NYC mayor commits another felony. Gives debit cards to 7300 illegal aliens

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
He says 7300 which means the real number is more like 30,000. Anyway section 1324 title 8 makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here so he is clearly in violation - but the DOJ does nothing.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is expanding his program that rewards newly arrived migrants with pre-loaded debit cards for food — paid for by New Yorkers who remain some of the most tax-burdened residents of the United States. The debit cards are expected to be distributed to more than 7,300 migrants over the next six months at a cost of about $2.6 million, city officials said, building from a pilot program that began earlier this year with roughly 900 families, or nearly 3,000 migrants.
Aside from the debit cards-for-migrants program, Adams has imposed a widespread migrant hotel policy where hotels are paid by the city’s taxpayers to offer free rooms to newly arrived migrants. As a result, more than 16,500 hotel rooms across New York City are being occupied by migrants, driving up room prices and making the city more expensive than ever for tourists and visitors. Last year, the average rate for a hotel room in the city was more than $300 a night.
This is supposed to be for food but that means these criminals will spend it on booze and junk food. They should not get any money , but if we're gonna do this, we should specify this is for rice, flour, and rolled oats only.
NYC mayor commits another felony. Gives debit cards to 7300 illegal aliens

Anybody notice how, ever since Trump's felony conviction, Trumpers around here are calling everything Democrats do that they don't approve of a "felony"?

Do Trumpers possibly have a case of Felony Envy?😆

Well - what adams is doing is a felony. Read it yourself.

How cute.

JPP's own "Little Lawyers" are on the case...


Our own little junior legal experts 😆
He just gave you the felonies and links, dummy.
Providing links to the wording of a couple of statutes is not the equivalent of proving that what somebody did legally violated those statutes.

You idiots are just making unproven allegations.

Your mistake is in making the assumption that everyone else is as stupid as you two are.
Providing links to the wording of a couple of statutes is not the equivalent of proving that what somebody did legally violated those statutes.

You idiots are just making unproven allegations.

Your mistake is in making the assumption that everyone else is as stupid as you two are.
Have a sixth grader read it to you.

No one is as stupid as you are.

Take a hike, pendejo.
No one is as stupid as you are.

Take a hike, pendejo.

Why don't you address the issue? Why isn't mayor adams being prosecuted for this obvious felony.?
Why don't YOU address the issue?

You're saying he committed a felony with ZERO details of exactly what he did or whether there are situational details that put his actions outside the purview of the statutes.

You can't just post a couple of statutes then insinuate that a particular action by an official actually violated that statute just because you don't like what he did.

IOW, there might be some other over riding statute that takes precedent over or nullifies the statutes you posted in certain situations.

For instance, the statute might not cover elected officials working within the powers of their office.

You are either massively ignorant of how the law and government works, or you're just such a sleazy, lying shitbag troll you'll post any stupid shit hoping to pass it off as the truth.

Either way, you have failed to prove or provide proof that any laws were broken or ant prosecutable offense committed.

Try again, loser.