Obama and SF


Well-known member
I found this site which shows pictures of the event where Obama made his 'bitterness' comments. It's on my street in San Francisco and about six blocks away from me. (Except for maybe N.Y.) only in San Francisco can you pay a $2k in rent and live just a few blocks from multi-million dollar mansions.

These are big homes but still for $15 - $30 million wouldn't you expect a little bigger or maybe a little more land? Life of living in the city I guess.

If I were home I would have tried to sneak in. I would have loved to meet Obama.

People in SF and such places must like getting ripped off.

Before i paid it off I had a $550/mo mortgage on 5 acres and a 3 BR house.
I have since bought some adjoining acreage.
Damn, makes me think about moving to Kentucky....OK that was enough thinking.

I think Ill just pay more.
What does it matter?

Its SF and its what the market will bare right?

What does it matter?

A. I work in real estate so it interests me.

B. He asked me for a reason which probably implies his area pays something more or a lot less.