
has some really good news, and this is the best part of it, for me:

"But the Times/CBS News poll suggested that Ms. Palin’s selection has, to date, helped Mr. McCain only among Republican base voters; there was no evidence of significantly increased support for him among female voters in general. White women are evenly divided between Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama; before the conventions, Mr. McCain led Mr. Obama among white women by a margin of 44 percent to 37 percent."

That's music to my ears, or eyes, because when the initial polling came out directly following the Palin pick, I was crestfallen that white women could be so stupid? This is the most aggressively anti-woman platform in years, and they were going to vote for it because one part of it had a vagina? But that was just statistical noise, and I guess Chuck Todd was onto something when he advised Joe "repuke whore concern troll" Scarborough to show caution, because the Mondale people would tell him the only time they ever thought they might be able to win it was the one week directly following the Ferraro pick...but that balloon had burst shortly afterwards.


"By contrast, at this point in the 2004 campaign, President Bush was leading Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic challenger, by 56 percent to 37 percent among white women."

And, overall:

"Mr. Obama has the support of 48 percent of registered voters, compared with 43 percent for Mr. McCain"

Just to be clear, my own personal opinion is that, unless they are indicating a blowout, polls mean shit except in the days right before the election, when you can discern which way the momentum is going as we go to the polls, and how the independents have swung. So, this means little...but it's still heartening to see that the Palin pick is settling down...probably not Dixie's erection over it though. That boy needs to see a doctor! Doesn't he listen to those cialis commercials?

I agree with you on polls in general, but I was also pretty encouraged not just by this poll, but by all of the polls today. Last week was one of the most surreal I've had politically since 2000. When I saw that Palin speech, and the comments by Noonan when she thought she was off camera, all followed by McCain's lackluster speech, I just thought "they're doomed."

Then, Palin somehow became Ringo, and people were going all gaga over her repeating the same lines from her speech by rote, and calling her the "future of the GOP." I figured she was exposed during the Charlie Gibson interview, but I was pretty damned wary because I had so badly misjudged the convention week.

Clearly, the mo has stopped, and I no longer think the election is going to be about how long the GOP can sustain an illusion. I think the market crash really woke people up, too, and exposed some of the worst of what McCain - the "regular guy" - is about.

Also, I love it when Dixie is this wrong. He is a lot, but he's left such a trail of crumbs on this one. So many posts telling us that we "have no idea what's about to happen" and how we'd be discrediting the polls by now.

Finally, some hint of a reality that I can at least begin to comprehend...
Pallin is doing well among the republicans, but I think republicans are in the minority of registered voters. So she and her running mate might not do so well after all ?

remember about 30% of registered Republicans still think bush is doing a great job and Iraq was behind 911.
But the Times/CBS News poll suggested that Ms. Palin’s selection has, to date, helped Mr. McCain only among Republican base voters (aka, Damocles, Dixie, Majority, Superfreak);

there was no evidence of significantly increased support for him among female voters in general.

Good catch!

Women aren't stupid enough to fall for McCain silly pander.

I really don't think republican men understand women at all. But, that's just MO. What the hell do I know?
I sure as hell know I don't understand women. If I did I'd be a rich s.o.b.

All that time at the bars, and you're still not a Romeo? C'mon man, step up the game.

The only claim to fame I can make, is that I knew McCain's idiotic pander for "Hillary voters" was going to crash and burn.
I agree with you on polls in general, but I was also pretty encouraged not just by this poll, but by all of the polls today. Last week was one of the most surreal I've had politically since 2000. When I saw that Palin speech, and the comments by Noonan when she thought she was off camera, all followed by McCain's lackluster speech, I just thought "they're doomed."

Then, Palin somehow became Ringo, and people were going all gaga over her repeating the same lines from her speech by rote, and calling her the "future of the GOP." I figured she was exposed during the Charlie Gibson interview, but I was pretty damned wary because I had so badly misjudged the convention week.

Clearly, the mo has stopped, and I no longer think the election is going to be about how long the GOP can sustain an illusion. I think the market crash really woke people up, too, and exposed some of the worst of what McCain - the "regular guy" - is about.

Also, I love it when Dixie is this wrong. He is a lot, but he's left such a trail of crumbs on this one. So many posts telling us that we "have no idea what's about to happen" and how we'd be discrediting the polls by now.

Finally, some hint of a reality that I can at least begin to comprehend...

I was in the same surreal place. I know this doesn't mean McCain/Palin are going to lose, but at least you can feel as if you didn't wander into a foreign land by accident. For the moment anyway.
Obama wins that doesn't mean many single woman are showing what true cunts they are in regards to palin.
I hate to sound cynical but in politics women care mostly about two things. #1 That you will protect their little precious from (fill in the blank) and #2. That you love Jesus.
Wow, your really have absolutely nothing in common with women voters then. As a liberal you don't believe in God, and as a liberal male issues of youth have no meaning to you.