Obama appoints OUTSIDER Bill Richardson to Cabinent!


Well-known member
Treasury Secretary!!!

Obama comes through in his promise to promote CHANGE....

Bill Richardson, the true outsider is appointed to one of the most important cabinent positions, especally in this time of economic turmoil.

Bill who?

My God, I've never heard of him, does he work at Wal-Mart?

He may have been a librian in New Mexico or soemthing like that. A real OUTSIDER!!! All of the CONS are very happy to conceede that Obama has come through on his promise to promote CHANGE.

Obama has already forfilled his number 1 election promise.
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He may have been a librian in New Mexico or soemthing like that. A real OUTSIDER!!! All of the CONS are very happy to conceede that he has come through on his promise to promote CHANGE.

He has already forfilled his number 1 election promise.

LOL, that's great Jarod
If you are serious, that certainly makes me feel better about his cabinet. Did he put him at Commerce then?

Though the Hillary selection still sucks.... as does Daschle... now all we need is Munster to be given a post.

I do think Obama will benefit from the Waxman win... just as a side note.
thats a little better but hillary is a joke. when has ANYONE ordered her around? Yah bidens gonna call up hillary and give her work to do like her boss and shes going to tell him fuck off JOE
Treasury Secretary!!!

Obama comes through in his promise to promote CHANGE....

Bill Richardson, the true outsider is appointed to one of the most important cabinent positions, especally in this time of economic turmoil.
This must be some kind of joke. Geithner was named SecTreas. Richardson reportedly Commerce.
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This is obviously satire.

Obama's only real promise was to make himself the president.

Although I agree Richardson is sort of an outsider .. which I take to mean outside of the Clinton inner circle .. commerce is not reall the role I envisioned him at.

You could also call Richardson and outsider given that he seems to be the token Hispanic .. then again, you could say Holder is an outsider as he seems to be the token black .. and one that Obama could have kept.
"You could also call Richardson and outsider given that he seems to be the token Hispanic .. then again, you could say Holder is an outsider as he seems to be the token black .. and one that Obama could have kept. "

So...just to get things straight: you want Obama to appoint with diversity in mind, but when various minorities are appointed, they're "token"?
This is obviously satire.

Obama's only real promise was to make himself the president.

Although I agree Richardson is sort of an outsider .. which I take to mean outside of the Clinton inner circle .. commerce is not reall the role I envisioned him at.

You could also call Richardson and outsider given that he seems to be the token Hispanic .. then again, you could say Holder is an outsider as he seems to be the token black .. and one that Obama could have kept.

I don't think it's tokenism. Right away, I saw some in the blogosphere jump on the idea that Hillary Clinton would be the token woman, and provide cover for Obama's other appointments. Then word got out that Janet Napolitano was the favorite for the Dept of Homeland Security - not a traditional gender assignment. So I wouldn't be quick to jump on this aspect of it.

With Holder, what I think I see, is a similar situation to Palin. I doubt many men can grasp the rage a woman can feel when a man slaps a compliant female face on anti-woman policies and rams it down your throat and then starts a narrative that if you don't fall to your knees over it, you're jealous. Don't even get me started. I could go on forever.

I feel that there is no excuse for Holder's stated opinions on Marijuana sentencing, I don't care where he was living when he stated them. He must be well aware of the toll that is taking on the main target - black male youths. I see this as putting a black face on anti-black policies, and I wouldn't be surprised if it engenders the same feelings of rage that I had towards Palin and those who would foister her onto me.

And for those of us who did not know enough about his Treasury sect pick to form an opinion, there's a good history of him in today's NY Times. He's a republican. Period. He is a Republican. One unidentified source was happy to gleefully tell the Times "HE'S NO LIBERAL!" And you could hear the "Heh heh heh".

So that's good, cause it was liberal economics that got us into this position, and we certainly want to hire a REPUBLICAN whose fingerprints are all over the "containment" of the current economic crisis (whoa, step back, impressive job) to fix it.

So to me, that is the most telling pick here. I have a friend who told me for the past year that he was half-hoping that McCain would win, becasue only with the complete collapse of our economy, only when the middle class and the upper middle class really were on the streets, would we get true reform. Would we get a liberal.

He was probably right, but even so, even he couldn't bring himself to vote for McCain in the end. So this is what we have.
Secretary of commerce, not state. It wouldn't make sense to put someone who knows nothing about economics in the treasury spot. He's appointing Geitner to treasury. I had wanted Volker (REALLY wanted Krugman but that's a little ridiculous), but hey, it's better than any Bush picks.
We're are going to have a whole cabinet with the only white man in a position of serious power being Geitner.

This was unimaginable 40 years ago.
Heck, this was unimaginable 5 years ago.

But yeah, he hasn't appointed the defense secretary yet, and that's almost certain to be a white man. But it's still a fact that out of the five most important positions (pres, speaker of the house, treasury sec, sec of state, sec of defense, majority leader of the senate, attorney general) only two or three will be white men. Which is much more in proportion to their actual numbers.

Yeah I did omit vice president. Those dudes have no power.
Treasury Secretary!!!

Obama comes through in his promise to promote CHANGE....

Bill Richardson, the true outsider is appointed to one of the most important cabinent positions, especally in this time of economic turmoil.

I was under the impression that Richardson has been tipped to get the nomination for Commerce Secretary, not Treasury.
Heck, this was unimaginable 5 years ago.

But yeah, he hasn't appointed the defense secretary yet, and that's almost certain to be a white man. But it's still a fact that out of the five most important positions (pres, speaker of the house, treasury sec, sec of state, sec of defense, majority leader of the senate, attorney general) only two or three will be white men. Which is much more in proportion to their actual numbers.

Yeah I did omit vice president. Those dudes have no power.

You omited pres. pro tempore of the Senate. I believe he is an extremely white, and extremely ancient, man.
You omited pres. pro tempore of the Senate. I believe he is an extremely white, and extremely ancient, man.

The president pro tempore isn't nearly as powerful as the majority leader. There are many committee chairman and positions in the house of representatives more powerful than him.
That's not true at all. His powers are much more limited, with most of the speaker of the houses important powers (like deciding whether or not legislation gets a vote) going to the majority leaders.

The Speaker's extensive powers exist because of the Rules Committee that is not found in the Senate. Since the Rules Committee is not an enumerated body, it could just as easily exist in the Senate and over time grant similar privileges to the Pro Tempore.