Obama: Bill Clinton "not factually accurate" (What was his first clue?)


New member
Apparently Democrats are starting to notice something about Bill Clinton that Republicans and conservatives have been pointing out for at least 16 years: The man tells lies. A lot. So much that it can accurately be called "a habit".

Apparently as long as those lies were in support of the Democrat party, they were OK. But now that Clinton is spouting his usual BS against some members of the Dems (those who oppose his wife), now suddenly it's "pretty troubling".

Sorry, Barack. Live by the fib, and you die by the fib. Something the Democrats (all of them) will have to adjust to in the coming months.

It's a supremely ironic form of justice, though, that Clinton has never been called to account for his more routine whoppers, until Democrats called him on it themselves. Reporters routinely laughed such accusations off as partisan finger-pointing (a responce that allowed them to duck the issue of whether Bill's words were actually true or not)... until they noticed that Democrats were the ones complaining about Bill this time.

What will the press do now???



EXCLUSIVE: Barack vs. Bill: Obama Hits Ex-Prez Over 'Troubling' Attacks

Vows to 'Directly Confront Bill Clinton' Over 'Statements That Are Not Factually Accurate'

(Reuters) Jan. 20, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama says he's ready to confront former President Bill Clinton, calling his advocacy on behalf of his wife's presidential campaign, "troubling."

In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Robin Roberts to air Monday on "Good Morning America," Obama, D-Ill., directly engages Bill Clinton on a series of issues.

"You know the former president, who I think all of us have a lot of regard for, has taken his advocacy on behalf of his wife to a level that I think is pretty troubling," Obama said. "He continues to make statements that are not supported by the facts -- whether it's about my record of opposition to the war in Iraq or our approach to organizing in Las Vegas.

"This has become a habit, and one of the things that we're going to have to do is to directly confront Bill Clinton when he's making statements that are not factually accurate," Obama said.

Watch the full interview on "Good Morning America" Monday at 7 a.m. ET.

Obama was apparently referring to Clinton's comment that it was a "fairy tale" that Obama has consistently opposed the Iraq war from the start, and that Nevada union officials backing Obama were strong-arming members into caucusing for Obama.
The reason to stop the presses, is because a Democrat is complaining about a dishonest Dem politician.

You know a Clinton problem is severe, when even a Democrat notices it.
The thing of it is, it took a couple years to get Bush from huge numbers like Clinton's among D's down to a low approval rating. It will take at least that long to bash Clinton to get people in the D party to start seeing him that way. He doesn't have enough time to use such effectively in a campaign that will be over this year.

This doesn't seem like a wise tactic.
The truth is that virtually all politicians lie. That is the reason when the congress passed the truth in advertising law political speak was specifically made exempt.
No, he's ticked off because its past his bedtime.
He's ticked off because Heath Ledger is dead, and WM's dream of being 'plundered' by the aforementioned, now dead actor is no longer possible.