Obama and the economy

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
OK, the good news is that the rambling disaster that was the Bush administration is out of office. That alone is good news and there's no question that Obama inherited a shitty fucking mess not of his own creation. Obama has also done a creditable job of averting complete and total fucking disaster. Don't know about ya'll but I didn't vote for Obama on the idea that trading off a great recession beats the hell out of a great depression.

Those are good things but their not gonna get him re-elected. Basing his re-elections hopes on Republicans nominating a completely unelectable conservative ideologue probably isn't such a wise idea...after all.....if a Republican establishment moderate like Romney earns the nomination, which seems likely, then Obama will have dug a big assed hole.

Obama needs to forget about the past and start moving forward. If he tries selling people on the idea that he's pulled us out of the ditch that republicans drove us into well that aint gonna sell because for far to many people were still in the ditch that Republicans drove us into and bragging about having kept that ditch from getting deeper, even though true, aint gonna sell. He's expected to get us out of the ditch.

Obama needs to stop justifying the past actions of his administration. He needs to create a more optimistic message and he needs to create a forward looking message and plan to grow the economy. Cause if he doesn't, his opponent sure as hell will. If Obama can sell a forward looking and optimistic economic message with a clearly communicated plan then he can hit the Republicans at where they are the weakest, which is, running government competently.
OK, the good news is that the rambling disaster that was the Bush administration is out of office. That alone is good news and there's no question that Obama inherited a shitty fucking mess not of his own creation. Obama has also done a creditable job of averting complete and total fucking disaster. Don't know about ya'll but I didn't vote for Obama on the idea that trading off a great recession beats the hell out of a great depression.

Those are good things but their not gonna get him re-elected. Basing his re-elections hopes on Republicans nominating a completely unelectable conservative ideologue probably isn't such a wise idea...after all.....if a Republican establishment moderate like Romney earns the nomination, which seems likely, then Obama will have dug a big assed hole.

Obama needs to forget about the past and start moving forward. If he tries selling people on the idea that he's pulled us out of the ditch that republicans drove us into well that aint gonna sell because for far to many people were still in the ditch that Republicans drove us into and bragging about having kept that ditch from getting deeper, even though true, aint gonna sell. He's expected to get us out of the ditch.

Obama needs to stop justifying the past actions of his administration. He needs to create a more optimistic message and he needs to create a forward looking message and plan to grow the economy. Cause if he doesn't, his opponent sure as hell will. If Obama can sell a forward looking and optimistic economic message with a clearly communicated plan then he can hit the Republicans at where they are the weakest, which is, running government competently.

Obama has failed Mott.


There's much better people out there than him for pres.

He's just a really bad pres. (Leader)

It's time for the history books to start recording this fact.

And they already are.
Lots of business savvy people are not buying the snake oil you are selling.
Total disaster for elitist of both parties and their sailing buddies in the hamptons yes.

I'd rather a fiscal conservative that tells wall street they own not just upside riches but downside as well.
OK, the good news is that the rambling disaster that was the Bush administration is out of office. That alone is good news and there's no question that Obama inherited a shitty fucking mess not of his own creation. Obama has also done a creditable job of averting complete and total fucking disaster. Don't know about ya'll but I didn't vote for Obama on the idea that trading off a great recession beats the hell out of a great depression.

The bad news is that as bad as Bush was, Obama has been far worse. That alone should motivate every voter to make sure we don't continue this disastrous Presidency any longer.

Obama needs to forget about the past and start moving forward. If he tries selling people on the idea that he's pulled us out of the ditch that republicans drove us into well that aint gonna sell because for far to many people were still in the ditch that Republicans drove us into and bragging about having kept that ditch from getting deeper, even though true, aint gonna sell. He's expected to get us out of the ditch.

The story doesn't sell because the majority of the population realizes it was both parties that put us in the 'ditch'. Obama's plan thus far is to get out of the car and see how fast he can make the ditch deeper.

Obama needs to stop justifying the past actions of his administration. He needs to create a more optimistic message and he needs to create a forward looking message and plan to grow the economy. Cause if he doesn't, his opponent sure as hell will. If Obama can sell a forward looking and optimistic economic message with a clearly communicated plan then he can hit the Republicans at where they are the weakest, which is, running government competently.

You may have to fly to DC and explain what a 'plan' is to Obama. He clearly has no comprehension of the meaning of the word, let alone an actual plan.
Obama has failed Mott.


There's much better people out there than him for pres.

He's just a really bad pres. (Leader)

It's time for the history books to start recording this fact.

And they already are.

You have failed.


You are a really useless poster.

It is time for you to realize this and stop posting.
The bad news is that as bad as Bush was, Obama has been far worse. That alone should motivate every voter to make sure we don't continue this disastrous Presidency any longer.

The story doesn't sell because the majority of the population realizes it was both parties that put us in the 'ditch'. Obama's plan thus far is to get out of the car and see how fast he can make the ditch deeper.

You may have to fly to DC and explain what a 'plan' is to Obama. He clearly has no comprehension of the meaning of the word, let alone an actual plan.




Try again, using facts this time.
You are just too funny sometimes, Mott!

OK, the good news is that the rambling disaster that was the Bush administration is out of office.

No shit? Really? You mean he hasn't been in office or seeking office all this time? Wow... because I sure do hear his name a lot! It would seem, if he isn't in power, and can't do anything to effect the situation, it is difficult to blame anything beyond his term on him. That was 3 years ago.

That alone is good news and there's no question that Obama inherited a shitty fucking mess not of his own creation.

Not really a "fucking mess" by today's standards... I think we'd rather have 8% unemployment and $2 a gallon gas... in retrospect, those were the Good Old Days. So the "mess" wasn't so "shitty" after all, it got much shittier the past 3 years. Much of that was due to the Congress which was totally controlled and ruled by one political party.

Obama has also done a creditable job of averting complete and total fucking disaster.

really? Has he? Did he prevent the housing market from total collapse? Doesn't look like it. Did he prevent unemployment from going over 8%? Nope.. Did he solve the problem of radical Islamic extremism or the turmoil in the middle east? Uh, noooo. So where has he done a "credible job" and where has he "averted complete and total fucking disaster?" ...And what exactly would be your definition of "complete and total disaster?" Like a "world-ending event" maybe? Yeah, I guess he averted that!

Don't know about ya'll but I didn't vote for Obama on the idea that trading off a great recession beats the hell out of a great depression.

No, you voted for Obama because he beat the hell out of Bush... or so you thought. Turns out, he's 10x worse than Bush.

Those are good things but their not gonna get him re-elected. Basing his re-elections hopes on Republicans nominating a completely unelectable conservative ideologue probably isn't such a wise idea...after all.....if a Republican establishment moderate like Romney earns the nomination, which seems likely, then Obama will have dug a big assed hole.

I highly doubt Romney can win the GOP nomination. I think he may have had a shot in 2008, but not now. The nominee will be someone who resounds with the TEA Party, and that ain't Mr. Romney. For Obama to be re-elected, he needs to pull off a Messiah-style miracle. If he can mystically get unemployment to 8%.... If he can cosmically erase the debt problem and re-value the dollar... If he can turn chicken shit into chicken salad... maybe he can get re-elected... but none of that is likely to happen without some divine intervention... do you pray a lot?

Obama needs to forget about the past and start moving forward.

DUH! Ya think???

If he tries selling people on the idea that he's pulled us out of the ditch that republicans drove us into well that aint gonna sell because for far to many people were still in the ditch that Republicans drove us into and bragging about having kept that ditch from getting deeper, even though true, aint gonna sell. He's expected to get us out of the ditch.

I think he would be wise to stay away from the car analogies.

Obama needs to stop justifying the past actions of his administration. He needs to create a more optimistic message and he needs to create a forward looking message and plan to grow the economy. Cause if he doesn't, his opponent sure as hell will. If Obama can sell a forward looking and optimistic economic message with a clearly communicated plan then he can hit the Republicans at where they are the weakest, which is, running government competently.

Right... he needs to veer away from defending is dismal and lousy record as president and blow more "hope and change" smoke up our ass! That's what he needs to do, and by-golly, I bet he can WIN! ...like Charlie Sheen!
You have failed. Totally. You are a really useless poster.It is time for you to realize this and stop posting.

No, it's time for him to post more.

Have you ever seen how many bots are crawling on this board at any given moment?

Those bots are disseminating the lies and hate of the righties that post here all over the internet - where they can be seen by millions.

What do you think sane people think of the GOP when they see the garbage our pet conservatards come up with?

Will they say to others "You'll never guess what this asshole said on the internet, and yeah, they're Republican"?

How will their votes and the votes of their friends and family members be influenced by the lies and hate speech of people like Ice Dancer, Dixie, Dumb Yankee, Yurt, PiMP etc.?

So, post more, rightards.

Post more.

OK, the good news is that the rambling disaster that was the Bush administration is out of office. That alone is good news and there's no question that Obama inherited a shitty fucking mess not of his own creation. Obama has also done a creditable job of averting complete and total fucking disaster. Don't know about ya'll but I didn't vote for Obama on the idea that trading off a great recession beats the hell out of a great depression.

Those are good things but their not gonna get him re-elected. Basing his re-elections hopes on Republicans nominating a completely unelectable conservative ideologue probably isn't such a wise idea...after all.....if a Republican establishment moderate like Romney earns the nomination, which seems likely, then Obama will have dug a big assed hole.

Obama needs to forget about the past and start moving forward. If he tries selling people on the idea that he's pulled us out of the ditch that republicans drove us into well that aint gonna sell because for far to many people were still in the ditch that Republicans drove us into and bragging about having kept that ditch from getting deeper, even though true, aint gonna sell. He's expected to get us out of the ditch.

Obama needs to stop justifying the past actions of his administration. He needs to create a more optimistic message and he needs to create a forward looking message and plan to grow the economy. Cause if he doesn't, his opponent sure as hell will. If Obama can sell a forward looking and optimistic economic message with a clearly communicated plan then he can hit the Republicans at where they are the weakest, which is, running government competently.
Must... defend... The Obama...

Moot, you are fucking pitiful. :palm:
Obama needs the economy above 3% GDP growth next summer, and if it's remotely linked to the stimulus slow roll the dude will be abnoxious about it.
Must... defend... The Obama...

Moot, you are fucking pitiful. :palm:

Oh look who's talking. The guy who picked the peanuts out his Messiahs Bush's shit. At least we have a productive moderate in the white house who is looking after the peoples interest and not some dim witted extremist right wing ideologue who couldn't chew gum and walk at the same time who's only consideration was how much he could line the pockets of his buddies in the oil biddness.
Oh look who's talking. The guy who picked the peanuts out his Messiahs Bush's shit. At least we have a productive moderate in the white house who is looking after the peoples interest and not some dim witted extremist right wing ideologue who couldn't chew gum and walk at the same time who's only consideration was how much he could line the pockets of his buddies in the oil biddness.

LOL! I was very critical of Bush's spending. Besides, he's not president anymore, your guy Obama is. And you think he's a moderate. This would be too funny except you're so fucking pitiful.
Oh look who's talking. The guy who picked the peanuts out his Messiahs Bush's shit. At least we have a productive moderate in the white house who is looking after the peoples interest and not some dim witted extremist right wing ideologue who couldn't chew gum and walk at the same time who's only consideration was how much he could line the pockets of his buddies in the oil biddness.


1) To call Obama a 'moderate' is laughable at best.... more pathetic than anything.
2) To call Obama 'productive' is also laughable.... tell us genius... what has he taken leadership on? Anything? No... he sits on the sidelines and pawns off leadership every chance he can
3) He is consistently screwing over the American populace in general for the sake of his union cronies.
4) He is far more of an extremist than Bush ever even dreamed of being.
Obama needs the economy above 3% GDP growth next summer, and if it's remotely linked to the stimulus slow roll the dude will be abnoxious about it.

That's not going to happen with gas prices above $2.00 a gallon.

He's got a long way to go, and not much time to do it.

When it's all said and done, I bet he takes an ass kicking from voters.

If we get to vote.

And he's even on the ballot.
$2.00 gallon would get us 5%
If gas would get below $3.00 we'd get the 3% easy, please Jah don't let that happen though
OK, the good news is that the rambling disaster that was the Bush administration is out of office. That alone is good news and there's no question that Obama inherited a shitty fucking mess not of his own creation. Obama has also done a creditable job of averting complete and total fucking disaster. Don't know about ya'll but I didn't vote for Obama on the idea that trading off a great recession beats the hell out of a great depression.

Those are good things but their not gonna get him re-elected. Basing his re-elections hopes on Republicans nominating a completely unelectable conservative ideologue probably isn't such a wise idea...after all.....if a Republican establishment moderate like Romney earns the nomination, which seems likely, then Obama will have dug a big assed hole.

Obama needs to forget about the past and start moving forward. If he tries selling people on the idea that he's pulled us out of the ditch that republicans drove us into well that aint gonna sell because for far to many people were still in the ditch that Republicans drove us into and bragging about having kept that ditch from getting deeper, even though true, aint gonna sell. He's expected to get us out of the ditch.

Obama needs to stop justifying the past actions of his administration. He needs to create a more optimistic message and he needs to create a forward looking message and plan to grow the economy. Cause if he doesn't, his opponent sure as hell will. If Obama can sell a forward looking and optimistic economic message with a clearly communicated plan then he can hit the Republicans at where they are the weakest, which is, running government competently.

isn't that the Jimmy Carter approach to getting re-elected?......