Obama Backs Bush Faith-Based Initiatives!

Obama urges expansion of faith-based initiative
Democrat gives nod to Bush program while courting evangelicals

By Mike Dorning * Washington Bureau
8:51 PM CDT, July 1, 2008

WASHINGTON—Courting evangelicals and other religious voters, Barack Obama called Tuesday for an expansion of President George W. Bush's initiative distributing federal aid to church-based groups that provide social services.

Obama promised the faith-based initiative would be "central" to his administration if he is elected.

"The challenges we face today—from saving our planet to ending poverty—are simply too big for government to solve alone. We need an all-hands-on-deck approach," Obama said at a news conference outside a community ministry in Zanesville, Ohio.


Now, I find this rather interesting. Obama praises Bush for his Faith Based Initiatives program and plans to expand it. Did he check with you Godless Pinhead Socialist before he did this, because I seem to recall you were all outraged at the mere thought of it when Bush came up with the idea. I guess you'll be all cool with it now that the Democratic Messiah has spoken, but won't it give you the heebie-jeebies to give Bush credit for something?
Dungheap attempted to defend Obama's stance on the issue, and it was a half-assed attempt at that. We already know some (most?) liberals will try to defend Obama when it comes to his support for faith-based initiatives, despite their relentless criticism of President Bush for the exact same thing. Partisan politics. I'm sick of it. We need something new, refreshing, and inspiring. That man is not Barack Obama!
Does this make you more likely to back Obama Dix?

I'm afraid not, I've seen the kind of Faith-based people Obama hangs with, and I am not really impressed. Wouldn't want Rev's Wright and Flagler to be getting any of my tax dollar.

Dangit, I want some insight here! The only reason I posted the stupid pandering from Hussein Obama, was to see how it felt for Pinheads to swallow a big 'ol gulp of "Bush Did Something Right!" I can simply not relate... I know how it felt for me to have to admit Clinton did okay with the economy, it made my stomach hurt a little, and I needed to go take a shower. But I never hated and loathed Clinton like the Pinheads do Bush, I can't imagine what it must be like having to suck that up and give him credit for something.
Dungheap attempted to defend Obama's stance on the issue, and it was a half-assed attempt at that. We already know some (most?) liberals will try to defend Obama when it comes to his support for faith-based initiatives, despite their relentless criticism of President Bush for the exact same thing. Partisan politics. I'm sick of it. We need something new, refreshing, and inspiring. That man is not Barack Obama!

Who has supported him? Are you guys fucking blind?

Stop predicting what we'll do and look at what we're doing - we're not fucking happy about this. At all. Obama is just a conservative in progressive clothing.
Just be patient, right now because the racists twist everything doesn't mean Obama has changed. Don't fall for McSame BS. Once November is over you'll see
I'm afraid not, I've seen the kind of Faith-based people Obama hangs with, and I am not really impressed. Wouldn't want Rev's Wright and Flagler to be getting any of my tax dollar.

Dangit, I want some insight here! The only reason I posted the stupid pandering from Hussein Obama, was to see how it felt for Pinheads to swallow a big 'ol gulp of "Bush Did Something Right!" I can simply not relate... I know how it felt for me to have to admit Clinton did okay with the economy, it made my stomach hurt a little, and I needed to go take a shower. But I never hated and loathed Clinton like the Pinheads do Bush, I can't imagine what it must be like having to suck that up and give him credit for something.

wrongo most of us on the mid to left still think what bush did with this was wrong and think Obama is too.
Some of us do think for ourselves and make our own choices. Not nearly as many wearing Oobama blinders as are still wearing bush blinders.

the only slight improvement in Obama on this is that he says he will keep the faith and charity aspects seperated better than bush did. Ie obey the law on it.
How hard it must be for Dixie to see that we're not hacks like him, and won't try to defend everything Obama does like he defends Bush.

If anything, this thread is a good reminder of how Dixie views politics; completely devoid of objectivity.
How hard it must be for Dixie to see that we're not hacks like him, and won't try to defend everything Obama does like he defends Bush.

If anything, this thread is a good reminder of how Dixie views politics; completely devoid of objectivity.

But, but it has to be either this way or that way, it just has to be....
wrongo most of us on the mid to left still think what bush did with this was wrong and think Obama is too.
Some of us do think for ourselves and make our own choices. Not nearly as many wearing Oobama blinders as are still wearing bush blinders.

the only slight improvement in Obama on this is that he says he will keep the faith and charity aspects seperated better than bush did. Ie obey the law on it.

No shit. If this is true I may sit this one out since voting for a third party candidate is a waste of time. I bet Obama gets called to the carpet on this one.
I actually defended Obama on this because what he is proposing is quite different from what Bush has done with the Faith-Based Initiative programs and is merely a return to the state of affairs that existed from LBJ to Clinton.

I didn't really bitch about it back then, and I have no intention of bitching about it if Obama adopts similar policies on a going-forward basis.
I actually defended Obama on this because what he is proposing is quite different from what Bush has done with the Faith-Based Initiative programs and is merely a return to the state of affairs that existed from LBJ to Clinton.

I didn't really bitch about it back then, and I have no intention of bitching about it if Obama adopts similar policies on a going-forward basis.

I didn't bitch about Bush's faith-based initiatives, either; just Dixie's projection at work. Compared to the enormous damage Bush has done to America in other areas, these were nothing. I didn't really have a problem w/ them.

I do love how Dixie thought this was some kind of "gotcha", though.