Obama: "America is no longer what it could be, what it once was...."


New member
The more I think about comments like this, the more disgusted I get.

I knew his wife felt that way. And his longtime minister.

His minister wasn't going to be accompanying him into the White House if he won. But his wife certainly was. And anyone who thinks a wife doesn't have a strong influence on what a man does, has rocks in his head. Or else was never married.

But now we are getting evidence that Barack Obama himself feels that way, wife or no wife. This is more than a little disturbing.

For cry yi yi...... after the controversy over eariler remarks from wife and minister, you'd think Obama's Number One "order of the day" in campaigning, is "NEVER, EVER, EVER say anything that runs down the United States! Distance yourself from your wife's and minister's earlier remarks, above all else!"

He completely blew that here. Can he be that completely disorganized, confused, and unthinking, to violate what had to be the fundamental theme of his campaign???



Obama: “America is no longer what it once was”

posted at 11:25 am on August 7, 2008 by Ed Morrissey

When presidential candidates answer questions from children about why they want the job, most will give an answer that uplifts the child and the candidate. Not Barack Obama. At a campaign stop in Elkhart, Indiana, a seven-year-old girl asked the Democrat why he wants to be President — and he told her that America has gone downhill:

“America is …, uh, is no longer, uh … what it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.”

Sound familiar? Michelle Obama sounded similar themes earlier in the campaign:

“Sometimes it’s easier to hold onto your own stereotypes and misconceptions. It makes you feel justified in your ignorance. That’s America.”

“Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

Everyone feels that we can improve ourselves, but we don’t usually cast it in terms of the country no longer being what it once was. Coming from the Obamas, that doesn’t even make sense. They have talked about how difficult it was to break through barriers, not without some justification, to reach this point in their lives and American history.

Doesn’t that speak to the point that we continue to grow and to learn? And if not, which “good old days” did Obama mean? The 1980s? I doubt it, and if he means the Clinton era, then why did he run against Hillary in the first place?

Once again, Obama got off the teleprompter and put his foot directly in his mouth. He’s not selling Hope, he’s selling Despair, and himself as the snake oil that will cure us of all our ills.
Michelle Obama has never lived out of the tyranny of the right. None of us ever has. There has been absolutely no reason to be proud of anything the right has done to America from 1980 to 2008. Their rule has been like a natural disaster, the biggest catastrophe in US history.
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Sssshhhh....don't say anything about America's decline.

Maybe it will just go away.

An asshole by any other name (lorax) is still an asshole....you're living proof.

When you hate your own country, it just naturally shows...

Obama tells 7-year-old America not so great
Responds haltingly to girl who asked why he wants to be president

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Sen. Barack Obama explains why he's running for president to an audience in Elkhart, Ind., yesterday
It's the question every presidential candidate must be prepared to answer, but when it was posed to Barack Obama by a 7-year-old yesterday, the Democratic senator seemed at a loss for words.

Appearing before a packed high school gym in Elkhart, Ind., the young girl asked Obama why he is running for the White House.

"America is, is no longer, uh, what it could be, what it, it once was," Obama said haltingly. "And I say to myself, I don't want that future for my children."

Talk-radio superstar Rush Limbaugh, who featured the clip on his show today, marveled that Obama didn't immediately speak of running because he loves America.

"You're running for president of the U.S., and you run down the country to a 7-year-old?" said an incredulous Limbaugh

Rush nails it again
we've got 8trillion more in household net worth than we had 4 yrs ago.
Per capita incomes are up.
Politicians play to the whiners and are both playing the violin.
The economy will pickup slightly but the dem wussies outlooks will improve dramatically and all will be rosey in their eyes.:clink:
Another glaring example of when the junior Senator goes off-script he ends up going off-track.

Much like his off the cuff remarks on bilingualism and his "inflate your tires" remark; when speaking extemperaneously he invariably gets himself in trouble.

This bodes ill for the upcoming debates and highlights one of the reasons he refused to debate Senator Clinton any further once he mathematically had the nomination sown up; he fears himself and what he might unknowingly say in the heat of the moment.
The tire inflation comment wasn't a mistake. It wasn't anything but true and the McCain camp wanted to lie about it. They still lie about his stance on off-shore drilling.
So NO ONE sees that what he was saying is the last Eight years have destroyed the credibility of the US around the world, has shown that the men in charge now, and the party they represent believe that the ends justify the means, and even though we executed Japanese soldiers for Waterboarding it is Okey Doke for us to do it now. That the American people have bought the message of fear lock stock and barrel, and it was sold to them by the republican party? Am I the ONLY person that sees when he says "America is no longer what it once was" he is talking about the shit path that the party of Lincoln has dragged us down? Are Americans REALLY this stupid? Because if they are, McCain is going to win hands down. Fuck sake you don't have to be an english major to figure out what he meant. Of course most people that see it the other way speak Amurican
Another glaring example of when the junior Senator goes off-script he ends up going off-track.

Much like his off the cuff remarks on bilingualism and his "inflate your tires" remark; when speaking extemporaneously he invariably gets himself in trouble.

This bodes ill for the upcoming debates and highlights one of the reasons he refused to debate Senator Clinton any further once he mathematically had the nomination sown up; he fears himself and what he might unknowingly say in the heat of the moment.

He's a good orator but in an unscripted environment he's, um, absolutely hopeless. McCain has a huge edge on him there.

In the debates, though, he's just going to be reading from a script prepared by his staff anyway.
He's a good orator but in an unscripted environment he's, um, absolutely hopeless. McCain has a huge edge on him there.

In the debates, though, he's just going to be reading from a script prepared by his staff anyway.

Obama's problem is that he believes Americans are smarter than they are and doesn't talk down to them. McCain knows Americans are stupid motherfuckers who voted for Bush twice so he talks down to them - to huge, ruckus applause most of the time too.
Another glaring example of when the junior Senator goes off-script he ends up going off-track.

Much like his off the cuff remarks on bilingualism and his "inflate your tires" remark; when speaking extemperaneously he invariably gets himself in trouble.

This bodes ill for the upcoming debates and highlights one of the reasons he refused to debate Senator Clinton any further once he mathematically had the nomination sown up; he fears himself and what he might unknowingly say in the heat of the moment.

How is this going off track. I think the sentiment expressed is shared by all but the 28%ers out there. Pretending that his statement will, should or can "get him in trouble" ignores the fact that the vast majority of Americans, whether on the left or the right and regardless of the reasons, think America is not what it once was or could be.

And I don't think he "fears himself" at all. Not debating Clinton made sense. Why should he have? He already won. What was there to debate?
How is this going off track. I think the sentiment expressed is shared by all but the 28%ers out there. Pretending that his statement will, should or can "get him in trouble" ignores the fact that the vast majority of Americans, whether on the left or the right and regardless of the reasons, think America is not what it once was or could be.

And I don't think he "fears himself" at all. Not debating Clinton made sense. Why should he have? He already won. What was there to debate?

So you condone the prevent defense and running out the clock over an expansive and thorough discussion of the issues?

If all but the Great 28 believe America isn't what it should be, then one would think they would long for such lengthy and intensive discourse over how the candidates propose to bring back the glory days of America's golden age.
So you condone the prevent defense and running out the clock over an expansive and thorough discussion of the issues?

If all but the Great 28 believe America isn't what it should be, then one would think they would long for such lengthy and intensive discourse over how the candidates propose to bring back the glory days of America's golden age.

What? I don't even know what that first question means and I can't stand sports metaphors in political discussions.

Isn't that what the candidates are doing? Discussing with voters their vision for America under their stewardship? Well, at least one candidate is doing that. The other is running dumb ass ads featuring Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

And then we have people like you that only want to write about minutiae and trivia that don't matter one fucking whit, while criticizing one candidate for providing common-sense practical advice that actually works while praising the guy that celebrates ignorance. I'd love a thoughtful discussion of the issues. I don't think you could handle it though.
Just a quick question that I'd like to ask Obama.

Exactly at what point was America exactly as it should be in the past?

And for those on the board.

Can you pinpoint a time that you believe that America was "as it should be", perfect, kept frozen in time forevermore?