Obama = Arnold


Well-known member
Reading the thread on spending below it reminded of my thought last night while hearing Obama talking about spending and that was his rhetoric was very similar to Arnold's when he was running for Governor during the recall (not implying he was copying Arnold).

Arnold said he was going to take a scapel to state budget and get rid of wasteful government programs and his famous 'blow up boxes' comment. I hope he's able to and is successful. Arnold faced a Democratic state Congress and didn't really cut sh*t. Maybe with a Democrat controlled Congress Obama will have more success.
Reading the thread on spending below it reminded of my thought last night while hearing Obama talking about spending and that was his rhetoric was very similar to Arnold's when he was running for Governor during the recall (not implying he was copying Arnold).

Arnold said he was going to take a scapel to state budget and get rid of wasteful government programs and his famous 'blow up boxes' comment. I hope he's able to and is successful. Arnold faced a Democratic state Congress and didn't really cut sh*t. Maybe with a Democrat controlled Congress Obama will have more success.
I was never fooled by Arnie, before he even got into power remember he promoted and got passed that new after school social welfare program initiative?
Obama won't cut anything, he already called a spending freeze a hatchet job. And from his own site, the ONE area where Dems have historically actually cut spending in the defense budget, Obama is proposing more spending and having 92000 more troops.
Reading the thread on spending below it reminded of my thought last night while hearing Obama talking about spending and that was his rhetoric was very similar to Arnold's when he was running for Governor during the recall (not implying he was copying Arnold).

Arnold said he was going to take a scapel to state budget and get rid of wasteful government programs and his famous 'blow up boxes' comment. I hope he's able to and is successful. Arnold faced a Democratic state Congress and didn't really cut sh*t. Maybe with a Democrat controlled Congress Obama will have more success.

the dems will likely not get the magic number of 60 in the senate so who knows what will pass without rep support