty problem when, in fact, it is anything but that).

My preference in these situations is a by-election...